
Analyser une date/heure ISO8601 (y compris TimeZone) dans Excel

Je dois analyser un format de date/heure ISO8601 avec un fuseau horaire inclus (provenant d'une source externe) dans Excel/VBA, à une date Excel normale. Autant que je sache, Excel XP (c'est ce que nous utilisons) ne possède pas de routine pour cette fonctionnalité intégrée. Je suppose donc que je recherche une fonction VBA personnalisée pour l'analyse.

Les dates/heures ISO8601 ressemblent à l'une de celles-ci:


Beaucoup de Google n'a rien révélé, alors j'écris ma propre routine. Le poster ici pour référence future:

Option Explicit

' Declarations must be at the top -- see below
Public Declare Function SystemTimeToFileTime Lib _
  "kernel32" (lpSystemTime As SYSTEMTIME, _
  lpFileTime As FILETIME) As Long

Public Declare Function FileTimeToLocalFileTime Lib _
  "kernel32" (lpLocalFileTime As FILETIME, _
  lpFileTime As FILETIME) As Long

Public Declare Function FileTimeToSystemTime Lib _
  "kernel32" (lpFileTime As FILETIME, lpSystemTime _

Public Type FILETIME
    dwLowDateTime As Long
    dwHighDateTime As Long
End Type

    wYear As Integer
    wMonth As Integer
    wDayOfWeek As Integer
    wDay As Integer
    wHour As Integer
    wMinute As Integer
    wSecond As Integer
    wMilliseconds As Integer
End Type

' Convert ISO8601 dateTimes to Excel Dates
Public Function ISODATE(iso As String)
    ' Find location of delimiters in input string
    Dim tPos As Integer: tPos = InStr(iso, "T")
    If tPos = 0 Then tPos = Len(iso) + 1
    Dim zPos As Integer: zPos = InStr(iso, "Z")
    If zPos = 0 Then zPos = InStr(iso, "+")
    If zPos = 0 Then zPos = InStr(tPos, iso, "-")
    If zPos = 0 Then zPos = Len(iso) + 1
    If zPos = tPos Then zPos = tPos + 1

    ' Get the relevant parts out
    Dim datePart As String: datePart = Mid(iso, 1, tPos - 1)
    Dim timePart As String: timePart = Mid(iso, tPos + 1, zPos - tPos - 1)
    Dim dotPos As Integer: dotPos = InStr(timePart, ".")
    If dotPos = 0 Then dotPos = Len(timePart) + 1
    timePart = Left(timePart, dotPos - 1)

    ' Have them parsed separately by Excel
    Dim d As Date: d = DateValue(datePart)
    Dim t As Date: If timePart <> "" Then t = TimeValue(timePart)
    Dim dt As Date: dt = d + t

    ' Add the timezone
    Dim tz As String: tz = Mid(iso, zPos)
    If tz <> "" And Left(tz, 1) <> "Z" Then
        Dim colonPos As Integer: colonPos = InStr(tz, ":")
        If colonPos = 0 Then colonPos = Len(tz) + 1

        Dim minutes As Integer: minutes = CInt(Mid(tz, 2, colonPos - 2)) * 60 + CInt(Mid(tz, colonPos + 1))
        If Left(tz, 1) = "+" Then minutes = -minutes
        dt = DateAdd("n", minutes, dt)
    End If

    ' Return value is the ISO8601 date in the local time zone
    dt = UTCToLocalTime(dt)
    ISODATE = dt
End Function

' Got this function to convert local date to UTC date from
' http://Excel.tips.net/Pages/T002185_Automatically_Converting_to_GMT.html
Public Function UTCToLocalTime(dteTime As Date) As Date
    Dim infile As FILETIME
    Dim outfile As FILETIME
    Dim insys As SYSTEMTIME
    Dim outsys As SYSTEMTIME

    insys.wYear = CInt(Year(dteTime))
    insys.wMonth = CInt(Month(dteTime))
    insys.wDay = CInt(Day(dteTime))
    insys.wHour = CInt(Hour(dteTime))
    insys.wMinute = CInt(Minute(dteTime))
    insys.wSecond = CInt(Second(dteTime))

    Call SystemTimeToFileTime(insys, infile)
    Call FileTimeToLocalFileTime(infile, outfile)
    Call FileTimeToSystemTime(outfile, outsys)

    UTCToLocalTime = CDate(outsys.wMonth & "/" & _
      outsys.wDay & "/" & _
      outsys.wYear & " " & _
      outsys.wHour & ":" & _
      outsys.wMinute & ":" & _
End Function

' Tests for the ISO Date functions
Public Sub ISODateTest()
    ' [[ Verify that all dateTime formats parse sucesfully ]]
    Dim d1 As Date: d1 = ISODATE("2011-01-01")
    Dim d2 As Date: d2 = ISODATE("2011-01-01T00:00:00")
    Dim d3 As Date: d3 = ISODATE("2011-01-01T00:00:00Z")
    Dim d4 As Date: d4 = ISODATE("2011-01-01T12:00:00Z")
    Dim d5 As Date: d5 = ISODATE("2011-01-01T12:00:00+05:00")
    Dim d6 As Date: d6 = ISODATE("2011-01-01T12:00:00-05:00")
    Dim d7 As Date: d7 = ISODATE("2011-01-01T12:00:00.05381+05:00")
    AssertEqual "Date and midnight", d1, d2
    AssertEqual "With and without Z", d2, d3
    AssertEqual "With timezone", -5, DateDiff("h", d4, d5)
    AssertEqual "Timezone Difference", 10, DateDiff("h", d5, d6)
    AssertEqual "Ignore subsecond", d5, d7

    ' [[ Independence of local DST ]]
    ' Verify that a date in winter and a date in summer parse to the same Hour value
    Dim w As Date: w = ISODATE("2010-02-23T21:04:48+01:00")
    Dim s As Date: s = ISODATE("2010-07-23T21:04:48+01:00")
    AssertEqual "Winter/Summer hours", Hour(w), Hour(s)

    MsgBox "All tests passed succesfully!"
End Sub

Sub AssertEqual(name, x, y)
    If x <> y Then Err.Raise 1234, Description:="Failed: " & name & ": '" & x & "' <> '" & y & "'"
End Sub

Il existe un moyen (raisonnablement) simple d'analyser un horodatage ISO SANS le fuseau horaire qui utilise des formules au lieu de macros. Ce n'est pas exactement ce que l'affiche originale a demandé, mais j'ai trouvé cette question lorsque j'essayais d'analyser les horodatages ISO dans Excel et ai trouvé cette solution utile;.

La formule suivante analysera un horodatage ISO, à nouveau SANS le fuseau horaire:


Cela produira la date au format virgule flottante, que vous pourrez ensuite formater en tant que date en utilisant les formats Excel normaux.


J'aurais posté cela comme un commentaire, mais je n'ai pas assez de rep - désolé !. C’était vraiment utile pour moi - merci rix0rrr, mais j’ai remarqué que la fonction UTCToLocalTime devait tenir compte des paramètres régionaux lors de la construction de la date à la fin. Voici la version que j'utilise au Royaume-Uni - notez que l'ordre de wDay et de wMonth est inversé:

Public Function UTCToLocalTime(dteTime As Date) As Date
  Dim infile As FILETIME
  Dim outfile As FILETIME
  Dim insys As SYSTEMTIME
  Dim outsys As SYSTEMTIME

  insys.wYear = CInt(Year(dteTime))
  insys.wMonth = CInt(Month(dteTime))
  insys.wDay = CInt(Day(dteTime))
  insys.wHour = CInt(Hour(dteTime))
  insys.wMinute = CInt(Minute(dteTime))
  insys.wSecond = CInt(Second(dteTime))

  Call SystemTimeToFileTime(insys, infile)
  Call FileTimeToLocalFileTime(infile, outfile)
  Call FileTimeToSystemTime(outfile, outsys)

  UTCToLocalTime = CDate(outsys.wDay & "/" & _
    outsys.wMonth & "/" & _
    outsys.wYear & " " & _
    outsys.wHour & ":" & _
    outsys.wMinute & ":" & _
  End Function

Le answer by rix0rrr est excellent, mais il ne prend pas en charge les décalages de fuseau horaire sans les deux points ou avec uniquement les heures. J'ai légèrement amélioré la fonction pour ajouter le support pour ces formats:

' Declarations must be at the top -- see below
Public Declare Function SystemTimeToFileTime Lib _
  "kernel32" (lpSystemTime As SYSTEMTIME, _
  lpFileTime As FILETIME) As Long

Public Declare Function FileTimeToLocalFileTime Lib _
  "kernel32" (lpLocalFileTime As FILETIME, _
  lpFileTime As FILETIME) As Long

Public Declare Function FileTimeToSystemTime Lib _
  "kernel32" (lpFileTime As FILETIME, lpSystemTime _

Public Type FILETIME
    dwLowDateTime As Long
    dwHighDateTime As Long
End Type

    wYear As Integer
    wMonth As Integer
    wDayOfWeek As Integer
    wDay As Integer
    wHour As Integer
    wMinute As Integer
    wSecond As Integer
    wMilliseconds As Integer
End Type

' Convert ISO8601 dateTimes to Excel Dates
Public Function ISODATE(iso As String)
    ' Find location of delimiters in input string
    Dim tPos As Integer: tPos = InStr(iso, "T")
    If tPos = 0 Then tPos = Len(iso) + 1
    Dim zPos As Integer: zPos = InStr(iso, "Z")
    If zPos = 0 Then zPos = InStr(iso, "+")
    If zPos = 0 Then zPos = InStr(tPos, iso, "-")
    If zPos = 0 Then zPos = Len(iso) + 1
    If zPos = tPos Then zPos = tPos + 1

    ' Get the relevant parts out
    Dim datePart As String: datePart = Mid(iso, 1, tPos - 1)
    Dim timePart As String: timePart = Mid(iso, tPos + 1, zPos - tPos - 1)
    Dim dotPos As Integer: dotPos = InStr(timePart, ".")
    If dotPos = 0 Then dotPos = Len(timePart) + 1
    timePart = Left(timePart, dotPos - 1)

    ' Have them parsed separately by Excel
    Dim d As Date: d = DateValue(datePart)
    Dim t As Date: If timePart <> "" Then t = TimeValue(timePart)
    Dim dt As Date: dt = d + t

    ' Add the timezone
    Dim tz As String: tz = Mid(iso, zPos)
    If tz <> "" And Left(tz, 1) <> "Z" Then
        Dim colonPos As Integer: colonPos = InStr(tz, ":")
        Dim minutes As Integer
        If colonPos = 0 Then
            If (Len(tz) = 3) Then
                minutes = CInt(Mid(tz, 2)) * 60
                minutes = CInt(Mid(tz, 2, 5)) * 60 + CInt(Mid(tz, 4))
            End If
            minutes = CInt(Mid(tz, 2, colonPos - 2)) * 60 + CInt(Mid(tz, colonPos + 1))
        End If

        If Left(tz, 1) = "+" Then minutes = -minutes
        dt = DateAdd("n", minutes, dt)
    End If

    ' Return value is the ISO8601 date in the local time zone
    dt = UTCToLocalTime(dt)
    ISODATE = dt
End Function

' Got this function to convert local date to UTC date from
' http://Excel.tips.net/Pages/T002185_Automatically_Converting_to_GMT.html
Public Function UTCToLocalTime(dteTime As Date) As Date
    Dim infile As FILETIME
    Dim outfile As FILETIME
    Dim insys As SYSTEMTIME
    Dim outsys As SYSTEMTIME

    insys.wYear = CInt(Year(dteTime))
    insys.wMonth = CInt(Month(dteTime))
    insys.wDay = CInt(Day(dteTime))
    insys.wHour = CInt(Hour(dteTime))
    insys.wMinute = CInt(Minute(dteTime))
    insys.wSecond = CInt(Second(dteTime))

    Call SystemTimeToFileTime(insys, infile)
    Call FileTimeToLocalFileTime(infile, outfile)
    Call FileTimeToSystemTime(outfile, outsys)

    UTCToLocalTime = CDate(outsys.wMonth & "/" & _
      outsys.wDay & "/" & _
      outsys.wYear & " " & _
      outsys.wHour & ":" & _
      outsys.wMinute & ":" & _
End Function

' Tests for the ISO Date functions
Public Sub ISODateTest()
    ' [[ Verify that all dateTime formats parse sucesfully ]]
    Dim d1 As Date: d1 = ISODATE("2011-01-01")
    Dim d2 As Date: d2 = ISODATE("2011-01-01T00:00:00")
    Dim d3 As Date: d3 = ISODATE("2011-01-01T00:00:00Z")
    Dim d4 As Date: d4 = ISODATE("2011-01-01T12:00:00Z")
    Dim d5 As Date: d5 = ISODATE("2011-01-01T12:00:00+05:00")
    Dim d6 As Date: d6 = ISODATE("2011-01-01T12:00:00-05:00")
    Dim d7 As Date: d7 = ISODATE("2011-01-01T12:00:00.05381+05:00")
    Dim d8 As Date: d8 = ISODATE("2011-01-01T12:00:00-0500")
    Dim d9 As Date: d9 = ISODATE("2011-01-01T12:00:00-05")
    AssertEqual "Date and midnight", d1, d2
    AssertEqual "With and without Z", d2, d3
    AssertEqual "With timezone", -5, DateDiff("h", d4, d5)
    AssertEqual "Timezone Difference", 10, DateDiff("h", d5, d6)
    AssertEqual "Ignore subsecond", d5, d7
    AssertEqual "No colon in timezone offset", d5, d8
    AssertEqual "No minutes in timezone offset", d5, d9

    ' [[ Independence of local DST ]]
    ' Verify that a date in winter and a date in summer parse to the same Hour value
    Dim w As Date: w = ISODATE("2010-02-23T21:04:48+01:00")
    Dim s As Date: s = ISODATE("2010-07-23T21:04:48+01:00")
    AssertEqual "Winter/Summer hours", Hour(w), Hour(s)

    MsgBox "All tests passed succesfully!"
End Sub

Sub AssertEqual(name, x, y)
    If x <> y Then Err.Raise 1234, Description:="Failed: " & name & ": '" & x & "' <> '" & y & "'"
End Sub

Je sais que ce n'est pas aussi élégant que le module VB Mais si quelqu'un recherche une formule rapide qui prend en compte le fuseau horaire après le '+', cela pourrait bien l'être. 

= DATEVALUE(MID(D3,1,10))+TIMEVALUE(MID(D3,12,5))+TIME(MID(D3,18,2),0,0)




2/12/2017 07:03:00 AM

(heure locale compte tenu du fuseau horaire)

évidemment, vous pouvez modifier la longueur des différentes sections de rognage, si vous avez aussi des millisecondes ou si vous avez plus de temps après +.

utilisez la formule sigpwned si vous souhaitez ignorer le fuseau horaire.


Mes dates sont sur le formulaire 20130221T133551Z (YYYYMMDD'T'HHMMSS'Z ') et j’ai donc créé cette variante:

Public Function ISODATEZ(iso As String) As Date
    Dim yearPart As Integer: yearPart = CInt(Mid(iso, 1, 4))
    Dim monPart As Integer: monPart = CInt(Mid(iso, 5, 2))
    Dim dayPart As Integer: dayPart = CInt(Mid(iso, 7, 2))
    Dim hourPart As Integer: hourPart = CInt(Mid(iso, 10, 2))
    Dim minPart As Integer: minPart = CInt(Mid(iso, 12, 2))
    Dim secPart As Integer: secPart = CInt(Mid(iso, 14, 2))
    Dim tz As String: tz = Mid(iso, 16)

    Dim dt As Date: dt = DateSerial(yearPart, monPart, dayPart) + TimeSerial(hourPart, minPart, secPart)

    ' Add the timezone
    If tz <> "" And Left(tz, 1) <> "Z" Then
        Dim colonPos As Integer: colonPos = InStr(tz, ":")
        If colonPos = 0 Then colonPos = Len(tz) + 1

        Dim minutes As Integer: minutes = CInt(Mid(tz, 2, colonPos - 2)) * 60 + CInt(Mid(tz, colonPos + 1))
        If Left(tz, 1) = "+" Then minutes = -minutes
        dt = DateAdd("n", minutes, dt)
    End If

    ' Return value is the ISO8601 date in the local time zone
    ' dt = UTCToLocalTime(dt)
    ISODATEZ = dt
End Function

(la conversion de fuseau horaire n'est pas testée et il n'y a pas de traitement d'erreur en cas d'entrée inattendue)

Rolf Rander

Vous pouvez faire ceci sans VB pour les applications:

Par exemple. pour analyser ce qui suit:






do: => http://www.kddart.org/help/kdsmart/html/Excel-support.html





mais le format de date supérieur doit être automatiquement analysé par Excel.

Vous obtenez ensuite une valeur de date/heure Excel que vous pouvez formater en date et heure.

Pour des informations détaillées et des exemples de fichiers: http://blog.hani-ibrahim.de/iso-8601-parsing-in-Excel-and-calc.html
