
Snapd désinstallé avec les applications du système principal

Après l'installation d'Ubuntu 18.04, j'ai remarqué un trafic très chargé en bande passante avec le processus snapd et comme je n'utilise pas d'applications de capture instantanée, j'ai décidé de la supprimer.

J'ai utilisé cette commande $ Sudo apt purge snapd ubuntu-core-launcher squashfs-tools

et c'est la sortie

Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
Package 'ubuntu-core-launcher' is not installed, so not removed
The following packages will be REMOVED:
  gnome-software-plugin-snap* snapd* squashfs-tools*
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 3 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
After this operation, 57.4 MB disk space will be freed.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n] 
(Reading database ... 317306 files and directories currently installed.)
Removing gnome-software-plugin-snap (3.28.1-0ubuntu4) ...
Removing snapd (2.32.5+18.04) ...
Removing squashfs-tools (1:4.3-6) ...
Processing triggers for man-db (2.8.3-2) ...
(Reading database ... 317244 files and directories currently installed.)
Purging configuration files for snapd (2.32.5+18.04) ...
Stopping snap-communitheme-97.mount
Stopping unit snap-communitheme-97.mount
Waiting until unit snap-communitheme-97.mount is stopped [attempt 1]
snap-communitheme-97.mount is stopped.
Removing snap communitheme and revision 97
Removing snap-communitheme-97.mount
Stopping snap-core-4486.mount
Stopping unit snap-core-4486.mount
Waiting until unit snap-core-4486.mount is stopped [attempt 1]
snap-core-4486.mount is stopped.
Removing snap core and revision 4486
Removing snap-core-4486.mount
Stopping snap-gnome\x2d3\x2d26\x2d1604-59.mount
Stopping unit snap-gnome\x2d3\x2d26\x2d1604-59.mount
Waiting until unit snap-gnome\x2d3\x2d26\x2d1604-59.mount is stopped [attempt 1]
snap-gnome\x2d3\x2d26\x2d1604-59.mount is stopped.
Removing snap gnome-3-26-1604 and revision 59
Removing snap-gnome\x2d3\x2d26\x2d1604-59.mount
Stopping snap-gnome\x2dcalculator-154.mount
Stopping unit snap-gnome\x2dcalculator-154.mount
Waiting until unit snap-gnome\x2dcalculator-154.mount is stopped [attempt 1]
snap-gnome\x2dcalculator-154.mount is stopped.
Removing snap gnome-calculator and revision 154
Removing snap-gnome\x2dcalculator-154.mount
Stopping snap-gnome\x2dcharacters-69.mount
Stopping unit snap-gnome\x2dcharacters-69.mount
Waiting until unit snap-gnome\x2dcharacters-69.mount is stopped [attempt 1]
snap-gnome\x2dcharacters-69.mount is stopped.
Removing snap gnome-characters and revision 69
Removing snap-gnome\x2dcharacters-69.mount
Stopping snap-gnome\x2dlogs-25.mount
Stopping unit snap-gnome\x2dlogs-25.mount
Waiting until unit snap-gnome\x2dlogs-25.mount is stopped [attempt 1]
snap-gnome\x2dlogs-25.mount is stopped.
Removing snap gnome-logs and revision 25
Removing snap-gnome\x2dlogs-25.mount
Stopping snap-gnome\x2dsystem\x2dmonitor-36.mount
Stopping unit snap-gnome\x2dsystem\x2dmonitor-36.mount
Waiting until unit snap-gnome\x2dsystem\x2dmonitor-36.mount is stopped [attempt 1]
snap-gnome\x2dsystem\x2dmonitor-36.mount is stopped.
Removing snap gnome-system-monitor and revision 36
Removing snap-gnome\x2dsystem\x2dmonitor-36.mount
Stopping snap-spotify-x1.mount
Stopping unit snap-spotify-x1.mount
Waiting until unit snap-spotify-x1.mount is stopped [attempt 1]
snap-spotify-x1.mount is stopped.
Removing snap spotify and revision x1
Removing snap-spotify-x1.mount
Final directory cleanup
Discarding preserved snap namespaces
umount: /run/snapd/ns/vlc.mnt: not mounted.
Removing extra snap-confine apparmor rules
Removing snapd cache
Removing snapd state

J'ai remarqué qu'il supprimait les applications du système principal. Comment puis-je annuler le processus à nouveau pour restaurer la capture et ces applications à nouveau.

merci d'avance

AbdElraouf Sabri

Si vous désinstallez par erreur des paquets centraux sur un système Ubuntu, il est possible de ranger les paquets deb simplement en une seule commande: -

Note: Cela suppose que vous ayez déjà installé le produit Ubuntu en stock, et non l'une des autres versions.

Sudo apt install ubuntu-desktop^ 

Une fois que snapd est réinstallé (comme il se doit avec la commande ci-dessus), vous pouvez réinstaller les snaps qui sont pré-installés avec: -

Sudo snap install gnome-calculator
Sudo snap install gnome-characters
Sudo snap install gnome-logs
Sudo snap install gnome-system-monitor

Répétez simplement cette procédure ou utilisez le logiciel graphique Ubuntu pour les instantanés supplémentaires tels que communititheme, vlc et autres.
