
Comment ajouter une marge à une barre de défilement CSS webkit?

Voici mon site avec la barre de défilement webkit actuelle: http://willwhitehead.com

Je voudrais créer un espace entre la barre de défilement et le bord droit de l'écran.

Comment puis-je y parvenir?

Merci d'avance,



Il existe encore une autre solution qui pourrait facilement s'intégrer dans le projet de chacun. Si vous utilisez une bordure transparente en tant que marge et une ombre de boîte avec insert pour définir sa couleur, vous obtiendrez le résultat que vous espérez.

Par exemple:

::-webkit-scrollbar {
    width: 10px;

::-webkit-scrollbar-track {
    box-shadow: inset 0 0 10px 10px green;
    border: solid 3px transparent;

::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
    box-shadow: inset 0 0 10px 10px red;
    border: solid 3px transparent;

Cela peut être une barre de défilement laide, mais elle sert d'exemple à ce que je veux dire.

Cependant, dans Chrome, la propriété transparente ne fonctionnera pas, vous devrez donc insérer manuellement la couleur qui correspondrait à l'arrière-plan, de préférence la couleur d'arrière-plan.


C'est un hack horrible mais semble fonctionner. Utilisez le ::-webkit-scrollbar sélecteur, donne à la barre une valeur fixe de x pixels. puis définissez la propriété de gauche sur une valeur -px.

::-webkit-scrollbar {
    width: 10px; left:-100px;

Vous pouvez également effectuer les opérations suivantes:

Donner la ::-webkit-scrollbar une largeur fixe de 30px par exemple, puis définissez la bordure du ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb pour être le rembourrage dans lequel vous souhaitez faire défiler la barre vers la droite de l'écran. et définissez l'arrière-plan de la bordure pour qu'il corresponde à celui de la couleur d'arrière-plan.

Cela donnera l'illusion que la barre de défilement flotte à droite de la fenêtre, bien qu'en réalité ce ne soit pas le cas. Vous pouvez le voir dans le violon ci-dessous.

body {
  background: blue;
*::-webkit-scrollbar {
  width: 30px;
*::-webkit-scrollbar-track {
  background: green;
  /* change me to blue to match the background */
*::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
  background: red;
  border: 10px yellow solid;
  /* change border color to blue to match the background */
<p>The idea of Rang De was sown in the year 2006 - the same year when Mr. Yunus was awarded the Nobel Prize for his work with Grameen Bank. The motivation for starting Rang De was the belief that the peer to peer lending model could be leveraged to lower
  the cost of microcredit and reach out to under-served communities. RangDe.Org went live on January 26th 2008 (16:48 hrs to be precise!).</p>
  <h5>The spirit of Rang De</h5>
  The name Rang De was decided after a lot of thought. It goes back to the patriotic struggle for Independence. We believe that a similar movement with the same kind of urgency is required to address poverty in India. The words Rang De also denote colour
  and exuberance and that is the significance we want our efforts to have for the people we reach out to.</p>
<p>The idea of Rang De was sown in the year 2006 - the same year when Mr. Yunus was awarded the Nobel Prize for his work with Grameen Bank. The motivation for starting Rang De was the belief that the peer to peer lending model could be leveraged to lower
  the cost of microcredit and reach out to under-served communities. RangDe.Org went live on January 26th 2008 (16:48 hrs to be precise!).</p>
  <h5>The spirit of Rang De</h5>
  The name Rang De was decided after a lot of thought. It goes back to the patriotic struggle for Independence. We believe that a similar movement with the same kind of urgency is required to address poverty in India. The words Rang De also denote colour
  and exuberance and that is the significance we want our efforts to have for the people we reach out to.</p>
<p>The idea of Rang De was sown in the year 2006 - the same year when Mr. Yunus was awarded the Nobel Prize for his work with Grameen Bank. The motivation for starting Rang De was the belief that the peer to peer lending model could be leveraged to lower
  the cost of microcredit and reach out to under-served communities. RangDe.Org went live on January 26th 2008 (16:48 hrs to be precise!).</p>
  <h5>The spirit of Rang De</h5>
  The name Rang De was decided after a lot of thought. It goes back to the patriotic struggle for Independence. We believe that a similar movement with the same kind of urgency is required to address poverty in India. The words Rang De also denote colour
  and exuberance and that is the significance we want our efforts to have for the people we reach out to.</p>
<p>The idea of Rang De was sown in the year 2006 - the same year when Mr. Yunus was awarded the Nobel Prize for his work with Grameen Bank. The motivation for starting Rang De was the belief that the peer to peer lending model could be leveraged to lower
  the cost of microcredit and reach out to under-served communities. RangDe.Org went live on January 26th 2008 (16:48 hrs to be precise!).</p>
  <h5>The spirit of Rang De</h5>
  The name Rang De was decided after a lot of thought. It goes back to the patriotic struggle for Independence. We believe that a similar movement with the same kind of urgency is required to address poverty in India. The words Rang De also denote colour
  and exuberance and that is the significance we want our efforts to have for the people we reach out to.</p>
<p>The idea of Rang De was sown in the year 2006 - the same year when Mr. Yunus was awarded the Nobel Prize for his work with Grameen Bank. The motivation for starting Rang De was the belief that the peer to peer lending model could be leveraged to lower
  the cost of microcredit and reach out to under-served communities. RangDe.Org went live on January 26th 2008 (16:48 hrs to be precise!).</p>
  <h5>The spirit of Rang De</h5>
  The name Rang De was decided after a lot of thought. It goes back to the patriotic struggle for Independence. We believe that a similar movement with the same kind of urgency is required to address poverty in India. The words Rang De also denote colour
  and exuberance and that is the significance we want our efforts to have for the people we reach out to.</p>
<p>The idea of Rang De was sown in the year 2006 - the same year when Mr. Yunus was awarded the Nobel Prize for his work with Grameen Bank. The motivation for starting Rang De was the belief that the peer to peer lending model could be leveraged to lower
  the cost of microcredit and reach out to under-served communities. RangDe.Org went live on January 26th 2008 (16:48 hrs to be precise!).</p>
  <h5>The spirit of Rang De</h5>
  The name Rang De was decided after a lot of thought. It goes back to the patriotic struggle for Independence. We believe that a similar movement with the same kind of urgency is required to address poverty in India. The words Rang De also denote colour
  and exuberance and that is the significance we want our efforts to have for the people we reach out to.</p>

Cependant, la meilleure chose à faire est probablement d'envelopper tout votre contenu dans une div contenant. Modifiez ensuite le css pour le conteneur voir:

body {
  background: blue;
  margin: 0 0 0 0;
  padding: 0 0 0 0;
#container {
  position: absolute;
  left: 0;
  overflow-y: scroll;
  right: 60px;
  height: 100%;
  background: gold;
  margin: 0 0 0 0;
  padding: 0 0 0 0;
::-webkit-scrollbar {
  width: 20px;
::-webkit-scrollbar-track {
  background: red;
::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
  background: green;
<div id="container">
  <p>The idea of Rang De was sown in the year 2006 - the same year when Mr. Yunus was awarded the Nobel Prize for his work with Grameen Bank. The motivation for starting Rang De was the belief that the peer to peer lending model could be leveraged to lower
    the cost of microcredit and reach out to under-served communities. RangDe.Org went live on January 26th 2008 (16:48 hrs to be precise!).</p>
    <h5>The spirit of Rang De</h5>
    The name Rang De was decided after a lot of thought. It goes back to the patriotic struggle for Independence. We believe that a similar movement with the same kind of urgency is required to address poverty in India. The words Rang De also denote colour
    and exuberance and that is the significance we want our efforts to have for the people we reach out to.</p>
  <p>The idea of Rang De was sown in the year 2006 - the same year when Mr. Yunus was awarded the Nobel Prize for his work with Grameen Bank. The motivation for starting Rang De was the belief that the peer to peer lending model could be leveraged to lower
    the cost of microcredit and reach out to under-served communities. RangDe.Org went live on January 26th 2008 (16:48 hrs to be precise!).</p>
    <h5>The spirit of Rang De</h5>
    The name Rang De was decided after a lot of thought. It goes back to the patriotic struggle for Independence. We believe that a similar movement with the same kind of urgency is required to address poverty in India. The words Rang De also denote colour
    and exuberance and that is the significance we want our efforts to have for the people we reach out to.</p>
  <p>The idea of Rang De was sown in the year 2006 - the same year when Mr. Yunus was awarded the Nobel Prize for his work with Grameen Bank. The motivation for starting Rang De was the belief that the peer to peer lending model could be leveraged to lower
    the cost of microcredit and reach out to under-served communities. RangDe.Org went live on January 26th 2008 (16:48 hrs to be precise!).</p>
    <h5>The spirit of Rang De</h5>
    The name Rang De was decided after a lot of thought. It goes back to the patriotic struggle for Independence. We believe that a similar movement with the same kind of urgency is required to address poverty in India. The words Rang De also denote colour
    and exuberance and that is the significance we want our efforts to have for the people we reach out to.</p>
  <p>The idea of Rang De was sown in the year 2006 - the same year when Mr. Yunus was awarded the Nobel Prize for his work with Grameen Bank. The motivation for starting Rang De was the belief that the peer to peer lending model could be leveraged to lower
    the cost of microcredit and reach out to under-served communities. RangDe.Org went live on January 26th 2008 (16:48 hrs to be precise!).</p>
    <h5>The spirit of Rang De</h5>
    The name Rang De was decided after a lot of thought. It goes back to the patriotic struggle for Independence. We believe that a similar movement with the same kind of urgency is required to address poverty in India. The words Rang De also denote colour
    and exuberance and that is the significance we want our efforts to have for the people we reach out to.</p>
  <p>The idea of Rang De was sown in the year 2006 - the same year when Mr. Yunus was awarded the Nobel Prize for his work with Grameen Bank. The motivation for starting Rang De was the belief that the peer to peer lending model could be leveraged to lower
    the cost of microcredit and reach out to under-served communities. RangDe.Org went live on January 26th 2008 (16:48 hrs to be precise!).</p>
    <h5>The spirit of Rang De</h5>
    The name Rang De was decided after a lot of thought. It goes back to the patriotic struggle for Independence. We believe that a similar movement with the same kind of urgency is required to address poverty in India. The words Rang De also denote colour
    and exuberance and that is the significance we want our efforts to have for the people we reach out to.</p>
  <p>The idea of Rang De was sown in the year 2006 - the same year when Mr. Yunus was awarded the Nobel Prize for his work with Grameen Bank. The motivation for starting Rang De was the belief that the peer to peer lending model could be leveraged to lower
    the cost of microcredit and reach out to under-served communities. RangDe.Org went live on January 26th 2008 (16:48 hrs to be precise!).</p>
    <h5>The spirit of Rang De</h5>
    The name Rang De was decided after a lot of thought. It goes back to the patriotic struggle for Independence. We believe that a similar movement with the same kind of urgency is required to address poverty in India. The words Rang De also denote colour
    and exuberance and that is the significance we want our efforts to have for the people we reach out to.</p>
::-webkit-scrollbar {
  width: 14px;

/* 4px scroll thumb. 10px margin from right margin */
::-webkit-scrollbar-track {
  box-shadow: inset 0 0 14px 14px transparent;
  border: solid 4px transparent;

::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
  box-shadow: inset 0 0 14px 14px #bbbbbe;
  border: solid 4px transparent;
  border-radius: 14px;

::-webkit-scrollbar-button {
  display: none;

exemple de codesandbox - https://codesandbox.io/s/5vk9246qyk

webkit-scrollbar pris en charge par 93,02% du total des navigateurs au moment ou par écrit https://www.caniuse.com/#search=webkit-scrollbar

Mihai Serban

Ce n'est pas votre question, mais dans de nombreux cas, il pourrait être plus simple d'ajouter padding-right à votre conteneur d'éléments, et non à la barre de défilement.

Jose Ospina

Une autre solution consisterait à utiliser le background-clip en utilisant une bordure transparente et en disant à css de ne remplir que le contenu green et non la bordure (possible via background-clip: content-box)

body {
  background: white;

::-webkit-scrollbar {
    width: 20px;

::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
    background: green;
    background-clip: content-box;
    border: 5px solid transparent;
<p>The idea of Rang De was sown in the year 2006 - the same year when Mr. Yunus was awarded the Nobel Prize for his work with Grameen Bank. The motivation for starting Rang De was the belief that the peer to peer lending model could be leveraged to lower
  the cost of microcredit and reach out to under-served communities. RangDe.Org went live on January 26th 2008 (16:48 hrs to be precise!).</p>
  <h5>The spirit of Rang De</h5>
  The name Rang De was decided after a lot of thought. It goes back to the patriotic struggle for Independence. We believe that a similar movement with the same kind of urgency is required to address poverty in India. The words Rang De also denote colour
  and exuberance and that is the significance we want our efforts to have for the people we reach out to.</p>
<p>The idea of Rang De was sown in the year 2006 - the same year when Mr. Yunus was awarded the Nobel Prize for his work with Grameen Bank. The motivation for starting Rang De was the belief that the peer to peer lending model could be leveraged to lower
  the cost of microcredit and reach out to under-served communities. RangDe.Org went live on January 26th 2008 (16:48 hrs to be precise!).</p>
  <h5>The spirit of Rang De</h5>
  The name Rang De was decided after a lot of thought. It goes back to the patriotic struggle for Independence. We believe that a similar movement with the same kind of urgency is required to address poverty in India. The words Rang De also denote colour
  and exuberance and that is the significance we want our efforts to have for the people we reach out to.</p>
<p>The idea of Rang De was sown in the year 2006 - the same year when Mr. Yunus was awarded the Nobel Prize for his work with Grameen Bank. The motivation for starting Rang De was the belief that the peer to peer lending model could be leveraged to lower
  the cost of microcredit and reach out to under-served communities. RangDe.Org went live on January 26th 2008 (16:48 hrs to be precise!).</p>
  <h5>The spirit of Rang De</h5>
  The name Rang De was decided after a lot of thought. It goes back to the patriotic struggle for Independence. We believe that a similar movement with the same kind of urgency is required to address poverty in India. The words Rang De also denote colour
  and exuberance and that is the significance we want our efforts to have for the people we reach out to.</p>
<p>The idea of Rang De was sown in the year 2006 - the same year when Mr. Yunus was awarded the Nobel Prize for his work with Grameen Bank. The motivation for starting Rang De was the belief that the peer to peer lending model could be leveraged to lower
  the cost of microcredit and reach out to under-served communities. RangDe.Org went live on January 26th 2008 (16:48 hrs to be precise!).</p>
  <h5>The spirit of Rang De</h5>
  The name Rang De was decided after a lot of thought. It goes back to the patriotic struggle for Independence. We believe that a similar movement with the same kind of urgency is required to address poverty in India. The words Rang De also denote colour
  and exuberance and that is the significance we want our efforts to have for the people we reach out to.</p>
<p>The idea of Rang De was sown in the year 2006 - the same year when Mr. Yunus was awarded the Nobel Prize for his work with Grameen Bank. The motivation for starting Rang De was the belief that the peer to peer lending model could be leveraged to lower
  the cost of microcredit and reach out to under-served communities. RangDe.Org went live on January 26th 2008 (16:48 hrs to be precise!).</p>
  <h5>The spirit of Rang De</h5>
  The name Rang De was decided after a lot of thought. It goes back to the patriotic struggle for Independence. We believe that a similar movement with the same kind of urgency is required to address poverty in India. The words Rang De also denote colour
  and exuberance and that is the significance we want our efforts to have for the people we reach out to.</p>
<p>The idea of Rang De was sown in the year 2006 - the same year when Mr. Yunus was awarded the Nobel Prize for his work with Grameen Bank. The motivation for starting Rang De was the belief that the peer to peer lending model could be leveraged to lower
  the cost of microcredit and reach out to under-served communities. RangDe.Org went live on January 26th 2008 (16:48 hrs to be precise!).</p>
  <h5>The spirit of Rang De</h5>
  The name Rang De was decided after a lot of thought. It goes back to the patriotic struggle for Independence. We believe that a similar movement with the same kind of urgency is required to address poverty in India. The words Rang De also denote colour
  and exuberance and that is the significance we want our efforts to have for the people we reach out to.</p>