
IE11 - existe-t-il un script / polyfill pour les variables CSS?

Je développe une page Web dans un environnement de navigateur Web mixte (Chrome/IE11). IE11 ne prend pas en charge les variables CSS. Existe-t-il un script ou un script qui me permettrait d'utiliser des variables CSS dans IE11?

R. StackUser

Oui, tant que vous traitez des propriétés personnalisées au niveau racine (IE9 +).



  • Transformation côté client des propriétés personnalisées CSS en valeurs statiques
  • Mises à jour en direct des valeurs d'exécution dans les navigateurs modernes et anciens
  • Transforme <link>, <style> et @import CSS
  • Transforme les chemins url() relatifs en URL absolues
  • Prend en charge les fonctions var() chaînées et imbriquées
  • Prend en charge les valeurs de repli de la fonction var()
  • Prend en charge les composants Web/shadow DOM CSS
  • Mises à jour automatiques du mode de surveillance sur les modifications <link> et <style>
  • Module UMD et ES6 disponible
  • Définitions TypeScript incluses
  • Léger (6k min + gzip) et sans dépendance


  • La prise en charge des propriétés personnalisées est limitée aux: déclarations de racine
  • L'utilisation de var () est limitée aux valeurs de propriété (par spécification W3C )

Voici quelques exemples de ce que la bibliothèque peut gérer:

Propriétés personnalisées au niveau racine

:root {
    --a: red;

p {
    color: var(--a);

Propriétés personnalisées chaînées

:root {
    --a: var(--b);
    --b: var(--c);
    --c: red;

p {
    color: var(--a);

Propriétés personnalisées imbriquées

:root {
    --a: 1em;
    --b: 2;

p {
    font-size: calc(var(--a) * var(--b));

Valeurs de repli

p {
    font-size: var(--a, 1rem);
    color: var(--b, var(--c, var(--d, red))); 

Transforme <link>, <style> et @import CSS

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/absolute/path/to/style.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../relative/path/to/style.css">

    @import "/absolute/path/to/style.css";
    @import "../relative/path/to/style.css";

Transforme les composants Web/DOM shadow

      .my-custom-element {
        color: var(--test-color);
    <div class="my-custom-element">Hello.</div>

Par souci d’exhaustivité: spécifications w3c

J'espère que cela t'aides.

(Auto-promotion sans vergogne: Chèque)


+1 pour le lien de code-stylo dans la section commentaire de la question ci-dessus de [I has kode]. Une chose que j’ai trouvée cependant est que l’extrait de code doit être légèrement modifié pour que les déclarations de fonction définies dans le format JSON pour IE11 ne se plaignent pas. Ci-dessous, la version légèrement modifiée de l'extrait de code:

let cssVarPoly = {
    init: function() {
        // first lets see if the browser supports CSS variables
        // No version of IE supports window.CSS.supports, so if that isn't supported in the first place we know CSS variables is not supported
        // Edge supports supports, so check for actual variable support
        if (window.CSS && window.CSS.supports && window.CSS.supports('(--foo: red)')) {
            // this browser does support variables, abort
            console.log('your browser supports CSS variables, aborting and letting the native support handle things.');
        } else {
            // Edge barfs on console statements if the console is not open... lame!
            console.log('no support for you! polyfill all (some of) the things!!');

        cssVarPoly.ratifiedVars = {};
        cssVarPoly.varsByBlock = {};
        cssVarPoly.oldCSS = {};

        // start things off

    // find all the css blocks, save off the content, and look for variables
    findCSS: function() {
        let styleBlocks = document.querySelectorAll('style:not(.inserted),link[type="text/css"]');

        // we need to track the order of the style/link elements when we save off the CSS, set a counter
        let counter = 1;

        // loop through all CSS blocks looking for CSS variables being set
        [].forEach.call(styleBlocks, function (block) {
            // console.log(block.nodeName);
            let theCSS;
            if (block.nodeName === 'STYLE') {
                // console.log("style");
                theCSS = block.innerHTML;
                cssVarPoly.findSetters(theCSS, counter);
            } else if (block.nodeName === 'LINK') {
                // console.log("link");
                cssVarPoly.getLink(block.getAttribute('href'), counter, function (counter, request) {
                    cssVarPoly.findSetters(request.responseText, counter);
                    cssVarPoly.oldCSS[counter] = request.responseText;
                theCSS = '';
            // save off the CSS to parse through again later. the value may be empty for links that are waiting for their ajax return, but this will maintain the order
            cssVarPoly.oldCSS[counter] = theCSS;

    // find all the "--variable: value" matches in a provided block of CSS and add them to the master list
    findSetters: function(theCSS, counter) {
        // console.log(theCSS);
        cssVarPoly.varsByBlock[counter] = theCSS.match(/(--.+:.+;)/g) || [];

    // run through all the CSS blocks to update the variables and then inject on the page
    updateCSS: function() {
        // first lets loop through all the variables to make sure later vars trump earlier vars

        // loop through the css blocks (styles and links)
        for (let curCSSID in cssVarPoly.oldCSS) {
            // console.log("curCSS:",oldCSS[curCSSID]);
            let newCSS = cssVarPoly.replaceGetters(cssVarPoly.oldCSS[curCSSID], cssVarPoly.ratifiedVars);
            // put it back into the page
            // first check to see if this block exists already
            if (document.querySelector('#inserted' + curCSSID)) {
                // console.log("updating")
                document.querySelector('#inserted' + curCSSID).innerHTML = newCSS;
            } else {
                // console.log("adding");
                var style = document.createElement('style');
                style.type = 'text/css';
                style.innerHTML = newCSS;
                style.id = 'inserted' + curCSSID;

    // parse a provided block of CSS looking for a provided list of variables and replace the --var-name with the correct value
    replaceGetters: function(curCSS, varList) {
        // console.log(varList);
        for (let theVar in varList) {
            // console.log(theVar);
            // match the variable with the actual variable name
            let getterRegex = new RegExp('var\\(\\s*' + theVar + '\\s*\\)', 'g');
            // console.log(getterRegex);
            // console.log(curCSS);
            curCSS = curCSS.replace(getterRegex, varList[theVar]);

            // now check for any getters that are left that have fallbacks
            let getterRegex2 = new RegExp('var\\(\\s*.+\\s*,\\s*(.+)\\)', 'g');
            // console.log(getterRegex);
            // console.log(curCSS);
            let matches = curCSS.match(getterRegex2);
            if (matches) {
                // console.log("matches",matches);
                matches.forEach(function (match) {
                    // console.log(match.match(/var\(.+,\s*(.+)\)/))
                    // find the fallback within the getter
                    curCSS = curCSS.replace(match, match.match(/var\(.+,\s*(.+)\)/)[1]);


            // curCSS = curCSS.replace(getterRegex2,varList[theVar]);
        // console.log(curCSS);
        return curCSS;

    // determine the css variable name value pair and track the latest
    ratifySetters: function(varList) {
        // console.log("varList:",varList);
        // loop through each block in order, to maintain order specificity
        for (let curBlock in varList) {
            let curVars = varList[curBlock];
            // console.log("curVars:",curVars);
            // loop through each var in the block
            curVars.forEach(function (theVar) {
                // console.log(theVar);
                // split on the name value pair separator
                let matches = theVar.split(/:\s*/);
                // console.log(matches);
                // put it in an object based on the varName. Each time we do this it will override a previous use and so will always have the last set be the winner
                // 0 = the name, 1 = the value, strip off the ; if it is there
                cssVarPoly.ratifiedVars[matches[0]] = matches[1].replace(/;/, '');
        // console.log(ratifiedVars);

    // get the CSS file (same domain for now)
    getLink: function(url, counter, success) {
        var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
        request.open('GET', url, true);
        request.onload = function () {
            if (request.status >= 200 && request.status < 400) {
                // Success!
                // console.log(request.responseText);
                if (typeof success === 'function') {
                    success(counter, request);
            } else {
                // We reached our target server, but it returned an error
                console.warn('an error was returned from:', url);

        request.onerror = function () {
            // There was a connection error of some sort
            console.warn('we could not get anything from:', url);




Ce polyfill permet une prise en charge presque complète des propriétés personnalisées dans IE11:

Comment ça fonctionne

Le script tire parti du fait que IE ne prend en charge que très peu de propriétés personnalisées, ces propriétés pouvant être définies et lues en tenant compte de la cascade.
.myEl {-ie-test:'aaa'} // only one dash allowed! "-"
Puis lisez-le en javascript:
getComputedStyle( querySelector('.myEl') )['-ie-test']

Caractéristiques du fichier README:

  • gère le contenu HTML ajouté dynamique
  • gère les éléments dynamiques ajoutés <style>, <link>-
  • chaînage --bar:var(--foo)
  • repli var(--color, blue)
  • : focus,: cible,: survol
  • js-integration:
    • style.setProperty('--x','y')
    • style.getPropertyValue('--x')
    • getComputedStyle(el).getPropertyValue('--inherited')
  • Styles en ligne: <div ie-style="--color:blue"...
  • travaux en cascade
  • l'héritage fonctionne
  • moins de 3k (min + gzip) et sans dépendance



Tobias Buschor

J'ai essayé cette version de Polyfill, mais des erreurs se sont produites lorsqu'une ligne de CSS comportait plusieurs variables (police et couleur FI). Un de mes collègues m'a aidé. Voir la ligne 94.

let cssVarPoly = {
    init: function() {
        // first lets see if the browser supports CSS variables
        // No version of IE supports window.CSS.supports, so if that isn't supported in the first place we know CSS variables is not supported
        // Edge supports supports, so check for actual variable support
        if (window.CSS && window.CSS.supports && window.CSS.supports('(--foo: red)')) {
            // this browser does support variables, abort
            // console.log('your browser supports CSS variables, aborting and letting the native support handle things.');
        } else {
            // Edge barfs on console statements if the console is not open... lame!
            // console.log('no support for you! polyfill all (some of) the things!!');

        cssVarPoly.ratifiedVars = {};
        cssVarPoly.varsByBlock = {};
        cssVarPoly.oldCSS = {};

        // start things off

    // find all the css blocks, save off the content, and look for variables
    findCSS: function() {
        let styleBlocks = document.querySelectorAll('style:not(.inserted),link[type="text/css"]');

        // we need to track the order of the style/link elements when we save off the CSS, set a counter
        let counter = 1;

        // loop through all CSS blocks looking for CSS variables being set
        [].forEach.call(styleBlocks, function (block) {
            // console.log(block.nodeName);
            let theCSS;
            if (block.nodeName === 'STYLE') {
                // console.log("style");
                theCSS = block.innerHTML;
                cssVarPoly.findSetters(theCSS, counter);
            } else if (block.nodeName === 'LINK') {
                // console.log("link");
                cssVarPoly.getLink(block.getAttribute('href'), counter, function (counter, request) {
                    cssVarPoly.findSetters(request.responseText, counter);
                    cssVarPoly.oldCSS[counter] = request.responseText;
                theCSS = '';
            // save off the CSS to parse through again later. the value may be empty for links that are waiting for their ajax return, but this will maintain the order
            cssVarPoly.oldCSS[counter] = theCSS;

    // find all the "--variable: value" matches in a provided block of CSS and add them to the master list
    findSetters: function(theCSS, counter) {
        // console.log(theCSS);
        cssVarPoly.varsByBlock[counter] = theCSS.match(/(--.+:.+;)/g) || [];

    // run through all the CSS blocks to update the variables and then inject on the page
    updateCSS: function() {
        // first lets loop through all the variables to make sure later vars trump earlier vars

        // loop through the css blocks (styles and links)
        for (let curCSSID in cssVarPoly.oldCSS) {
            // console.log("curCSS:",oldCSS[curCSSID]);
            let newCSS = cssVarPoly.replaceGetters(cssVarPoly.oldCSS[curCSSID], cssVarPoly.ratifiedVars);
            // put it back into the page
            // first check to see if this block exists already
            if (document.querySelector('#inserted' + curCSSID)) {
                // console.log("updating")
                document.querySelector('#inserted' + curCSSID).innerHTML = newCSS;
            } else {
                // console.log("adding");
                var style = document.createElement('style');
                style.type = 'text/css';
                style.innerHTML = newCSS;
                style.id = 'inserted' + curCSSID;

    // parse a provided block of CSS looking for a provided list of variables and replace the --var-name with the correct value
    replaceGetters: function(curCSS, varList) {
        // console.log(varList);
        for (let theVar in varList) {
            // console.log(theVar);
            // match the variable with the actual variable name
            // console.log (theVar);
            var res = theVar.match(/--[a-zA-Z0-9-]+/g);
            // console.log (res[0]);
            theVar = res[0];
            let getterRegex = new RegExp('var\\(\\s*' + theVar + '\\s*\\)', 'g');
            // console.log(getterRegex);
            // console.log(curCSS);
            curCSS = curCSS.replace(getterRegex, varList[theVar]);

            // now check for any getters that are left that have fallbacks
            let getterRegex2 = new RegExp('var\\(\\s*.+\\s*,\\s*(.+)\\)', 'g');
            // console.log(getterRegex);
            // console.log(curCSS);
            let matches = curCSS.match(getterRegex2);
            if (matches) {
                // console.log("matches",matches);
                matches.forEach(function (match) {
                    // console.log(match.match(/var\(.+,\s*(.+)\)/))
                    // find the fallback within the getter
                    curCSS = curCSS.replace(match, match.match(/var\(.+,\s*(.+)\)/)[1]);

            // curCSS = curCSS.replace(getterRegex2,varList[theVar]);
        // console.log(curCSS);
        return curCSS;

    // determine the css variable name value pair and track the latest
    ratifySetters: function(varList) {
        // console.log("varList:",varList);
        // loop through each block in order, to maintain order specificity
        for (let curBlock in varList) {
            let curVars = varList[curBlock];
            // console.log("curVars:",curVars);
            // loop through each var in the block
            curVars.forEach(function (theVar) {
                // console.log(theVar);
                // split on the name value pair separator
                let matches = theVar.split(/:\s*/);
                // console.log(matches);
                // put it in an object based on the varName. Each time we do this it will override a previous use and so will always have the last set be the winner
                // 0 = the name, 1 = the value, strip off the ; if it is there
                cssVarPoly.ratifiedVars[matches[0]] = matches[1].replace(/;/, '');
        // console.log(ratifiedVars);

    // get the CSS file (same domain for now)
    getLink: function(url, counter, success) {
        var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
        request.open('GET', url, true);
        request.onload = function () {
            if (request.status >= 200 && request.status < 400) {
                // Success!
                // console.log(request.responseText);
                if (typeof success === 'function') {
                    success(counter, request);
            } else {
                // We reached our target server, but it returned an error
                console.warn('an error was returned from:', url);

        request.onerror = function () {
            // There was a connection error of some sort
            console.warn('we could not get anything from:', url);


