
Supprimer un document avec toutes les sous-collections et sous-collections imbriquées dans Firestore

Comment pouvez-vous supprimer un document avec toutes ses collections et ses sous-collections imbriquées? (à l'intérieur de l'environnement des fonctions)

Dans la RTDB, vous pouvez ref.child('../someNode).setValue(null) et cela complète le comportement souhaité.

Je peux penser à deux façons d'obtenir le comportement de suppression souhaité, les deux présentant des inconvénients horribles.

  1. Créez une fonction `` Super '' qui guidera chaque document et les supprimera dans un lot. Cette fonction serait compliquée, fragile aux changements et pourrait prendre un certain temps d'exécution.

  2. Ajoutez des déclencheurs "onDelete" pour chaque type de document et faites-le supprimer toutes les sous-collections directes. Vous appellerez delete sur le document racine, et les appels de suppression se propageront dans "l'arborescence". Ceci est lent, évolue atrocement et est coûteux en raison de la charge colossale d'exécutions de fonctions.

Imaginez que vous deviez supprimer un "GROUPE" et tous ses enfants. Ce serait profondément chaotique avec # 1 et cher avec # 2 (1 appel de fonction par doc)

groups > GROUP > projects > PROJECT > files > FILE > assets > ASSET
                                                   > urls > URL
                                    > members > MEMBER
               > questions > QUESTION > answers > ANSWER > replies > REPLY
                                      > comments > COMMENT
               > resources > RESOURCE > submissions > SUBMISSION
                                      > requests > REQUEST

Existe-t-il un moyen supérieur/préféré/plus propre de supprimer un document et toutes ses sous-collections imbriquées?

Cela devrait être possible étant donné que vous pouvez le faire à partir de la console.


selon la documentation de Firebase:
La suppression de la collection avec des sous-collections imbriquées peut être facile et nette avec node-JS côté serveur.

const client = require('firebase-tools');
await client.firestore
      .delete(collectionPath, {
        project: process.env.GCLOUD_PROJECT,
        recursive: true,
        yes: true
Oleg Bondarenko

Malheureusement, votre analyse est exacte et en effet ce cas d'utilisation nécessite beaucoup de cérémonie. Selon la documentation officielle, il n'y a pas de prise en charge pour les suppressions en profondeur dans un seul shot dans firestore ni via les bibliothèques client ni rest-api ni le cli outil.

Le cli est open source et son implémentation vit ici: https://github.com/firebase/firebase-tools/blob/master/src/firestore/delete.js . Ils ont essentiellement mis en œuvre l'option 1. que vous avez décrite dans votre question, afin que vous puissiez vous en inspirer.

Les deux options 1. et 2. sont loin d'être une situation idéale et pour rendre votre solution fiable à 100%, vous devrez conserver une file d'attente persistante avec des tâches de suppression, car toute erreur dans la longue procédure laissera votre système dans un état mal défini.

Je découragerais d'aller avec l'option brute 2. car les appels récursifs de la fonction cloud peuvent très facilement se tromper - par exemple, atteindre max. limites.

Dans le cas où le lien a changé, en dessous de la source complète de https://github.com/firebase/firebase-tools/blob/master/src/firestore/delete.js :

"use strict";

var clc = require("cli-color");
var ProgressBar = require("progress");

var api = require("../api");
var firestore = require("../gcp/firestore");
var FirebaseError = require("../error");
var logger = require("../logger");
var utils = require("../utils");

 * Construct a new Firestore delete operation.
 * @constructor
 * @param {string} project the Firestore project ID.
 * @param {string} path path to a document or collection.
 * @param {boolean} options.recursive true if the delete should be recursive.
 * @param {boolean} options.shallow true if the delete should be shallow (non-recursive).
 * @param {boolean} options.allCollections true if the delete should universally remove all collections and docs.
function FirestoreDelete(project, path, options) {
  this.project = project;
  this.path = path;
  this.recursive = Boolean(options.recursive);
  this.shallow = Boolean(options.shallow);
  this.allCollections = Boolean(options.allCollections);

  // Remove any leading or trailing slashes from the path
  if (this.path) {
    this.path = this.path.replace(/(^\/+|\/+$)/g, "");

  this.isDocumentPath = this._isDocumentPath(this.path);
  this.isCollectionPath = this._isCollectionPath(this.path);

  this.allDescendants = this.recursive;
  this.parent = "projects/" + project + "/databases/(default)/documents";

  // When --all-collections is passed any other flags or arguments are ignored
  if (!options.allCollections) {

 * Validate all options, throwing an exception for any fatal errors.
FirestoreDelete.prototype._validateOptions = function() {
  if (this.recursive && this.shallow) {
    throw new FirebaseError("Cannot pass recursive and shallow options together.");

  if (this.isCollectionPath && !this.recursive && !this.shallow) {
    throw new FirebaseError("Must pass recursive or shallow option when deleting a collection.");

  var pieces = this.path.split("/");

  if (pieces.length === 0) {
    throw new FirebaseError("Path length must be greater than zero.");

  var hasEmptySegment = pieces.some(function(piece) {
    return piece.length === 0;

  if (hasEmptySegment) {
    throw new FirebaseError("Path must not have any empty segments.");

 * Determine if a path points to a document.
 * @param {string} path a path to a Firestore document or collection.
 * @return {boolean} true if the path points to a document, false
 * if it points to a collection.
FirestoreDelete.prototype._isDocumentPath = function(path) {
  if (!path) {
    return false;

  var pieces = path.split("/");
  return pieces.length % 2 === 0;

 * Determine if a path points to a collection.
 * @param {string} path a path to a Firestore document or collection.
 * @return {boolean} true if the path points to a collection, false
 * if it points to a document.
FirestoreDelete.prototype._isCollectionPath = function(path) {
  if (!path) {
    return false;

  return !this._isDocumentPath(path);

 * Construct a StructuredQuery to find descendant documents of a collection.
 * See:
 * https://firebase.google.com/docs/firestore/reference/rest/v1beta1/StructuredQuery
 * @param {boolean} allDescendants true if subcollections should be included.
 * @param {number} batchSize maximum number of documents to target (limit).
 * @param {string=} startAfter document name to start after (optional).
 * @return {object} a StructuredQuery.
FirestoreDelete.prototype._collectionDescendantsQuery = function(
) {
  var nullChar = String.fromCharCode(0);

  var startAt = this.parent + "/" + this.path + "/" + nullChar;
  var endAt = this.parent + "/" + this.path + nullChar + "/" + nullChar;

  var where = {
    compositeFilter: {
      op: "AND",
      filters: [
          fieldFilter: {
            field: {
              fieldPath: "__name__",
            op: "GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL",
            value: {
              referenceValue: startAt,
          fieldFilter: {
            field: {
              fieldPath: "__name__",
            op: "LESS_THAN",
            value: {
              referenceValue: endAt,

  var query = {
    structuredQuery: {
      where: where,
      limit: batchSize,
      from: [
          allDescendants: allDescendants,
      select: {
        fields: [{ fieldPath: "__name__" }],
      orderBy: [{ field: { fieldPath: "__name__" } }],

  if (startAfter) {
    query.structuredQuery.startAt = {
      values: [{ referenceValue: startAfter }],
      before: false,

  return query;

 * Construct a StructuredQuery to find descendant documents of a document.
 * The document itself will not be included
 * among the results.
 * See:
 * https://firebase.google.com/docs/firestore/reference/rest/v1beta1/StructuredQuery
 * @param {boolean} allDescendants true if subcollections should be included.
 * @param {number} batchSize maximum number of documents to target (limit).
 * @param {string=} startAfter document name to start after (optional).
 * @return {object} a StructuredQuery.
FirestoreDelete.prototype._docDescendantsQuery = function(allDescendants, batchSize, startAfter) {
  var query = {
    structuredQuery: {
      limit: batchSize,
      from: [
          allDescendants: allDescendants,
      select: {
        fields: [{ fieldPath: "__name__" }],
      orderBy: [{ field: { fieldPath: "__name__" } }],

  if (startAfter) {
    query.structuredQuery.startAt = {
      values: [{ referenceValue: startAfter }],
      before: false,

  return query;

 * Query for a batch of 'descendants' of a given path.
 * For document format see:
 * https://firebase.google.com/docs/firestore/reference/rest/v1beta1/Document
 * @param {boolean} allDescendants true if subcollections should be included,
 * @param {number} batchSize the maximum size of the batch.
 * @param {string=} startAfter the name of the document to start after (optional).
 * @return {Promise<object[]>} a promise for an array of documents.
FirestoreDelete.prototype._getDescendantBatch = function(allDescendants, batchSize, startAfter) {
  var url;
  var body;
  if (this.isDocumentPath) {
    url = this.parent + "/" + this.path + ":runQuery";
    body = this._docDescendantsQuery(allDescendants, batchSize, startAfter);
  } else {
    url = this.parent + ":runQuery";
    body = this._collectionDescendantsQuery(allDescendants, batchSize, startAfter);

  return api
    .request("POST", "/v1beta1/" + url, {
      auth: true,
      data: body,
      Origin: api.firestoreOrigin,
    .then(function(res) {
      // Return the 'document' property for each element in the response,
      // where it exists.
      return res.body
        .filter(function(x) {
          return x.document;
        .map(function(x) {
          return x.document;

 * Progress bar shared by the class.
FirestoreDelete.progressBar = new ProgressBar("Deleted :current docs (:rate docs/s)", {
  total: Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER,

 * Repeatedly query for descendants of a path and delete them in batches
 * until no documents remain.
 * @return {Promise} a promise for the entire operation.
FirestoreDelete.prototype._recursiveBatchDelete = function() {
  var self = this;

  // Tunable deletion parameters
  var readBatchSize = 7500;
  var deleteBatchSize = 250;
  var maxPendingDeletes = 15;
  var maxQueueSize = deleteBatchSize * maxPendingDeletes * 2;

  // All temporary variables for the deletion queue.
  var queue = [];
  var numPendingDeletes = 0;
  var pagesRemaining = true;
  var pageIncoming = false;
  var lastDocName;

  var failures = [];
  var retried = {};

  var queueLoop = function() {
    if (queue.length == 0 && numPendingDeletes == 0 && !pagesRemaining) {
      return true;

    if (failures.length > 0) {
      logger.debug("Found " + failures.length + " failed deletes, failing.");
      return true;

    if (queue.length <= maxQueueSize && pagesRemaining && !pageIncoming) {
      pageIncoming = true;

        ._getDescendantBatch(self.allDescendants, readBatchSize, lastDocName)
        .then(function(docs) {
          pageIncoming = false;

          if (docs.length == 0) {
            pagesRemaining = false;

          queue = queue.concat(docs);
          lastDocName = docs[docs.length - 1].name;
        .catch(function(e) {
          logger.debug("Failed to fetch page after " + lastDocName, e);
          pageIncoming = false;

    if (numPendingDeletes > maxPendingDeletes) {
      return false;

    if (queue.length == 0) {
      return false;

    var toDelete = [];
    var numToDelete = Math.min(deleteBatchSize, queue.length);

    for (var i = 0; i < numToDelete; i++) {

      .deleteDocuments(self.project, toDelete)
      .then(function(numDeleted) {
      .catch(function(e) {
        // For server errors, retry if the document has not yet been retried.
        if (e.status >= 500 && e.status < 600) {
          logger.debug("Server error deleting doc batch", e);

          // Retry each doc up to one time
          toDelete.forEach(function(doc) {
            if (retried[doc.name]) {
              logger.debug("Failed to delete doc " + doc.name + " multiple times.");
            } else {
              retried[doc.name] = true;
        } else {
          logger.debug("Fatal error deleting docs ", e);
          failures = failures.concat(toDelete);


    return false;

  return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
    var intervalId = setInterval(function() {
      if (queueLoop()) {

        if (failures.length == 0) {
        } else {
          reject("Failed to delete documents " + failures);
    }, 0);

 * Delete everything under a given path. If the path represents
 * a document the document is deleted and then all descendants
 * are deleted.
 * @return {Promise} a promise for the entire operation.
FirestoreDelete.prototype._deletePath = function() {
  var self = this;
  var initialDelete;
  if (this.isDocumentPath) {
    var doc = { name: this.parent + "/" + this.path };
    initialDelete = firestore.deleteDocument(doc).catch(function(err) {
      logger.debug("deletePath:initialDelete:error", err);
      if (self.allDescendants) {
        // On a recursive delete, we are insensitive to
        // failures of the initial delete
        return Promise.resolve();

      // For a shallow delete, this error is fatal.
      return utils.reject("Unable to delete " + clc.cyan(this.path));
  } else {
    initialDelete = Promise.resolve();

  return initialDelete.then(function() {
    return self._recursiveBatchDelete();

 * Delete an entire database by finding and deleting each collection.
 * @return {Promise} a promise for all of the operations combined.
FirestoreDelete.prototype.deleteDatabase = function() {
  var self = this;
  return firestore
    .catch(function(err) {
      logger.debug("deleteDatabase:listCollectionIds:error", err);
      return utils.reject("Unable to list collection IDs");
    .then(function(collectionIds) {
      var promises = [];

      logger.info("Deleting the following collections: " + clc.cyan(collectionIds.join(", ")));

      for (var i = 0; i < collectionIds.length; i++) {
        var collectionId = collectionIds[i];
        var deleteOp = new FirestoreDelete(self.project, collectionId, {
          recursive: true,


      return Promise.all(promises);

 * Check if a path has any children. Useful for determining
 * if deleting a path will affect more than one document.
 * @return {Promise<boolean>} a promise that retruns true if the path has
 * children and false otherwise.
FirestoreDelete.prototype.checkHasChildren = function() {
  return this._getDescendantBatch(true, 1).then(function(docs) {
    return docs.length > 0;

 * Run the delete operation.
FirestoreDelete.prototype.execute = function() {
  var verifyRecurseSafe;
  if (this.isDocumentPath && !this.recursive && !this.shallow) {
    verifyRecurseSafe = this.checkHasChildren().then(function(multiple) {
      if (multiple) {
        return utils.reject("Document has children, must specify -r or --shallow.", { exit: 1 });
  } else {
    verifyRecurseSafe = Promise.resolve();

  var self = this;
  return verifyRecurseSafe.then(function() {
    return self._deletePath();

module.exports = FirestoreDelete;
artur grzesiak

Comme mentionné ci-dessus, vous devez écrire un bon bout de code pour cela. Pour chaque document à supprimer, vous devez vérifier s'il contient une ou plusieurs collections. Si c'est le cas, vous devez également les mettre en file d'attente pour suppression. J'ai écrit le code ci-dessous pour ce faire. Il n'est pas testé pour être extensible à de grands ensembles de données, ce qui est bien pour moi car je l'utilise pour nettoyer après des tests d'intégration à petite échelle. Si vous avez besoin de quelque chose de plus évolutif, n'hésitez pas à prendre cela comme point de départ et à jouer davantage avec le traitement par lots.

class FirebaseDeleter {

constructor(database, collections) {
    this._database = database;
    this._pendingCollections = [];

  run() {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      this._callback = resolve;
      this._database.getCollections().then(collections => {
        this._pendingCollections = collections;

  _processNext() {
    const collections = this._pendingCollections;
    this._pendingCollections = [];
    const promises = collections.map(collection => {
      return this.deleteCollection(collection, 10000);

    Promise.all(promises).then(() => {
      if (this._pendingCollections.length == 0) {
      } else {
        process.nextTick(() => {

  deleteCollection(collectionRef, batchSize) {
    var query = collectionRef;

    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      this.deleteQueryBatch(query, batchSize, resolve, reject);

  deleteQueryBatch(query, batchSize, resolve, reject) {
      .then(snapshot => {
        // When there are no documents left, we are done
        if (snapshot.size == 0) {
          return 0;

        // Delete documents in a batch
        var batch = this._database.batch();
        const collectionPromises = [];
        snapshot.docs.forEach(doc => {
            doc.ref.getCollections().then(collections => {
              collections.forEach(collection => {

        // Wait until we know if all the documents have collections before deleting them.
        return Promise.all(collectionPromises).then(() => {
          return batch.commit().then(() => {
            return snapshot.size;
      .then(numDeleted => {
        if (numDeleted === 0) {

        // Recurse on the next process tick, to avoid
        // exploding the stack.
        process.nextTick(() => {
          this.deleteQueryBatch(query, batchSize, resolve, reject);
Shane O Sullivan

je ne sais pas combien vous est utile, mais testez-le et comparez le temps d'exécution que j'obtiens, utilisez le document Fire Store

  /** Delete a collection in batches to avoid out-of-memory errors.
     * Batch size may be tuned based on document size (atmost 1MB) and application requirements.

 void deleteCollection(CollectionReference collection, int batchSize) {
      try {
        // retrieve a small batch of documents to avoid out-of-memory errors
        ApiFuture<QuerySnapshot> future = collection.limit(batchSize).get();
        int deleted = 0;
        // future.get() blocks on document retrieval
        List<QueryDocumentSnapshot> documents = future.get().getDocuments();
        for (QueryDocumentSnapshot document : documents) {
        if (deleted >= batchSize) {
          // retrieve and delete another batch
          deleteCollection(collection, batchSize);
      } catch (Exception e) {
        System.err.println("Error deleting collection : " + e.getMessage());
Berhanu Tarekegn