
importation de flux JSON tiers en tant que type de publication personnalisé

J'ai un fichier tiers json http://feeds.artlogic.net/artworks/artlogiconline/json/ que je dois utiliser pour importer des données dans Wordpress sous la forme d'un type d'article personnalisé appelé "oeuvre d'art".

Existe-t-il des plugins pratiques qui pourraient mapper ces données? Ou existe-t-il une API utile qui rendrait cela plus facile à coder? Je suis le dernier né du développement wordpress.


Si vous voulez le D.I.Y. route...

Le type de publication dans cet exemple est défini sur "publication", mais vous pouvez voir où le modifier. Voici un exemple de travail pour extraire les données (première page de cet exemple), analyser la réponse, créer une classe pour les données de nettoyage, générer des publications à partir de ces données, puis mettre à jour la méta de publication pour des attributs spécifiques.

Vous voudrez ajuster ce qui déclenche l'appel, mais cela créera 5 messages lorsque vous toucherez le front-end. Ils vont vérifier et s'assurer que le titre n'existe pas déjà, ainsi que le slug avant qu'ils ne soient générés.

Le contenu est simplement défini à partir du fichier artwork_html + j'ai ajouté l'url img qu'il contient. Vous voudrez probablement récupérer cette image dans votre base de données à l'aide de media_sideload_image.


if (!class_exists('RemoteArtwork')) :
    class RemoteArtwork
        // original data
        public $raw;

        // public items
        public $title;
        public $artwork_html;
        public $id;

        public function __construct($dirty_data)

         * Clean the data, never expect good data
        private function sanitize_remote_data($data_as_array)
            foreach ($data_as_array as $inx => $data) {
                $data_as_array [$inx] = sanitize_text_field($data);
            return $data_as_array;

         *  Take the dirty data, clean it, then set our properties
        private function parse_data($dirty_data_as_array)
            $clean_data = $this->sanitize_remote_data($dirty_data_as_array);

            // save the raw data (cleaned)
            $this->raw = $clean_data;

            // grab the values we need
            $this->title = $this->raw ['_title'];
            $this->artwork_html = $this->raw ['artwork_html'];
            $this->id = $this->raw ['id'];

         * Update a post with the latest meta data
        public function update_artwork_post_meta($post_id)
            $meta_values_to_set = array (
                '__artwork_dimensions' => $this->raw['dimensions'],

            foreach($meta_values_to_set as $key => $meta_value){
                $success = $this->update_meta($post_id, $key, $meta_value );

        public function update_meta ( $post_id, $key, $meta_value ){
            if ( isset( $meta_value ) && 0 < strlen( trim( $meta_value ) ) ) {
                return update_post_meta ( $post_id, $key, $meta_value );
            return false;

        public function get_meta ( $post_id, $key ){
            $meta_value = get_post_meta( $post_id, $key, true );
            return empty( $value ) ? null : $meta_value;

    } // RemoteArtwork
endif; // RemoteArtwork

if (!class_exists('RemoteArtworks')) :
    class RemoteArtworks
        /** data from url */
        public static $remote_data;

        /** parsed data -- use these instances for stuffs */
        public static $artworks;

         * Pull the main feed & extra pages
        private static function GetRemoteArtworks($url)
            // remote data
            $response = wp_remote_get($url);

            if (is_wp_error($response) || !isset($response['body'])) return; // bad response

            // the good stuff
            $body = wp_remote_retrieve_body($response);

            if (is_wp_error($body)) return; // bad body

            // decode the data
            $data = json_decode($body, true);

            if (!$data || empty($data)) return; // bad data

            // make sure there isn't anymore
            if (isset($data['page']) && isset($data['no_of_pages'])) {
                $page = $data['page'];
                $pages = $data['no_of_pages'];
                $next_page_link = $data['next_page_link'];
                if ($page !== $pages) {
                    // keep loading data from $next_page_link.....

            // final remote data
            return $data;

         * Load the remote feed and parse the data
        public static function LoadRemoteArtworks($to_create_posts)
            self::$remote_data = self::GetRemoteArtworks('http://feeds.artlogic.net/artworks/artlogiconline/json/');

            if (!isset(self::$remote_data ['rows'])) return; // no rows --- booo!

            $works = array();
            foreach (self::$remote_data ['rows'] as $inx => $remote_item_data) {
                // create artwork instance
                $artwork = new RemoteArtwork($remote_item_data);
                $works[] = $artwork;

            // set our local data that has been cleaned and parsed
            self::$artworks = $works;

            // let's make new POSTS!!!
            if ($to_create_posts) {
                $count = 0;
                foreach (self::$artworks as $inx => $artwork) {
                    $count++; // for demo ---- let's not go overboard here

                    $post_id = self::CreateLocalArtworkPost($artwork);

                    if ($post_id == -1) {
                        // Nothing happened
                    } else if ($post_id == -2) {
                        // already exists
                        // ... I guess we could update a post's data here...
                    } else {
                        // new post was created, let's update it's meta
                        $success = $artwork->update_artwork_post_meta($post_id);
if ($count >= 5) return self::$remote_data; ///////
/////////////////// FOR DEMO... DON'T DO EVERY POST
////////////////////////////////// BUT YOU COULD...

            // return the remote data... for whatever reason outsite of this class
            return self::$remote_data;

        public static function CreateLocalArtworkPost($artwork)
            if (!$artwork) return -1;

// echo '<pre>';
// print_r( $artwork );
// echo '</pre>';

            // do post creation from $artwork data that has been sanitized

            $template = ''; // add a custom template if you want

            $post_type = 'post';

            $img_url = $artwork->raw['img_url'];
            $artwork_html = $artwork->artwork_html;

            $content = "<p>${artwork_html}</p>\n\r<br />\r\n<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"${img_url}\"><img width=\"100%\" height=\"auto\" src=\"${img_url}\"></a>";

            $new_post_id = self::CreateNewArtworkPost($post_type, $artwork->title, $content, $template, $artwork);

            return $new_post_id;

         * orginal from - https://tommcfarlin.com/programmatically-create-a-post-in-wordpress/
        public static function CreateNewArtworkPost($post_type = 'post', $title, $content, $template_rel_path = '', $data)
            // Initialize the page ID to -1. This indicates no action has been taken.
            $post_id = -1;

            if (!current_user_can('publish_posts')) {
                // sorry...
                return $post_id;

            // Prep
            $author_id = get_current_user_id();
            if (!$author_id) {
                return $post_id;

            $title = sanitize_text_field(wp_strip_all_tags($title)); // remove any junk
            $title = esc_html(wp_unslash($title));
            $slug = sanitize_title_with_dashes($title); // converts to a usable post_name
            $post_type = post_type_exists($post_type) ? $post_type : 'post'; // make sure it exists

            // If the page doesn't already exist, then create it (by title & slug)
            if (null == get_page_by_title($title) && empty(get_posts(array('name' => $slug)))) {

                // Set the post ID so that we know the post was created successfully
                $post_id = wp_insert_post(
                        'post_name' => $slug,
                        'post_title' => $title,
                        'post_content' => $content,
                        'post_type' => $post_type,
                        'post_author' => $author_id,
                        'comment_status' => 'closed',
                        'ping_status' => 'closed',
                        'post_status' => 'publish',

                if ($post_id && $post_id > 0 && !empty($template_rel_path)) {

                    // make sure the template exists
                    $template_full_path = trailingslashit(get_stylesheet_directory()) . $template_rel_path;
                    if (file_exists($template_full_path)) {

                        // set the post meta data -- use relative path
                        update_post_meta($post_id, '_wp_page_template', $template_rel_path);
                } // end template check

                // Otherwise, we'll stop
            } else {
                // Arbitrarily use -2 to indicate that the page with the title already exists
                $post_id = -2;

            } // end if

            return $post_id;

        } // end programmatically_create_post

    }// RemoteArtworks
endif; // RemoteArtworks

Puis lancez la récupération à distance et la création

add_action ( 'init', function(){

  // break time in the demo... run on the front and watch the posts pile up
  if( is_admin() ) return;

  // Create posts from remote data?
  $to_create_posts = true;

  // Load the feed
  $data = RemoteArtworks::LoadRemoteArtworks( $to_create_posts );



