
Comment mettre à jour user_email sur le front-end dans WP 3,3?

J'utilise le code suivant et tout le profil du profil de l'utilisateur est mis à jour, à l'exception du courrier électronique de l'utilisateur.

Dans le modèle:

global $current_user, $wp_roles;

/* Load the registration file. */
require_once( ABSPATH . WPINC . '/registration.php' );

/* If profile was saved, update profile. */
if ( 'POST' == $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] && !empty( $_POST['action'] ) && $_POST['action'] == 'update-user' ) {

        /* Update user password. */
        if ( !empty($_POST['pass1'] ) && !empty( $_POST['pass2'] ) ) {
                if ( $_POST['pass1'] == $_POST['pass2'] )
                        wp_update_user( array( 'ID' => $current_user->id, 'user_pass' => esc_attr( $_POST['pass1'] ) ) );
                        wp_redirect( get_permalink() . '?error' );

        /* Update user information. */
        if ( !empty( $_POST['first_name'] ) )
                update_user_meta( $current_user->id, 'first_name', esc_attr( $_POST['first_name'] ) );
        if ( !empty( $_POST['last_name'] ) )
                update_user_meta($current_user->id, 'last_name', esc_attr( $_POST['last_name'] ) );
        if ( !empty( $_POST['user_email'] ) )
                update_user_meta($current_user->id, 'user_email', esc_attr( $_POST['user_email'] ) );
        if ( !empty( $_POST['cell_phone'] ) )
                update_user_meta( $current_user->id, 'cell_phone', esc_attr( $_POST['cell_phone'] ) );
        if ( !empty( $_POST['mailing_address'] ) )
                update_user_meta( $current_user->id, 'mailing_address', esc_attr( $_POST['mailing_address'] ) );
        if ( !empty( $_POST['description'] ) )
                update_user_meta( $current_user->id, 'description', esc_attr( $_POST['description'] ) );

             /* Redirect so the page will show updated info. */
    if ( !$error ) {
        wp_redirect( get_permalink() . '?success' );
        else {
            wp_redirect( get_permalink() . '?error' );

get_header(); ?>

Et dans la page:

<?php if (stripos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],'?success') !== false) { // THIS IS THE BEGINNING ?>
    <div class="alert alert-success" align="center">Your profile was updated successfully.</div>
<?php } ?>
<?php if (stripos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],'?error') !== false) { // THIS IS THE BEGINNING ?>
    <div class="alert alert-danger" align="center">Hmm, something went wrong and your profile was not updated.</div>
<?php } ?>

<form method="post" id="adduser" action="<?php the_permalink(); ?>">
    <table class="profile">
            <td class="left">
                First Name
            <td class="right">
                <input type="text" name="first_name" id="first_name" value="<?php global $current_user; get_currentuserinfo(); echo $current_user->first_name; ?>" />

            <td class="left">
                Last Name   
            <td class="right">
                <input type="text" name="last_name" id="last_name" value="<?php global $current_user; get_currentuserinfo(); echo $current_user->last_name; ?>" />

            <td class="left">
                Email Address
            <td class="right">
                <input type="text" name="user_email" id="user_email" value="<?php global $current_user; get_currentuserinfo(); echo $current_user->user_email; ?>" />

            <td class="left">
                Phone Number
            <td class="right">
                <input type="text" name="cell_phone" id="cell_phone" value="<?php global $current_user; get_currentuserinfo(); echo $current_user->cell_phone; ?>" />

            <td class="left">
                Mailing Address
            <td class="right">
                <textarea name="mailing_address" id="mailing_address" rows="4" cols="30" class="regular-text"><?php global $current_user; get_currentuserinfo(); echo $current_user->mailing_address; ?></textarea>

            <td class="left">
                Business Description
            <td class="right">
                <textarea name="description" id="description" rows="4" cols="30" class="regular-text"><?php global $current_user; get_currentuserinfo(); echo $current_user->description; ?></textarea>


    <p class="form-submit">

        <?php echo $referer; ?>
        <input name="updateuser" type="submit" id="updateuser" class="submit button" value="update-user" />
        <?php wp_nonce_field( 'update-user' ) ?>
        <input name="action" type="hidden" id="action" value="Update" />

Vous devez utiliser wp_update_user() pour l’e-mail, car ce ne sont pas des méta-utilisateurs, mais des données utilisateur essentielles. Le code devrait ressembler à ceci:

$args = array(
    'ID'         => $current_user->id,
    'user_email' => esc_attr( $_POST['user_email'] )
wp_update_user( $args );

Remarque: cela n'a pas été testé, mais cela devrait fonctionner immédiatement.


Si vous envisagez d'utiliser ce code sur le client, je vérifierais si le courrier électronique est libre d'utilisation. Sinon, vous créez un trou de sécurité.

if (isset( $_POST['email'])) {
    // check if user is really updating the value
    if ($user_email != $_POST['email']) {       
        // check if email is free to use
        if (email_exists( $_POST['email'] )){
            // Email exists, do not update value.
            // Maybe output a warning.
        } else {
            $args = array(
                'ID'         => $current_user->id,
                'user_email' => esc_attr( $_POST['email'] )
        wp_update_user( $args );
x y