
Comment passer plusieurs paramètres à une méthode get dans ASP.NET Core

Comment puis-je transmettre plusieurs paramètres à des méthodes Get dans un contrôleur MVC 6? Par exemple, je veux pouvoir avoir quelque chose comme ce qui suit.

public class PersonController : Controller
    public string Get(int id)

    public string Get(string firstName, string lastName)


    public string Get(string firstName, string lastName, string address)


Donc, je peux interroger comme.


Vous pouvez aussi utiliser ceci:

 // GET api/user/firstname/lastname/address


public string GetQuery(string id, string firstName, string lastName,string      address)
 return $"{firstName}:{lastName}";

Pourquoi ne pas utiliser une seule action de contrôleur?

public string Get(int? id, string firstName, string lastName, string address)
   if (id.HasValue)
   else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(address))
      GetByName(firstName, lastName);
      GetByNameAddress(firstName, lastName, address);

Une autre option consiste à utiliser le routage d'attribut, mais vous devrez alors avoir un format d'URL différent:

public string Get(int id)

public string Get(string firstName, string lastName, string address)

Pour analyser les paramètres de recherche à partir de l'URL, vous devez annoter les paramètres de méthode du contrôleur avec [FromQuery], par exemple:

public class PersonController : Controller
    public string GetById([FromQuery]int id)


    public string GetByName([FromQuery]string firstName, [FromQuery]string lastName)


    public string GetByNameAndAddress([FromQuery]string firstName, [FromQuery]string lastName, [FromQuery]string address)

Mark Hughes

Je pense que le moyen le plus simple consiste simplement à utiliser AttributeRouting.

    public string Get(int paramOne, int paramTwo)
        return "The [Route] with multiple params worked";

 enter image description here

NB-J'ai enlevé FromURI. Je peux toujours transmettre la valeur de l'URL et obtenir un résultat. Si quelqu'un connaît les avantages d'utiliser fromuri, faites-le moi savoir.

saktiprasad swain

L'utilisation d'une URL de style param1/param2/param3 échoue dans certains cas, lorsqu'une URL comme param1/undefined/pram3 est générée par l'interface frontale (angulaire par exemple).

public async Task<ActionResult<IEnumerable<SomeType>>> GetDataByParams(string prms)
     string[] paramsArray = prms.Split("===");//Separate params in one string
     string param1= paramsArray[0].Trim();
     string param2= paramsArray[1].Trim();
     string param3= paramsArray[2].Trim();

L'URL résultante est par exemple: http: // localhost: 51975/api/VotreContrôleur/params/PARAM1 === PARAM2 ..

    public HttpResponseMessage Get(int id,string numb)

        using (MarketEntities entities = new MarketEntities())
          var ent=  entities.Api_For_Test.FirstOrDefault(e => e.ID == id && e.IDNO.ToString()== numb);
            if (ent != null)
                return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, ent);
                return Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, "Applicant with ID " + id.ToString() + " not found in the system");
Jesse Mwangi

Pour ajouter plus de détails sur la surcharge que vous avez évoquée dans votre commentaire après une autre réponse, voici un résumé. Les commentaires dans ApiController indiquent quelle action sera appelée avec chaque requête GET:

public class ValuesController : ApiController
    // EXPLANATION: See the view for the buttons which call these WebApi actions. For WebApi controllers, 
    //          there can only be one action for a given HTTP verb (GET, POST, etc) which has the same method signature, (even if the param names differ) so
    //          you can't have Get(string height) and Get(string width), but you can have Get(int height) and Get(string width).
    //          It isn't a particularly good idea to do that, but it is true. The key names in the query string must match the
    //          parameter names in the action, and the match is NOT case sensitive. This demo app allows you to test each of these
    //          rules, as follows:
    // When you send an HTTP GET request with no parameters (/api/values) then the Get() action will be called.
    // When you send an HTTP GET request with a height parameter (/api/values?height=5) then the Get(int height) action will be called.
    // When you send an HTTP GET request with a width parameter (/api/values?width=8) then the Get(string width) action will be called.
    // When you send an HTTP GET request with height and width parameters (/api/values?height=3&width=7) then the 
    //          Get(string height, string width) action will be called.
    // When you send an HTTP GET request with a depth parameter (/api/values?depth=2) then the Get() action will be called
    //          and the depth parameter will be obtained from Request.GetQueryNameValuePairs().
    // When you send an HTTP GET request with height and depth parameters (/api/values?height=4&depth=5) then the Get(int height) 
    //          action will be called, and the depth parameter would need to be obtained from Request.GetQueryNameValuePairs().
    // When you send an HTTP GET request with width and depth parameters (/api/values?width=3&depth=5) then the Get(string width) 
    //          action will be called, and the depth parameter would need to be obtained from Request.GetQueryNameValuePairs().
    // When you send an HTTP GET request with height, width and depth parameters (/api/values?height=7&width=2&depth=9) then the 
    //          Get(string height, string width) action will be called, and the depth parameter would need to be obtained from 
    //          Request.GetQueryNameValuePairs().
    // When you send an HTTP GET request with a width parameter, but with the first letter of the parameter capitalized (/api/values?Width=8) 
    //          then the Get(string width) action will be called because the case does NOT matter.
    // NOTE: If you were to uncomment the Get(string height) action below, then you would get an error about there already being  
    //          a member named Get with the same parameter types. The same goes for Get(int id).
    // ANOTHER NOTE: Using the nullable operator (e.g. string? paramName) you can make optional parameters. It would work better to
    //          demonstrate this in another ApiController, since using nullable params and having a lot of signatures is a recipe
    //          for confusion.

    // GET api/values
    public IEnumerable<string> Get()
        return Request.GetQueryNameValuePairs().Select(pair => "Get() => " + pair.Key + ": " + pair.Value);
        //return new string[] { "value1", "value2" };

    //// GET api/values/5
    //public IEnumerable<string> Get(int id)
    //    return new string[] { "Get(height) => height: " + id };

    // GET api/values?height=5
    public IEnumerable<string> Get(int height) // int id)
        return new string[] { "Get(height) => height: " + height };

    // GET api/values?height=3
    public IEnumerable<string> Get(string height)
        return new string[] { "Get(height) => height: " + height };

    //// GET api/values?width=3
    //public IEnumerable<string> Get(string width)
    //    return new string[] { "Get(width) => width: " + width };

    // GET api/values?height=4&width=3
    public IEnumerable<string> Get(string height, string width)
        return new string[] { "Get(height, width) => height: " + height + ", width: " + width };

Vous n’auriez besoin que d’un seul itinéraire pour cela, au cas où vous vous demanderiez:

        name: "DefaultApi",
        routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{id}",
        defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional }

et vous pouvez tout tester avec cette vue MVC, ou quelque chose de similaire. Oui, je sais que vous n'êtes pas censé mélanger JavaScript avec du balisage et je n'utilise pas bootstrap comme vous le feriez normalement, mais ceci est uniquement à des fins de démonstration.

<div class="jumbotron">
    <h1>Multiple parameters test</h1>
    <p class="lead">Click a link below, which will send an HTTP GET request with parameters to a WebAPI controller.</p>
<script language="javascript">
    function passNothing() {
        $.get("/api/values", function (data) { alert(data); });

    function passHeight(height) {
        $.get("/api/values?height=" + height, function (data) { alert(data); });

    function passWidth(width) {
        $.get("/api/values?width=" + width, function (data) { alert(data); });

    function passHeightAndWidth(height, width) {
        $.get("/api/values?height=" + height + "&width=" + width, function (data) { alert(data); });

    function passDepth(depth) {
        $.get("/api/values?depth=" + depth, function (data) { alert(data); });

    function passHeightAndDepth(height, depth) {
        $.get("/api/values?height=" + height + "&depth=" + depth, function (data) { alert(data); });

    function passWidthAndDepth(width, depth) {
        $.get("/api/values?width=" + width + "&depth=" + depth, function (data) { alert(data); });

    function passHeightWidthAndDepth(height, width, depth) {
        $.get("/api/values?height=" + height + "&width=" + width + "&depth=" + depth, function (data) { alert(data); });

    function passWidthWithPascalCase(width) {
        $.get("/api/values?Width=" + width, function (data) { alert(data); });
<div class="row">
    <button class="btn" onclick="passNothing();">Pass Nothing</button>
    <button class="btn" onclick="passHeight(5);">Pass Height of 5</button>
    <button class="btn" onclick="passWidth(8);">Pass Width of 8</button>
    <button class="btn" onclick="passHeightAndWidth(3, 7);">Pass Height of 3 and Width of 7</button>
    <button class="btn" onclick="passDepth(2);">Pass Depth of 2</button>
    <button class="btn" onclick="passHeightAndDepth(4, 5);">Pass Height of 4 and Depth of 5</button>
    <button class="btn" onclick="passWidthAndDepth(3, 5);">Pass Width of 3 and Depth of 5</button>
    <button class="btn" onclick="passHeightWidthAndDepth(7, 2, 9);">Pass Height of 7, Width of 2 and Depth of 9</button>
    <button class="btn" onclick="passHeightWidthAndDepth(7, 2, 9);">Pass Height of 7, Width of 2 and Depth of 9</button>
    <button class="btn" onclick="passWidthWithPascalCase(8);">Pass Width of 8, but with Pascal case</button>
Kent Weigel