
Comment lire le fichier key3.db?

Le fichier key3.db contient la clé utilisée pour crypter les mots de passe Firefox stockés dans logins.json fichier.

Je n'utilise pas de mot de passe principal dans Firefox, mais selon cet article , mes mots de passe sont cryptés avec une clé aléatoire qui est stockée dans key3.db fichier.

J'ai essayé d'ouvrir le fichier à l'aide de SqliteBrowser, mais j'ai eu une erreur: "Format de fichier non valide". Quelqu'un peut-il savoir comment lire ce fichier afin que je puisse obtenir la clé de mes mots de passe Firefox?


Si aucun mot de passe principal n'est défini, Firefox utilise un mot de passe vide.

Pour un sale Python pour décrypter et vider les données (et plus encore), voir le code suivant. C'est un vieux projet à moi et je viens de mettre à jour la lecture des mots de passe et des noms d'utilisateurs qui ont été enregistrés dans signons.sqlite avant (maintenant dans logins.json). Je ne peux pas garantir que (tout) fonctionne, mais cela s'est produit dans mon cas de test.

#!/usr/bin/env python

from ctypes import *
import struct
import base64
import platform
import os
import sqlite3
import json

# TODO: if python 3. use
#from configParser import ConfigParser
# else
from ConfigParser import ConfigParser

# Some little firefox forensic script delivering following data:
# - saved passwords (decrypted if no master pw is set)
# - visited pages
# - download history
# - form history
# - cookies 
# - flash cookies and stuff
# - finish comments
# - add little brute forcer for master pw
# - dump master pw ?
# - add some more compatibility stuff (mac if requested, else fuck it)
# - use some user defined exceptions instead plain exception
# - cache
# - think about which data from the db to return ;)
# ATTENTION: On my win7 system i needed a newer sqlite version.
# see http://code.activestate.com/lists/python-tutor/96183/
# - easy (and dirty) solution: get new sqlite.dll, replace in ...python/DLLS/
# - Decrypt saved passwords: https://github.com/pradeep1288/ffpasscracker
# - Myself for doing a .schema on every db to get the structure *yay for me*

#Password structures for firefox >= 3.5 ?!
class SECItem(Structure):
    _fields_ = [('type',c_uint),('data',c_void_p),('len',c_uint)]
class secuPWData(Structure):
    _fields_ = [('source',c_ubyte),('data',c_char_p)]

class FileNotFoundException(Exception): pass

class Firefox_data_generic(object):
    Some general informations:
    - Every timestamp is a unix timestamp in millisec (/1000 to use with pythons time stuff)

    def __init__(self, profilpath = None, compatibility_infos = None ):
        if platform.system().lower() == 'windows':
            find_profil_path =  self.__find_profile_path_windows
            load_libraries = self.__load_libraries_win
        else: # TODO. care about mac (which i don't atm)
            find_profil_path = self.__find_profile_path_linux
            load_libraries = self.__load_libraries_linux

        if profilpath is None:
            self.profilpath = find_profil_path()
            self.profilpath = profilpath
        self.default_profil = self.__get_default_profile()

        if compatibility_infos is None:
            self.ff_version, self.platform_dir, self.app_dir = self._get_info_from__compatibility_ini()
            self.ff_version, self.platform_dir, self.app_dir = compatibility_infos


        # set up for the specified ff version
        major, minor = self.ff_version
        # We don' care about stone age ff versions
        if self.ff_version < (3, 5):
            raise Exception('Nobody got time for implementing the features for this fucking old ff version')
        # download history moved from downloads.sqlite to places.sqlite
        if major >= 26:
            self.get_all_downloads = self.__get_all_downloads_places
            print 'get downloads from places.sqlite'
            self.get_all_downloads = self.__get_all_downloads_downloads
            print 'get downloads from downloads.sqlite'

        #print 'Profilepath is:', self.profilpath

    # Placeholder
    def get_all_downloads(self, profile = None):
        """ returns [(url, fileName, saveTo, size, endTime, done), ...]
        monkey patched to __get_all_downloads_downloads for version < 26 (TODO: ?)
        or else to __get_all_downloads_places
        raise NotImplementedError('get_all_downloads not implemented')

    # General working functions
    def _get_info_from__compatibility_ini(self, profile = None):
        if profile is None:
            profile = self.default_profil
        config_file = '/'.join((profile, 'compatibility.ini'))
        if not os.path.isfile(config_file):
            raise FileNotFoundException('compatibility.ini not found at "%s"' % config_file)
        config = ConfigParser()
        config.read(config_file) # TODO: catch return (list of succesfully read configs)
        major, minor = config.get('Compatibility', 'LastVersion').split('_')[0].split('.')[:2]
        # TODO: check if value exists
        return ( (int(major), int(minor)), config.get('Compatibility', 'LastPlatformDir'), config.get('Compatibility', 'LastAppDir'))

    def get_all_visited(self, profile = None):
        """ Return all visited urls in the form of [(url, visit_count, last_visit_date), ...]
        Ordered by date asc.
        If no profile path is suplied use the default one.
        Should work from v. 3.0 and above (TODO: ?)
        if profile is None:
            profile = self.default_profil
        db_path = '/'.join((profile, 'places.sqlite'))
        if not os.path.isfile(db_path):
            return None # TODO: raise exception
        con = sqlite3.connect(db_path)
        ret = con.execute('SELECT url, visit_count, last_visit_date FROM moz_places where visit_count > 0 order by last_visit_date asc;').fetchall()
        return ret

    def search_history(self, custom_filter, profile = None):
        for elem in self.get_all_visited(profile):
            if custom_filter(elem):
                yield elem      

    def test_master_pw(self, password, profile = None):
        if profile is None:
            profile = self.default_profil
        self.libnss.NSS_Init(profile) # TODO: check for errors here ? Init it once for all functions ?
        keySlot = self.libnss.PK11_GetInternalKeySlot()
        ret = self.libnss.PK11_CheckUserPassword( c_int(keySlot), c_char_p(password)) == SECSuccess
        return ret

    def is_master_password_set(self, profile = None):
        return not self.test_master_pw('', profile)

    def get_saved_passes(self, profilpath = None, decrypt = True, masterpass = ''):
        """ Try to get and decrypt saved passwords.
        The result (if successfuly) is in the form:[(hostname, httpRealm, formSubmitURL, usernameField, passwordField, username, password, encType, timeCreated, timeLastUsed, timePasswordChanged, timesUsed), ...]
        username and password are decrypted if no master password is set or they are not encrypted (doh) or the decrypt flag is set to False.
        In this cases the unaltered data is returned.
        # decrypting part from https://github.com/pradeep1288/ffpasscracker 
        # for db schema: http://www.securityxploded.com/firepasswordviewer.php#for_firefox_3_5_and_above
        #  or just do a .schema moz_logins in the signons.sqlite /* signons.sqlite is gone and replaced by logins.json */
        if profilpath is None:
            profilpath = self.default_profil

        db_path = '/'.join((profilpath, 'logins.json'))
        if not os.path.isfile(db_path):
            raise FileNotFoundException('signons.sqlite not found at "%s"' % db_path)
        with open(db_path, 'rb') as fd:
            login_data = json.load(fd)

        # care about 'would_block' (-2) ?
        if self.libnss.NSS_Init(profilpath) != SECSuccess:
            # TODO: react to this
            print """Error Initalizing NSS_Init,\n
            propably no usefull results"""
            raise Exception('NSS_Init failed') # TODO: error code ?

        # TODO: check errors
        slot = self.libnss.PK11_GetInternalKeySlot()
        self.libnss.PK11_CheckUserPassword(slot, masterpass)
        self.libnss.PK11_Authenticate(slot, True, 0)

        pwdata = secuPWData()
        pwdata.source = PW_NONE

        uname = SECItem()
        passwd = SECItem()
        dectext = SECItem()
        con = sqlite3.connect(db_path)
        ret = list()
        for row in login_data['logins']:        
            if not decrypt: # not encrypted
                row["encryptedUsername"] = base64.b64decode(row["encryptedUsername"])
                row["encryptedPassword"] = base64.b64decode(row["encryptedPassword"])
            # decrypt it                 
            uname.data  = cast(c_char_p(base64.b64decode(row["encryptedUsername"])),c_void_p)
            uname.len = len(base64.b64decode(row["encryptedUsername"]))
            passwd.data = cast(c_char_p(base64.b64decode(row["encryptedPassword"])),c_void_p)
            if self.libnss.PK11SDR_Decrypt(byref(uname),byref(dectext), 0)==-1:
                raise Exception('Username decrypt exception with:' + str(row))
            row["encryptedUsername"] = string_at(dectext.data,dectext.len)
            if self.libnss.PK11SDR_Decrypt(byref(passwd),byref(dectext), 0)==-1:
                raise Exception('Password decrypt exception with:' + str(row))
            row["encryptedPassword"] = string_at(dectext.data, dectext.len)
        return ret

    def get_all_cookies(self, profile = None): # yummy
        """ Returns all cookies in the form of [(baseDomain, appId, inBrowserElement, name, value, Host, path, expiry, lastAccessed, creationTime, isSecure, isHttpOnly), ...]
        Should work for versions >= 3.0 (TODO: ?)
        if profile is None:
            profile = self.default_profil
        db_path = '/'.join((profile, 'cookies.sqlite'))
        con = sqlite3.connect(db_path)
        ret = con.execute('SELECT baseDomain, appId, inBrowserElement, name, value, Host, path, expiry, lastAccessed, creationTime, isSecure, isHttpOnly FROM moz_cookies;').fetchall()
        return ret

    def get_all_form_history(self, profile = None, orderBy = 'firstUsed', orderASC = False):
        """ Returns all form history in the for of: [(fieldname, value, timesUsed, firstUsed, lastUsed), ...]
        Should work for versions >= 3.0 (TODO: ?)
        if profile is None:
            profile = self.default_profil
        db_path = '/'.join((profile, 'formhistory.sqlite'))
        con = sqlite3.connect(db_path)
        ret = con.execute('SELECT fieldname, value, timesUsed, firstUsed, lastUsed from moz_formhistory order by %s %s;' % (orderBy, ('ASC' if orderASC else 'DESC'))).fetchall()
        return ret

    def search_form_history(self, custom_filter, profile = None, orderBy = 'firstUsed', orderASC = False):
        for elem in self.get_all_form_history(profile, orderBy, orderASC):
            if custom_filter(elem):
                yield elem 

    # Version and platform specific functions
    def __find_profile_path_windows(self):
        """ Should work for win >= 2000 (TODO: ?)
        # TODO: should work for Windows 2000, XP, Vista, and Windows 7, (win 8 TODO: ?)
        path = '/'.join((os.environ['APPDATA'], 'Mozilla/Firefox/Profiles'))
        if not os.path.isdir(path):
            raise FileNotFoundException('Profile folder "%s" not found.' % path)
        return path

    def __find_profile_path_linux(self):
        # TODO: check where the default profile path on different distros are
        path = '/'.join((os.environ['HOME'], '.mozilla/firefox'))
        if not os.path.isdir(path):
            raise FileNotFoundException('Profile folder "%s" not found.' % path)
        return path

    def __get_default_profile(self):
            profile = ( p for p in os.listdir(self.profilpath) if p.endswith('.default') and os.path.isdir('/'.join((self.profilpath, p)))  ).next()
            return '/'.join((self.profilpath, profile))
        except StopIteration:
            return None

    def __load_libraries_win(self, major, minor):
        #TODO: check relevant version changes
        os.environ['PATH'] = ';'.join([self.platform_dir, os.environ['PATH']])
        self.libnss = CDLL('/'.join((self.platform_dir, "nss3.dll")))

    def __load_libraries_linux(self, major, minor):
        #TODO: check relevant version changes
        #TODO: could that lib be somewhere else (not in path) ? (i.e: is this safe ?)
        self.libnss = CDLL("libnss3.so")

    def __get_all_downloads_downloads(self, profile = None):       
        #TODO: untested but should work
        if profile is None:
            profile = self.default_profil
        db_path = '/'.join((profile, 'downloads.sqlite'))
        con = sqlite3.connect(db_path)
        ret = con.execute('SELECT source, name, target, maxBytes, endTime, state FROM moz_downloads;').fetchall()
        return ret

    def __get_all_downloads_places(self, profile = None):
        if profile is None:
            profile = self.default_profil
        db_path = '/'.join((profile, 'places.sqlite'))
        con = sqlite3.connect(db_path)
        ret = list()
        for download in con.execute("""SELECT url, a.content, b.content, c.content from moz_annos a, moz_annos b, moz_annos c, moz_places p
            where a.place_id = b.place_id and b.place_id = c.place_id and p.id = a.place_id
            and a.anno_attribute_id = (select id from moz_anno_attributes where name = 'downloads/destinationFileName')
            and b.anno_attribute_id = (select id from moz_anno_attributes where name = 'downloads/destinationFileURI')
            and c.anno_attribute_id = (select id from moz_anno_attributes where name = 'downloads/metaData');
            values = json.loads(download[3])
            ret.append( (download[0], download[1], download[2], values['fileSize'], values['endTime'], values['state']) )
        return ret

if __name__ == '__main__':
    profile = "C:/Users/USERNAME/AppData/Roaming/Mozilla/Firefox/Profiles/FF_PROFILE"
    ff = Firefox_data_generic()
    print 'version and paths:'
    print ff._get_info_from__compatibility_ini()

    print 'Master password is set:', ff.is_master_password_set(profile=profile) 

    print "Test some password", ff.test_master_pw('test1234567')

    print 'passwords:'
    print ff.get_saved_passes(profilpath=profile, decrypt=True, masterpass="")

    print 'cookies:'
    print ff.get_all_cookies()

    #print 'form history:'    
    #print ff.get_all_form_history(orderBy='name', True)
    print 'form history from search bar:'
    print list(ff.search_form_history(lambda x: 'searchbar' in x[0]))

    #print 'visited sites:'    
    #print ff.get_all_visited()
    print 'visited sites with login in url:'
    print list(ff.search_history(lambda x: 'login' in x[0]))

    print 'downloads:'
    print ff.get_all_downloads()

Cela devrait fonctionner sur Windows et Linux, mais je viens de tester les modifications sur un système Windows.

Edit: j'ai remplacé le script pour casser les mots de passe par un pour simplement vider différentes informations (y compris les mots de passe et les noms d'utilisateur sous forme déchiffrée avec un mot de passe donné)


Guide pour déchiffrer la base de données des mots de passe enregistrés de Firefox

  1. git clone https://github.com/unode/firefox_decrypt.git
  2. cd firefox_decrypt
  3. python firefox_decrypt.py
  4. Entrez le mot de passe principal si vous en avez un, ou appuyez simplement sur Entrée
  5. Prendre plaisir

Ou vous pouvez également utiliser https://www.dumpzilla.org/ ????


utilisez la commande db_dump185 de libdb-utils (basé sur rhel) ou libdb1-compat (basé sur debian)

Je sais que c'est une vieille question mais j'ai fait des recherches moi-même et je voulais une réponse à la question et non une solution de contournement.

La raison pour laquelle cela a été si difficile est que ce fichier key3.db est en fait une version beaucoup plus ancienne de la base de données berkeley que la commande db_dump régulière ne peut pas lire. Il n'était pas immédiatement évident que pour lire ce package de la version 1.85, je devrais utiliser à la place la commande db_dump185 presque identique. J'ai tourné en rond en essayant de recompiler avec l'option --enable-dump185 lorsque tout au long du package du système d'exploitation contenait cela, mais nécessitait une commande distincte pour en profiter.

Maintenant que j'ai cette base de données ouverte, je ne sais toujours pas quoi faire avec les données à l'intérieur, ce qui semble être le même problème que Outils de ligne de commande pour décrypter mes mots de passe Firefox 45.7.0 en utilisant key3.db et logins.json? a aussi. Je pense que ma solution actuelle sera de ne pas utiliser (cert8 | key3) .db et de passer à la place (cert9 | key4) .db à la place, car il semble que sqlite3 a pu ouvrir key4.db sans autre problème. Il semble que la table de métadonnées dans key4.db contient les enregistrements item1 et item2, qui, je suppose, sont en effet la clé et l'IV nécessaires pour chiffrer/déchiffrer les valeurs dans/hors de logins.json, mais je ne sais toujours pas comment mettre tout cela ensemble à ce stade.

J'espère que si je ne suis pas en mesure de comprendre cela moi-même, ces informations peuvent aider quelqu'un d'autre à une réponse qui suit le trou de lapin actuel que je suis en train de suivre.

Mobus Dorphin