
Retourne l'index d'un élément dans un tableau Excel VBA

J'ai un tableau prLst qui est une liste d'entiers. Les entiers ne sont pas triés, car leur position dans le tableau représente une colonne particulière sur une feuille de calcul. Je veux savoir comment je trouve un entier particulier dans le tableau et renvoie son index. 

Il ne semble y avoir aucune ressource pour me montrer comment faire sans transformer le tableau en plage sur la feuille de calcul. Cela semble un peu compliqué. N'est-ce pas possible avec VBA?

Dim pos, arr, val

val = 4

pos=Application.Match(val, arr, False)

if not iserror(pos) then
   Msgbox val & " is at position " & pos
   Msgbox val & " not found!"
end if

Mis à jour pour montrer en utilisant Match (avec .Index) pour trouver une valeur dans une dimension d'un tableau à deux dimensions:

Dim arr(1 To 10, 1 To 2)
Dim x

For x = 1 To 10
    arr(x, 1) = x
    arr(x, 2) = 11 - x
Next x

Debug.Print Application.Match(3, Application.Index(arr, 0, 1), 0)
Debug.Print Application.Match(3, Application.Index(arr, 0, 2), 0)

EDIT: cela vaut la peine d’illustrer ici ce que @ARich a souligné dans les commentaires - que l’utilisation de Index() pour découper un tableau a des performances horribles si vous le faites en boucle.

Lors des tests (code ci-dessous), l'approche Index () est presque 2000 fois plus lente que l'utilisation d'une boucle imbriquée.

Sub PerfTest()

    Const VAL_TO_FIND As String = "R1800:C8"
    Dim a(1 To 2000, 1 To 10)
    Dim r As Long, c As Long, t

    For r = 1 To 2000
        For c = 1 To 10
            a(r, c) = "R" & r & ":C" & c
        Next c
    Next r

    t = Timer
    Debug.Print FindLoop(a, VAL_TO_FIND), Timer - t
    ' >> 0.00781 sec

     t = Timer
    Debug.Print FindIndex(a, VAL_TO_FIND), Timer - t
    ' >> 14.18 sec

End Sub

Function FindLoop(arr, val) As Boolean
    Dim r As Long, c As Long
    For r = 1 To UBound(arr, 1)
    For c = 1 To UBound(arr, 2)
        If arr(r, c) = val Then
            FindLoop = True
            Exit Function
        End If
    Next c
    Next r
End Function

Function FindIndex(arr, val)
    Dim r As Long
    For r = 1 To UBound(arr, 1)
        If Not IsError(Application.Match(val, Application.Index(arr, r, 0), 0)) Then
            FindIndex = True
            Exit Function
        End If
    Next r
End Function
Tim Williams

tableau de variantes:

    Public Function GetIndex(ByRef iaList() As Variant, ByVal value As Variant) As Long

    Dim i As Long

     For i = LBound(iaList) To UBound(iaList)
      If value = iaList(i) Then
       GetIndex = i
       Exit For
      End If
     Next i

    End Function

une version la plus rapide pour les entiers (comme testé ci-dessous)

    Public Function GetIndex(ByRef iaList() As Integer, ByVal value As Integer) As Integer
     Dim i As Integer

     For i = LBound(iaList) To UBound(iaList)
      If iaList(i) = value Then: GetIndex = i: Exit For:
     Next i

    End Function

' a snippet, replace myList and myValue to your varible names: (also have not tested)

un extrait de code, permet de tester l'hypothèse que le passage par référence comme argument signifie quelque chose. (la réponse est non) pour l'utiliser remplacez myList et myValue par vos noms de variables:

  Dim found As Integer, foundi As Integer ' put only once
  found = -1
  For foundi = LBound(myList) To UBound(myList):
   If myList(foundi) = myValue Then
    found = foundi: Exit For
   End If
  result = found

pour prouver le point que j'ai fait quelques repères 

voici les résultats:

result0: 5 ' just empty loop

result1: 2702  ' function variant array

result2: 1498  ' function integer array

result3: 2511 ' snippet variant array

result4: 1508 ' snippet integer array

result5: 58493 ' Excel function Application.Match on variant array

result6: 136128 ' Excel function Application.Match on integer array

un module:

Public Declare Function GetTickCount Lib "kernel32.dll" () As Long
#If VBA7 Then
    Public Declare PtrSafe Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As LongPtr) 'For 64 Bit Systems
    Public Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long) 'For 32 Bit Systems
#End If

    Public Function GetIndex1(ByRef iaList() As Variant, ByVal value As Variant) As Long

    Dim i As Long

     For i = LBound(iaList) To UBound(iaList)
      If value = iaList(i) Then
       GetIndex = i
       Exit For
      End If
     Next i

    End Function

'maybe a faster variant for integers

    Public Function GetIndex2(ByRef iaList() As Integer, ByVal value As Integer) As Integer
     Dim i As Integer

     For i = LBound(iaList) To UBound(iaList)
      If iaList(i) = value Then: GetIndex = i: Exit For:
     Next i

    End Function

' a snippet, replace myList and myValue to your varible names: (also have not tested)

    Public Sub test1()
     Dim i As Integer

     For i = LBound(iaList) To UBound(iaList)
      If iaList(i) = value Then: GetIndex = i: Exit For:
     Next i

    End Sub

Sub testTimer()

Dim myList(500) As Variant, myValue As Variant
Dim myList2(500) As Integer, myValue2 As Integer
Dim n

For n = 1 To 500
myList(n) = n

For n = 1 To 500
myList2(n) = n

myValue = 100
myValue2 = 100

Dim oPM
Set oPM = New PerformanceMonitor
Dim result0 As Long
Dim result1 As Long
Dim result2 As Long
Dim result3 As Long
Dim result4 As Long
Dim result5 As Long
Dim result6 As Long

Dim t As Long

Dim a As Long

a = 0
Dim i
't = GetTickCount
For i = 1 To 1000000

result0 = oPM.TimeElapsed() '  GetTickCount - t

a = 0

't = GetTickCount
For i = 1 To 1000000
a = GetIndex1(myList, myValue)
result1 = oPM.TimeElapsed()
'result1 = GetTickCount - t

a = 0

't = GetTickCount
For i = 1 To 1000000
a = GetIndex2(myList2, myValue2)
result2 = oPM.TimeElapsed()
'result2 = GetTickCount - t

a = 0

't = GetTickCount

Dim found As Integer, foundi As Integer ' put only once
For i = 1 To 1000000
found = -1
For foundi = LBound(myList) To UBound(myList):
 If myList(foundi) = myValue Then
  found = foundi: Exit For
 End If
a = found
result3 = oPM.TimeElapsed()
'result3 = GetTickCount - t

a = 0

't = GetTickCount

For i = 1 To 1000000
found = -1
For foundi = LBound(myList2) To UBound(myList2):
 If myList2(foundi) = myValue2 Then
  found = foundi: Exit For
 End If
a = found
result4 = oPM.TimeElapsed()
'result4 = GetTickCount - t

a = 0

't = GetTickCount
For i = 1 To 1000000
a = pos = Application.Match(myValue, myList, False)
result5 = oPM.TimeElapsed()
'result5 = GetTickCount - t

a = 0

't = GetTickCount
For i = 1 To 1000000
a = pos = Application.Match(myValue2, myList2, False)
result6 = oPM.TimeElapsed()
'result6 = GetTickCount - t

MsgBox "result0: " & result0 & vbCrLf & "result1: " & result1 & vbCrLf & "result2: " & result2 & vbCrLf & "result3: " & result3 & vbCrLf & "result4: " & result4 & vbCrLf & "result5: " & result5 & vbCrLf & "result6: " & result6, , "Milliseconds"
End Sub

une classe nommée PerformanceMonitor

Option Explicit

    lowpart As Long
    highpart As Long
End Type

Private Declare Function QueryPerformanceCounter Lib "kernel32" (lpPerformanceCount As LARGE_INTEGER) As Long
Private Declare Function QueryPerformanceFrequency Lib "kernel32" (lpFrequency As LARGE_INTEGER) As Long

Private m_CounterStart As LARGE_INTEGER
Private m_CounterEnd As LARGE_INTEGER
Private m_crFrequency As Double

Private Const TWO_32 = 4294967296# ' = 256# * 256# * 256# * 256#

Private Function LI2Double(LI As LARGE_INTEGER) As Double
Dim Low As Double
    Low = LI.lowpart
    If Low < 0 Then
        Low = Low + TWO_32
    End If
    LI2Double = LI.highpart * TWO_32 + Low
End Function

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Dim PerfFrequency As LARGE_INTEGER
    QueryPerformanceFrequency PerfFrequency
    m_crFrequency = LI2Double(PerfFrequency)
End Sub

Public Sub StartCounter()
    QueryPerformanceCounter m_CounterStart
End Sub

Property Get TimeElapsed() As Double
Dim crStart As Double
Dim crStop As Double
    QueryPerformanceCounter m_CounterEnd
    crStart = LI2Double(m_CounterStart)
    crStop = LI2Double(m_CounterEnd)
    TimeElapsed = 1000# * (crStop - crStart) / m_crFrequency
End Property
Shimon Doodkin

Voici un autre moyen: 

Option Explicit

' Just a little test stub. 
Sub Tester()

    Dim pList(500) As Integer
    Dim i As Integer

    For i = 0 To UBound(pList)

        pList(i) = 500 - i

    Next i

    MsgBox "Value 18 is at array position " & FindInArray(pList, 18) & "."
    MsgBox "Value 217 is at array position " & FindInArray(pList, 217) & "."
    MsgBox "Value 1001 is at array position " & FindInArray(pList, 1001) & "."

End Sub

Function FindInArray(pList() As Integer, value As Integer)

    Dim i As Integer
    Dim FoundValueLocation As Integer

    FoundValueLocation = -1

    For i = 0 To UBound(pList)

        If pList(i) = value Then

            FoundValueLocation = i
            Exit For

        End If

    Next i

    FindInArray = FoundValueLocation

End Function
Paul McLain
'To return the position of an element within any-dimension array  
'Returns 0 if the element is not in the array, and -1 if there is an error  
Public Function posInArray(ByVal itemSearched As Variant, ByVal aArray As Variant) As Long  
Dim pos As Long, item As Variant  

posInArray = -1  
If IsArray(aArray) Then  
    If not IsEmpty(aArray) Then  
        pos = 1  
        For Each item In aArray  
            If itemSearched = item Then  
                posInArray = pos  
                Exit Function  
            End If  
            pos = pos + 1  
        Next item  
        posInArray = 0  
    End If  
End If

End Function

Le seul moyen (et même si encombrant mais néanmoins rapide/relativement rapide) de le faire est de concaténer le tableau à une dimension et de le réduire à une dimension, avec "/ [numéro de colonne] //\|" comme le délimiteur.

& utilisez une fonction de macro de recherche multiple de résultat à cellule unique dans la colonne this 1-d. 

& puis index match pour sortir les positions. (utilisation de plusieurs correspondances)

De cette façon, vous obtenez toutes les occurrences correspondantes de l'élément/chaîne que vous recherchez, dans le tableau any-dimension d'origine, ainsi que leurs positions. Dans une cellule.

J'aimerais pouvoir écrire une macro/fonction pour tout ce processus. Cela me ferait économiser plus de tracas. 

David Woolley

Est-ce ce que vous recherchez?

public function GetIndex(byref iaList() as integer, byval iInteger as integer) as integer

dim i as integer

 for i=lbound(ialist) to ubound(ialist)
  if iInteger=ialist(i) then
   exit for
  end if
 next i

end function

Déterminer si le tableau commence à zéro ou à un ..... De plus, lorsque la fonction renvoie la position 0 ou 1, assurez-vous qu'elle n'est pas confondue avec True ou False, renvoyés par la fonction.

Function array_return_index(arr As Variant, val As Variant, Optional array_start_at_zero As Boolean = True) As Variant

Dim pos
pos = Application.Match(val, arr, False)

If Not IsError(pos) Then
    If array_start_at_zero = True Then
        pos = pos - 1
        'initializing array at 0
    End If
   array_return_index = pos
   array_return_index = False
End If

End Function

Sub array_return_index_test()
Dim pos, arr, val

arr = Array(1, 2, 4, 5)
val = 1

'When array starts at zero
pos = array_return_index(arr, val)
If IsNumeric(pos) Then
MsgBox "Array starting at 0; Value found at : " & pos
MsgBox "Not found"
End If

'When array starts at one
pos = array_return_index(arr, val, False)
If IsNumeric(pos) Then
MsgBox "Array starting at 1; Value found at : " & pos
MsgBox "Not found"
End If

End Sub