
mettre à jour une méta de poste à partir d'une seule cellule de table TablePress

J'ai le scénario suivant J'ai beaucoup de tables créées par TablePress. une colonne en eux s'appelle Taille qui affiche la taille de certains fichiers en octets. tablepress a une fonction de sommation appelée "somme" que je vais utiliser dans la dernière ligne pour faire la somme de toutes les données de cette colonne, je veux que ces données soient enregistrées en tant que méta-poste afin que je puisse les résumer plus tard, avec une idée précise de la procédure à suivre. cette?

Ibrahim Hassan

Le code est assez délicat et difficile, car la classe d’évaluation mathématique de Press Table a une méthode protégée.

En passant, j'ai résolu votre problème.

Juste le code dans le functions.php dans le thème .. il suffit de copier et coller il devrait être travail. Vous pouvez utiliser plusieurs lignes.

require_once TABLEPRESS_ABSPATH . 'classes/class-tablepress.php';
$formula_evaluator = TablePress::load_class( 'TablePress_Evaluate', 'class-evaluate.php', 'classes' );
add_action( 'wp_ajax_link_check_click_counter', 'link_check_click_counter');
add_action( 'wp_ajax_nopriv_link_check_click_counter', 'link_check_click_counter' );

function link_check_click_counter() {

  $table_name = $_POST['old_data']['tablepress']['name'];
  $table_id = $_POST['old_data']['tablepress']['id'];
  $table_description = $_POST['old_data']['tablepress']['description'];
  $table_data = $_POST['old_data']['tablepress']['data'];
  $allResults = json_decode(stripslashes($table_data));
  $table_meta = $table_name ."_". $table_id;

  $neval = new TablePress_NEvaluate();
  $data = $neval->evaluate_table_data( $allResults );
  foreach($data as $value){
    update_option( 'table_press' . $table_meta, $value );
    update_option( 'table_press' . $table_id, $table_id );

add_action('admin_footer' , 'table_press_custom_meta_add',0);
function table_press_custom_meta_add(){

   <script type="text/javascript">
   jQuery( '.wp-admin .save-changes-button' ).on( 'click',function() {
      var data =  { action: 'link_check_click_counter', old_data: tp.table.prepare_ajax_request( 'tablepress_save_table', '#nonce-edit-table' )  };
        'type': 'POST',
        'dataType': 'json',
        'url': ajaxurl,
        // 'data': tp.table.prepare_ajax_request( 'tablepress_save_table', '#nonce-edit-table' ),
        'data': data,
       success: function(data) {

      } );



class TablePress_NEvaluate {

   * Instance of the EvalMath class.
   * @since 1.0.0
   * @var EvalMath
  public $evalmath;

   * Table data in which formulas shall be evaluated.
   * @since 1.5.0
   * @var array
  public $table_data;

   * Storage for cell ranges that have been replaced in formulas.
   * @since 1.0.0
   * @var array
  public $known_ranges = array();

   * Initialize the Formula Evaluation class, include the EvalMath class.
   * @since 1.0.0
  public function __construct() {
    $this->evalmath = TablePress::load_class( 'EvalMath', 'evalmath.class.php', 'libraries' );
    // Don't raise PHP warnings.
    $this->evalmath->suppress_errors = true;

   * Evaluate formulas in the passed table.
   * @since 1.0.0
   * @param array $table_data Table data in which formulas shall be evaluated.
   * @return array Table data with evaluated formulas.
  public function evaluate_table_data( array $table_data ) {
    $this->table_data = $table_data;
    $rows = count( $this->table_data );
    $columns = count( $this->table_data[0] );

    // Use two for-loops instead of foreach here to be sure to always work on the "live" table data and not some in-memory copy.
    $i = 0;
    $data = array();
    for ( $row_idx = 0; $row_idx < $rows; $row_idx++ ) {
      for ( $col_idx = 0; $col_idx < $columns; $col_idx++ ) {
        $test = $this->_evaluate_cell( $this->table_data[ $row_idx ][ $col_idx ] );
          if (strpos($test, 'Sum') !== false) {
            $data[] = $test;

        $this->table_data[ $row_idx ][ $col_idx ] = $this->_evaluate_cell( $this->table_data[ $row_idx ][ $col_idx ] );

    return $data;

   * Parse and evaluate the content of a cell.
   * @since 1.0.0
   * @param string $content Content of a cell.
   * @param array  $parents Optional. List of cells that depend on this cell (to prevent circle references).
   * @return string Result of the parsing/evaluation.
  public function _evaluate_cell( $content, array $parents = array() ) {
    if ( '' === $content || '=' === $content || '=' !== $content[0] ) {
      return $content;

    // Cut off the leading =.
    $content = substr( $content, 1 );

    // Support putting formulas in strings, like =Total: {A3+A4}.
    $expressions = array();
    if ( preg_match_all( '#{(.+?)}#', $content, $expressions, PREG_SET_ORDER ) ) {
      $formula_in_string = true;
    } else {
      $formula_in_string = false;
      // Fill array so that it has the same structure as if it came from preg_match_all().
      $expressions[] = array( $content, $content );

    foreach ( $expressions as $expression ) {
      $orig_expression = $expression[0];
      $expression = $expression[1];

      $replaced_references = $replaced_ranges = array();

      // Remove all whitespace characters.
      $expression = str_replace( array( "\n", "\r", "\t", ' ' ), '', $expression );

      // Expand cell ranges (like A3:A6) to a list of single cells (like A3,A4,A5,A6).
      if ( preg_match_all( '#([A-Z]+)([0-9]+):([A-Z]+)([0-9]+)#', $expression, $referenced_cell_ranges, PREG_SET_ORDER ) ) {
        foreach ( $referenced_cell_ranges as $cell_range ) {
          if ( in_array( $cell_range[0], $replaced_ranges, true ) ) {

          $replaced_ranges[] = $cell_range[0];

          if ( isset( $this->known_ranges[ $cell_range[0] ] ) ) {
            $expression = preg_replace( '#(?<![A-Z])' . preg_quote( $cell_range[0], '#' ) . '(?![0-9])#', $this->known_ranges[ $cell_range[0] ], $expression );

          // No -1 necessary for this transformation, as we don't actually access the table.
          $first_col = TablePress::letter_to_number( $cell_range[1] );
          $first_row = $cell_range[2];
          $last_col = TablePress::letter_to_number( $cell_range[3] );
          $last_row = $cell_range[4];

          $col_start = min( $first_col, $last_col );
          $col_end = max( $first_col, $last_col ) + 1; // +1 for loop below
          $row_start = min( $first_row, $last_row );
          $row_end = max( $first_row, $last_row ) + 1; // +1 for loop below

          $cell_list = array();
          for ( $col = $col_start; $col < $col_end; $col++ ) {
            for ( $row = $row_start; $row < $row_end; $row++ ) {
              $column = TablePress::number_to_letter( $col );
              $cell_list[] = "{$column}{$row}";
          $cell_list = implode( ',', $cell_list );

          $expression = preg_replace( '#(?<![A-Z])' . preg_quote( $cell_range[0], '#' ) . '(?![0-9])#', $cell_list, $expression );
          $this->known_ranges[ $cell_range[0] ] = $cell_list;

      // Parse and evaluate single cell references (like A3 or XY312), while prohibiting circle references.
      if ( preg_match_all( '#([A-Z]+)([0-9]+)#', $expression, $referenced_cells, PREG_SET_ORDER ) ) {
        foreach ( $referenced_cells as $cell_reference ) {
          if ( in_array( $cell_reference[0], $parents, true ) ) {
            return '!ERROR! Circle Reference';

          if ( in_array( $cell_reference[0], $replaced_references, true ) ) {

          $replaced_references[] = $cell_reference[0];

          $ref_col = TablePress::letter_to_number( $cell_reference[1] ) - 1;
          $ref_row = $cell_reference[2] - 1;

          if ( ! isset( $this->table_data[ $ref_row ] ) || ! isset( $this->table_data[ $ref_row ][ $ref_col ] ) ) {
            return "!ERROR! Cell {$cell_reference[0]} does not exist";

          $ref_parents = $parents;
          $ref_parents[] = $cell_reference[0];

          $result = $this->table_data[ $ref_row ][ $ref_col ] = $this->_evaluate_cell( $this->table_data[ $ref_row ][ $ref_col ], $ref_parents );
          // Bail if there was an error already.
          if ( false !== strpos( $result, '!ERROR!' ) ) {
            return $result;
          // Remove all whitespace characters.
          $result = str_replace( array( "\n", "\r", "\t", ' ' ), '', $result );
          // Treat empty cells as 0.
          if ( '' === $result ) {
            $result = 0;
          // Bail if the cell does not result in a number (meaning it was a number or expression before being evaluated).
          if ( ! is_numeric( $result ) ) {
            return "!ERROR! {$cell_reference[0]} does not contain a number or expression";

          $expression = preg_replace( '#(?<![A-Z])' . $cell_reference[0] . '(?![0-9])#', $result, $expression );

      $result = $this->_evaluate_math_expression( $expression );
      // Support putting formulas in strings, like =Total: {A3+A4}.
      if ( $formula_in_string ) {
        $content = str_replace( $orig_expression, $result, $content );
      } else {
        $content = $result;

    return $content;

   * Evaluate a math expression.
   * @since 1.0.0
   * @param string $expression without leading = sign.
   * @return string Result of the evaluation.
  public function _evaluate_math_expression( $expression ) {
    // Straight up evaluation, without parsing of variable or function assignments (which is why we only need one instance of the object).

    $result = $this->evalmath->evaluate( $expression );
    if ( false === $result ) {
      return '!ERROR! ' . $this->evalmath->last_error;
    } else {
      return (string) $result;


Je mets à jour la valeur in dans la table update_option.Il est préférable que vous ayez un identifiant de table spécifique.

get_option('table_press' .$table_id); // get the id so now you can use any where in the shortcode.

get_option('table_press' .$table_name ."_". $table_id); // get sum of table press specific name and id

je suis également répondre votre question à partir d'ici. Je vais vous expliquer comment utiliser cela dans cette question.

Faysal Mahamud