
Créer une liste chaînée très simple

J'essaie de créer une liste chaînée pour voir si je le peux et j'ai du mal à comprendre. Quelqu'un at-il un exemple d’une implémentation très simple de la liste liée en C #? Tous les exemples que j'ai trouvés jusqu'à présent sont assez exagérés. 


Une liste chaînée est composée d'un ensemble de nœuds liés entre eux.

Donc, vous devez commencer avec une classe de nœud simple:

public class Node {
    public Node next;
    public Object data;

Ensuite, votre liste liée aura comme membre un nœud représentant le début de la liste:

public class LinkedList {
    private Node head;

Ensuite, vous devez ajouter des fonctionnalités à la liste en ajoutant des méthodes. Ils impliquent généralement une sorte de traversée le long de tous les nœuds.

public void printAllNodes() {
    Node current = head;
    while (current != null) 
        current = current.next;

En outre, l'insertion de nouvelles données est une autre opération courante:

public void Add(Object data) {
    Node toAdd = new Node();
    toAdd.data = data;
    Node current = head;
    // traverse all nodes (see the print all nodes method for an example)
    current.next = toAdd;

Cela devrait fournir un bon point de départ.


Basé sur ce que @jjnguy a dit et sur la correction du bogue dans son PrintAllNodes (), voici l'exemple complet de l'application console:

public class Node
    public Node next;
    public Object data;

public class LinkedList
    private Node head;

    public void printAllNodes()
        Node current = head;
        while (current != null)
            current = current.next;

    public void AddFirst(Object data)
        Node toAdd = new Node();

        toAdd.data = data;
        toAdd.next = head;

        head = toAdd;

    public void AddLast(Object data)
        if (head == null)
            head = new Node();

            head.data = data;
            head.next = null;
            Node toAdd = new Node();
            toAdd.data = data;

            Node current = head;
            while (current.next != null)
                current = current.next;

            current.next = toAdd;

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        Console.WriteLine("Add First:");
        LinkedList myList1 = new LinkedList();



        Console.WriteLine("Add Last:");
        LinkedList myList2 = new LinkedList();



Celui-ci est Nice: 

  namespace ConsoleApplication1

    // T is the type of data stored in a particular instance of GenericList.
    public class GenericList<T>
        private class Node
            // Each node has a reference to the next node in the list.
            public Node Next;
            // Each node holds a value of type T.
            public T Data;

        // The list is initially empty.
        private Node head = null;

        // Add a node at the beginning of the list with t as its data value.
        public void AddNode(T t)
            Node newNode = new Node();
            newNode.Next = head;
            newNode.Data = t;
            head = newNode;

        // The following method returns the data value stored in the last node in
        // the list. If the list is empty, the default value for type T is
        // returned.
        public T GetFirstAdded()
            // The value of temp is returned as the value of the method. 
            // The following declaration initializes temp to the appropriate 
            // default value for type T. The default value is returned if the 
            // list is empty.
            T temp = default(T);

            Node current = head;
            while (current != null)
                temp = current.Data;
                current = current.Next;
            return temp;

Code de test:

static void Main(string[] args)
    // Test with a non-empty list of integers.
    GenericList<int> gll = new GenericList<int>();
    int intVal = gll.GetFirstAdded();
    // The following line displays 5.

Je l'ai rencontré sur msdn ici


Je suis débutant et cela m'a aidé:

class List
    private Element Root;

Tout d'abord, vous créez la classe List qui contiendra toutes les méthodes . Ensuite, vous créez la classe Node-Class, je l'appellerai Element.

class Element
    public int Value;
    public Element Next;

Ensuite, vous pouvez commencer à ajouter des méthodes à votre classe List. Voici une méthode 'add' par exemple.

public void Add(int value)
    Element newElement = new Element();
    newElement.Value = value;

    Element rootCopy = Root;
    Root = newElement;
    newElement.Next = rootCopy;


En voici une avec IEnumerable et une méthode inverse récursive, bien qu'elle ne soit pas plus rapide que la boucle while de la méthode Reverse: les deux sont O (n):

   public class LinkedList<T> : IEnumerable
    private Node<T> _head = null;

    public Node<T> Add(T value)
        var node = new Node<T> {Value = value};

        if (_head == null)
            _head = node;
            var current = _head;
            while (current.Next != null)
                current = current.Next;
            current.Next = node; //new head

        return node;

    public T Remove(Node<T> node)
        if (_head == null)
            return node.Value;

        if (_head == node)
            _head = _head.Next;
            node.Next = null;
            return node.Value;

        var current = _head;
        while (current.Next != null)
            if (current.Next == node)
                current.Next = node.Next;
                return node.Value;

            current = current.Next;

        return node.Value;

    public void Reverse()
        Node<T> prev = null;
        var current = _head;

        if (current == null)

        while (current != null)
            var next = current.Next;
            current.Next = prev;
            prev = current;
            current = next;

        _head = prev;

    public void ReverseRecurisve()
        reverseRecurive(_head, null);

    private void reverseRecurive(Node<T> current, Node<T> prev)
        if (current.Next == null)
            _head = current;
            _head.Next = prev;

        var next = current.Next;
        current.Next = prev;
        reverseRecurive(next, current);

    public IEnumerator<T> Enumerator()
        var current = _head;
        while (current != null)
            yield return current.Value;
            current = current.Next;

    public IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
        return Enumerator();

public class Node<T>
    public T Value { get; set; }
    public Node<T> Next { get; set; }
Brian Ogden
public class Node
    private Object data;

    public Node next {get;set;}

    public Node(Object data)
    this.data = data;


 public class Linkedlist
    Node head;

    public void Add(Node n) 
    n.Next = this.Head;
    this.Head = n;

en utilisant: 

LinkedList sample = new LinkedList();
sample.add(new Node("first"));
sample.Add(new Node("second"))

Une simple recherche sur Google a donné cet article:


semble assez simple à première vue ...

De plus, lorsque vous êtes prêt pour le niveau suivant, utilisez le réflecteur pour examiner le propre Microsoft LinkedList

Ohad Schneider

Je donne un extrait du livre "C # 6.0 en bref de Joseph Albahari et Ben Albahari"

Voici une démonstration de l’utilisation de LinkedList:

var tune = new LinkedList<string>();
tune.AddFirst ("do"); // do
tune.AddLast ("so"); // do - so
tune.AddAfter (tune.First, "re"); // do - re- so
tune.AddAfter (tune.First.Next, "mi"); // do - re - mi- so
tune.AddBefore (tune.Last, "fa"); // do - re - mi - fa- so
tune.RemoveFirst(); // re - mi - fa - so
tune.RemoveLast(); // re - mi - fa
LinkedListNode<string> miNode = tune.Find ("mi");
tune.Remove (miNode); // re - fa
tune.AddFirst (miNode); // mi- re - fa
foreach (string s in tune) Console.WriteLine (s);

Voici une bonne implémentation.

  1. Il est court mais implémenté Add (x), Delete (x), Contain (x) et Print ().
  2. Cela évite un processus spécial lors de l'ajout à une liste vide ou la suppression du premier élément . La plupart des autres exemples utilisaient un processus spécial lors de la suppression du premier élément.
  3. La liste peut contenir n’importe quel type de données.

    using System;
    class Node<Type> : LinkedList<Type>
    {   // Why inherit from LinkedList? A: We need to use polymorphism.
        public Type value;
        public Node(Type value) { this.value = value; }
    class LinkedList<Type>
        Node<Type> next;  // This member is treated as head in class LinkedList, but treated as next element in class Node.
        /// <summary> if x is in list, return previos pointer of x. (We can see any class variable as a pointer.)
        /// if not found, return the tail of the list. </summary>
        protected LinkedList<Type> Previos(Type x)
            LinkedList<Type> p = this;      // point to head
            for (; p.next != null; p = p.next)
                if (p.next.value.Equals(x))
                    return p;               // find x, return the previos pointer.
            return p;                       // not found, p is the tail.
        /// <summary> return value: true = success ; false = x not exist </summary>
        public bool Contain(Type x) { return Previos(x).next != null ? true : false; }
        /// <summary> return value: true = success ; false = fail to add. Because x already exist. 
        /// </summary> // why return value? If caller want to know the result, they don't need to call Contain(x) before, the action waste time.
        public bool Add(Type x)
            LinkedList<Type> p = Previos(x);
            if (p.next != null)             // Find x already in list
                return false;
            p.next = new Node<Type>(x);
            return true;
        /// <summary> return value: true = success ; false = x not exist </summary>
        public bool Delete(Type x)
            LinkedList<Type> p = Previos(x);
            if (p.next == null)
                return false;
            //Node<Type> node = p.next;
            p.next = p.next.next;
            //node.Dispose();       // GC dispose automatically.
            return true;
        public void Print()
            Console.Write("List: ");
            for (Node<Type> node = next; node != null; node = node.next)
                Console.Write(node.value.ToString() + " ");
    class Test
        static void Main()
            LinkedList<int> LL = new LinkedList<int>();
            if (!LL.Contain(0)) // Empty list
                Console.WriteLine("0 is not exist.");
            LL.Add(0);      // Add to empty list
            LL.Add(1); LL.Add(2); // attach to tail
            LL.Add(2);      // duplicate add, 2 is tail.
            if (LL.Contain(0))// Find existed element which is head
                Console.WriteLine("0 is exist.");
            LL.Delete(0);   // Delete head
            LL.Delete(2);   // Delete tail
            if (!LL.Delete(0)) // Delete non-exist element
                Console.WriteLine("0 is not exist.");

À propos, l’implémentation dans http://www.functionx.com/csharp1/examples/linkedlist.htm A quelques problèmes:

  1. Delete () échouera s'il n'y a qu'un seul élément . (Une exception est projetée à la ligne "Head.Next = Current.Next;" car Current est null.)
  2. Supprimer (position) échouera lors de la suppression du premier élément, .__ En d’autres termes, l’appel Supprimer (0) échouera.
public class Node<T>
    public T item;
    public Node<T> next;
    public Node()
        this.next = null;

class LinkList<T>
    public Node<T> head { get; set; }
    public LinkList()
        this.head = null;

    public void AddAtHead(T item)
        Node<T> newNode = new Node<T>();
        newNode.item = item;
        if (this.head == null)
            this.head = newNode;
            newNode.next = head;
            this.head = newNode;

    public void AddAtTail(T item)
        Node<T> newNode = new Node<T>();
        newNode.item = item;
        if (this.head == null)
            this.head = newNode;
            Node<T> temp = this.head;
            while (temp.next != null)
                temp = temp.next;
            temp.next = newNode;

    public void DeleteNode(T item)
        if (this.head.item.Equals(item))
            head = head.next;
            Node<T> temp = head;
            Node<T> tempPre = head;
            bool matched = false;
            while (!(matched = temp.item.Equals(item)) && temp.next != null)
                tempPre = temp;
                temp = temp.next;
            if (matched)
                tempPre.next = temp.next;
                Console.WriteLine("Value not found!");

    public bool searchNode(T item)
        Node<T> temp = this.head;
        bool matched = false;
        while (!(matched = temp.item.Equals(item)) && temp.next != null)
            temp = temp.next;
        return matched;

    public void DisplayList()
        Console.WriteLine("Displaying List!");
        Node<T> temp = this.head;
        while (temp != null)
            temp = temp.next;


programme simple c # pour implémenter une liste de liens unique avec opérations AddItemStart, AddItemEnd, RemoveItemStart, RemoveItemEnd et DisplayAllItems

 using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;

    namespace SingleLinkedList
        class Program
            Node head;
            Node current;
            int counter = 0;
            public Program()
                head = new Node();
                current = head;
            public void AddStart(object data)
                Node newnode = new Node();
                newnode.next = head.next;
                newnode.data = data;
                head.next = newnode;
            public void AddEnd(object data)
                Node newnode = new Node();
                newnode.data = data;
                current.next = newnode;
                current = newnode;
            public void RemoveStart()
                if (counter > 0)
                    head.next = head.next.next;
                    Console.WriteLine("No element exist in this linked list.");
            public void RemoveEnd()
                if (counter > 0)
                    Node prevNode = new Node();
                    Node cur = head;
                    while (cur.next != null)
                        prevNode = cur;
                        cur = cur.next;
                    prevNode.next = null;
                    Console.WriteLine("No element exist in this linked list.");
            public void Display()
                Console.Write("Head ->");
                Node curr = head;
                while (curr.next != null)
                    curr = curr.next;
            public class Node
                public object data;
                public Node next;
            static void Main(string[] args)
                Program p = new Program();
                Console.WriteLine("Removed node from Start");
                Console.WriteLine("Removed node from End");
Jaydeep Shil

J'ai créé le code LinkedList suivant avec de nombreuses fonctionnalités. Il est disponible pour le public sous CodeBase github public repo. 

Classes:Node et LinkedList

Getters and Setters:First et Last 

Fonctions: AddFirst(data), AddFirst(node), AddLast(data), RemoveLast(), AddAfter(node, data), RemoveBefore(node), Find(node), Remove(foundNode), Print(LinkedList)

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace Codebase
    public class Node
        public object Data { get; set; }
        public Node Next { get; set; }

        public Node()

        public Node(object Data, Node Next = null)
            this.Data = Data;
            this.Next = Next;

    public class LinkedList
        private Node Head;
        public Node First
            get => Head;
                First.Data = value.Data;
                First.Next = value.Next;

        public Node Last
                Node p = Head;
                //Based partially on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linked_list
                while (p.Next != null)
                    p = p.Next; //traverse the list until p is the last node.The last node always points to NULL.

                return p;
                Last.Data = value.Data;
                Last.Next = value.Next;

        public void AddFirst(Object data, bool verbose = true)
            Head = new Node(data, Head);
            if (verbose) Print();

        public void AddFirst(Node node, bool verbose = true)
            node.Next = Head;
            Head = node;
            if (verbose) Print();

        public void AddLast(Object data, bool Verbose = true)
            Last.Next = new Node(data);
            if (Verbose) Print();

        public Node RemoveFirst(bool verbose = true)
            Node temp = First;
            Head = First.Next;
            if (verbose) Print();
            return temp;

        public Node RemoveLast(bool verbose = true)
            Node p = Head;
            Node temp = Last;

            while (p.Next != temp)
                p = p.Next;

            p.Next = null;
            if (verbose) Print();

            return temp;

        public void AddAfter(Node node, object data, bool verbose = true)
            Node temp = new Node(data);
            temp.Next = node.Next;
            node.Next = temp;

            if (verbose) Print();

        public void AddBefore(Node node, object data, bool verbose = true)
            Node temp = new Node(data);

            Node p = Head;

            while (p.Next != node) //Finding the node before
                p = p.Next;

            temp.Next = p.Next; //same as  = node
            p.Next = temp;

            if (verbose) Print();

        public Node Find(object data)
            Node p = Head;

            while (p != null)
                if (p.Data == data)
                    return p;

                p = p.Next;
            return null;

        public void Remove(Node node, bool verbose = true)
            Node p = Head;

            while (p.Next != node)
                p = p.Next;

            p.Next = node.Next;
            if (verbose) Print();

        public void Print()
            Node p = Head;
            while (p != null) //LinkedList iterator
                Console.Write(p.Data + " ");
                p = p.Next; //traverse the list until p is the last node.The last node always points to NULL.

À l'aide de @yogihosting answer lorsqu'elle a utilisé les listes LinkedList et LinkedListNode intégrées à Microsoft pour répondre à la question, vous pouvez obtenir les mêmes résultats:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Codebase;

namespace Cmd
    static class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var tune = new LinkedList(); //Using custom code instead of the built-in LinkedList<T>
            tune.AddFirst("do"); // do
            tune.AddLast("so"); // do - so
            tune.AddAfter(tune.First, "re"); // do - re- so
            tune.AddAfter(tune.First.Next, "mi"); // do - re - mi- so
            tune.AddBefore(tune.Last, "fa"); // do - re - mi - fa- so
            tune.RemoveFirst(); // re - mi - fa - so
            tune.RemoveLast(); // re - mi - fa
            Node miNode = tune.Find("mi"); //Using custom code instead of the built in LinkedListNode
            tune.Remove(miNode); // re - fa
            tune.AddFirst(miNode); // mi- re - fa
Shadi Namrouti
public class DynamicLinkedList

    private class Node
        private object element;
        private Node next;

        public object Element
            get { return this.element; }
            set { this.element = value; }

        public Node Next
            get { return this.next; }
            set { this.next = value; }

        public Node(object element, Node prevNode)
            this.element = element;
            prevNode.next = this;

        public Node(object element)
            this.element = element;
            next = null;

    private Node head;
    private Node tail;
    private int count;

    public DynamicLinkedList()
        this.head = null;
        this.tail = null;
        this.count = 0;

    public void AddAtLastPosition(object element)
        if (head == null)
            head = new Node(element);
            tail = head;
            Node newNode = new Node(element, tail);
            tail = newNode;


    public object GetLastElement()
        object lastElement = null;
        Node currentNode = head;

        while (currentNode != null)
            lastElement = currentNode.Element;
            currentNode = currentNode.Next;

        return lastElement;


Test avec:

static void Main(string[] args)
    DynamicLinkedList list = new DynamicLinkedList();

    object lastElement = list.GetLastElement();

La réponse sélectionnée n'a pas d'itérateur; c'est plus fondamental, mais peut-être pas aussi utile. 

En voici un avec un itérateur/énumérateur. Mon implémentation est basée sur le sac de Sedgewick; voir http://algs4.cs.princeton.edu/13stacks/Bag.Java.html

void Main()
    var b = new Bag<string>();

    foreach (var thing in b)

// Define other methods and classes here

public class Bag<T> : IEnumerable<T>
    public Node<T> first;// first node in list

    public class Node<T>
        public T item;
        public Node<T> next;

        public Node(T item)
            this.item = item;

    public void Add(T item)
        Node<T> oldFirst = first;
        first = new Node<T>(item);
        first.next = oldFirst;

    IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
        return GetEnumerator();

    public IEnumerator<T> GetEnumerator()
        return new BagEnumerator<T>(this);

    public class BagEnumerator<V> : IEnumerator<T>
        private Node<T> _head;
        private Bag<T> _bag;
        private Node<T> _curNode;

        public BagEnumerator(Bag<T> bag)

            _bag = bag;
            _head = bag.first;
            _curNode = default(Node<T>);


        public T Current
            get { return _curNode.item; }

        object IEnumerator.Current
            get { return Current; }

        public bool MoveNext()
            if (_curNode == null)
                _curNode = _head;
                if (_curNode == null)
                return false;
                return true;
            if (_curNode.next == null)
            return false;
                _curNode = _curNode.next;
                return true;


        public void Reset()
            _curNode = default(Node<T>); ;

        public void Dispose()

Ajouter une classe de nœud.
Ajoutez ensuite une classe LinkedList pour implémenter la liste liée
Ajouter une classe de test pour exécuter la liste liée

namespace LinkedListProject
    public class Node
        public Node next;
        public object data;

    public class MyLinkedList
        Node head;
        public Node AddNodes(Object data)
            Node node = new Node();

            if (node.next == null)
                node.data = data;
                node.next = head;
                head = node;
                while (node.next != null)
                    node = node.next;

                node.data = data;
                node.next = null;

            return node;

        public void printnodes()
            Node current = head;
            while (current.next != null)
                current = current.next;

    public class LinkedListExample
        MyLinkedList linkedlist = new MyLinkedList();
        public void linkedlisttest()

Dmytro a fait du bon travail, mais voici une version plus concise.

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        LinkedList linkedList = new LinkedList(1);




public class Node
    public Node(Node next, Object value)
        this.next = next;
        this.value = value;

    public Node next;
    public Object value;

public class LinkedList
    public Node head;

    public LinkedList(Object initial)
        head = new Node(null, initial);

    public void AddFirst(Object value)
        head = new Node(head, value);            

    public void Add(Object value)
        Node current = head;

        while (current.next != null)
            current = current.next;

        current.next = new Node(null, value);

    public void Print()
        Node current = head;

        while (current != null)
            current = current.next;
Erik Bergstedt