
Flutter: Comment créer un tableau avec les données JSON

Je voudrais faire un tableau avec JSON, mais je duplique le même message . J'utilise le plugin JSON REST de l'API pour WordPress

Plus d'informations sur WP REST API: https://v2.wp-api.org

Ceci est mon code JSON

    "id": 65,
    "date": "2014-08-24T18:56:26",
    "date_gmt": "2014-08-24T18:56:26",
    "guid": {
      "rendered": "http:\/\/********\/********\/?p=1"
    "modified": "2018-06-05T13:24:58",
    "modified_gmt": "2018-06-05T13:24:58",
    "slug": "this-url-wordpress",
    "status": "publish",
    "type": "post",
    "title": {
      "rendered": "\u2018 This a test title 1 \u2019"
     "content": {
       "rendered": "<p>This is a content 1</p>",
       "protected": false
     "excerpt": {
       "rendered": "<p>this a excerpt 1...<\/p>\n",
       "protected": false
     "author": 1,
     "featured_media": 468,
     "comment_status": "open",
     "ping_status": "open",
     "sticky": false,
     "template": "",
     "format": "standard",
     "meta": [ 
     "categories": [
     "tags": [
    "id": 650,
    "date": "2014-08-24T18:56:26",
    "date_gmt": "2014-08-24T18:56:26",
    "guid": {
      "rendered": "http:\/\/********\/********\/?p=1"
    "modified": "2018-06-05T13:24:58",
    "modified_gmt": "2018-06-05T13:24:58",
    "slug": "this-url-wordpress",
    "status": "publish",
    "type": "post",
    "title": {
      "rendered": "\u2018 This a test title 2 \u2019"
     "content": {
       "rendered": "<p>This is a content 2</p>",
       "protected": false
     "excerpt": {
       "rendered": "<p>this a excerpt 2...<\/p>\n",
       "protected": false
     "author": 1,
     "featured_media": 468,
     "comment_status": "open",
     "ping_status": "open",
     "sticky": false,
     "template": "",
     "format": "standard",
     "meta": [ 
     "categories": [
     "tags": [
    "id": 230,
    "date": "2014-08-24T18:56:26",
    "date_gmt": "2014-08-24T18:56:26",
    "guid": {
      "rendered": "http:\/\/********\/********\/?p=1"
    "modified": "2018-06-05T13:24:58",
    "modified_gmt": "2018-06-05T13:24:58",
    "slug": "this-url-wordpress",
    "status": "publish",
    "type": "post",
    "title": {
      "rendered": "\u2018 This a test title 3 \u2019"
     "content": {
       "rendered": "<p>This is a content 3</p>",
       "protected": false
     "excerpt": {
       "rendered": "<p>this a excerpt 3...<\/p>\n",
       "protected": false
     "author": 1,
     "featured_media": 468,
     "comment_status": "open",
     "ping_status": "open",
     "sticky": false,
     "template": "",
     "format": "standard",
     "meta": [ 
     "categories": [
     "tags": [

Mon code:

import 'Dart:async';
import 'package:flutter/material.Dart';
import 'package:peluqueriafran/WebView.Dart';
import 'Dart:convert';
import 'package:http/http.Dart' as http;

Future<Post> fetchPost() async {
  final response =
  await http.get('http://**********:88/WordPress/wp-json/wp/v2/posts/');
  final responseJson = json.decode(response.body);

  return new Post.fromJson(responseJson);

class Post {
    final int id;
    final String title;
    final String body;
    final String urlimagen;
    final String linkWeb;

    Post({this.id, this.title, this.body, this.urlimagen, this.linkWeb});

   factory Post.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
      return new Post(
         title: json['title']['rendered'].toString(),

 enter image description here

App: - Le dernier généré est sélectionné, je souhaite recevoir tout le message.
J'espère que quelqu'un pourra m'aider, merci
 enter image description here


Vous pouvez changer fetchPost pour renvoyer une liste d'articles, par exemple:

Future<List<Post>> fetchPosts() async {
  http.Response response =
      await http.get('http://**********:88/WordPress/wp-json/wp/v2/posts/');
  List responseJson = json.decode(response.body);
  return responseJson.map((m) => new Post.fromJson(m)).toList();

et vous pourriez alors utiliser le Future<List<Post>> comme ceci:

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return new FutureBuilder<List<Post>>(
    future: fetchPosts(),
    builder: (context, snapshot) {
      if (!snapshot.hasData) return Container();
      List<Post> posts = snapshot.data;
      return new ListView(
        children: posts.map((post) => Text(post.title)).toList(),

ListView prend une liste d'enfants, exactement comme Column etc. Vous pouvez donc utiliser n'importe lequel des widgets contenant une liste d'enfants.

Richard Heap
  "key": "message",
  "texts": [
      "lan": "en",
      "text": "You have pushed the button this many times"
      "lan": "tr",
      "text": "Bu butona bir çok kez bastınız"
      "lan": "ru",
      "text": "Вы много раз нажимали кнопку"

class Lang {
  final String key;
  final List<dynamic> texts;

  Lang(this.key, this.texts);

  Lang.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json)
      : key = json['key'],
        texts = json['texts'];

  Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => {
        'key': key,
        'texts': texts,

class Texts {
  final String lan;
  final String text;

  Texts(this.lan, this.text);

  Texts.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json)
      : lan = json['lan'],
        text = json['text'];

  Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => {
        'lan': lan,
        'text': text,

  Map<String, dynamic> languages = json.decode(jsonCrossword);
  var user = new Lang.fromJson(languages);
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