
Comment gratter Google Map?

Désolé pour cette question, je suis nouveau sur ce point.

J'ai un projet où j'ai besoin de gratter Google Maps pour trouver toutes les entreprises d'une région, je viens d'entendre parler du terme lorsque nous avons décidé du projet, j'ai fait des recherches et j'ai découvert que la plupart des services de raclage nécessitent une certaine entreprise pour lancer la recherche, mais j'ai besoin de TOUTES les entreprises dans ce domaine. Quelqu'un peut-il m'expliquer comment commencer?

J'ai vu cela dans ce fil: Est-ce correct de gratter les données des résultats de Google?

ils parlent d'IP Je sais que les FAI allouent des adresses IP publiques à certaines régions, mais comment puis-je utiliser cela pour gratter?

Je suis également tombé sur un article qui disait que je devais utiliser l'API Google, mais sur leur site Web: https://developers.google.com/maps/web-services/ quelle API dois-je utiliser?

J'utilise le système Ubuntu, si j'ai besoin d'installer quoi que ce soit, dois-je utiliser un système d'exploitation Windows à la place?

merci et salutations


J'ai trouvé sur http://py-googlemaps.sourceforge.net/ que je pouvais utiliser ce code python:

local = gmaps.local_search ('cafe near' + destination) print local ['responseData'] ['results'] [0] ['titleNoFormatting'] Vie De France Bakery & Cafe

Si je remplace Cafe par "Entreprises" ou par tout autre nom, je crois que j'obtiendrai les informations que je recherche, n'est-ce pas? Je me demandais aussi si quelqu'un pouvait me dire comment aller dans l'interface de configuration?


Vous n'êtes pas légalement autorisé à extraire les données de l'API Google Maps. Une meilleure pratique serait de stocker le place_id de n'importe quel endroit et le récupérer pour une utilisation ultérieure.

Voir ceci Conditions d'utilisation de Google Maps

10.1.3 Restrictions contre l'exportation ou la copie de données.

(a) Aucune copie, modification, création d'œuvres dérivées ou affichage non autorisé du contenu. Vous ne devez pas copier, traduire, modifier ou créer une œuvre dérivée (y compris la création ou la contribution à une base de données) ou afficher publiquement tout Contenu ou toute partie de celui-ci, sauf dans les cas explicitement autorisés par les présentes Conditions. Par exemple, les éléments suivants sont interdits: (i) la création d'une modification côté serveur des tuiles de carte; (ii) assembler plusieurs images de cartes statiques pour afficher une carte plus grande que celle autorisée dans la documentation des API Maps; (iii) créer des listes de diffusion ou des listes de télémarketing basées sur le Contenu; ou (iv) exporter, écrire ou enregistrer le Contenu sur la plateforme ou le service de localisation d'un tiers.

(b) Pas de prélecture, de mise en cache ou de stockage de contenu. Vous ne devez pas pré-récupérer, mettre en cache ou stocker du contenu, sauf que vous pouvez stocker: (i) des quantités limitées de contenu dans le but d'améliorer les performances de votre implémentation de l'API Maps si vous le faites temporairement, en toute sécurité et dans un manière qui ne permet pas l'utilisation du Contenu en dehors du Service; et (ii) tout identifiant ou clé de contenu que la documentation des API Maps vous autorise spécifiquement à stocker. Par exemple, vous ne devez pas utiliser le contenu pour créer une base de données indépendante de "lieux" ou d'autres informations de listes locales.

(c) Aucun téléchargement en masse ou flux de contenu en masse. Vous ne devez pas utiliser le Service d'une manière qui vous donne, à vous ou à toute autre personne, accès aux téléchargements en masse ou aux flux en masse de tout Contenu, y compris, mais sans s'y limiter, les coordonnées numériques de latitude ou de longitude, les images, les données cartographiques visibles ou les données de lieux (y compris les entreprises). Annonces). Par exemple, vous n'êtes pas autorisé à proposer un service de géocodage par lots qui utilise le contenu contenu dans les API Maps.


Le langage ci-dessus devrait être "vous n'êtes pas légalement autorisé à" gratter par opposition à "ne peut pas". Vous pouvez gratter, que ce soit légal ou non, c'est une autre affaire.


Divulgation: je travaille chez SerpApi.

Vous pouvez utiliser google-search-results package pour obtenir des données de Google Maps. Vérifiez une démo sur Repl.it .

from serpapi.google_search_results import GoogleSearchResults

params = {
    "engine": "google_maps",
    "q": "coffee",
    "google_domain": "google.com",
    "type": "search",
    "ll": "@40.7455096,-74.0083012,14z",

client = GoogleSearchResults(params)
data = client.get_dict()

print("Local results")

for result in data['local_results']:
  print(f"""Title: {result['title']}
Address: {result['address']}
Rating: {result['rating']}
Reviews: {result['reviews']}


for result in data['ads']:
  print(f"""Title: {result['title']}
Address: {result['address']}


  "ads": [
      "position": 1,
      "title": "Dunkin'",
      "data_id": "0x89c259b2fc5f55e1:0x64bc920e65d8e925",
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        "latitude": 40.750499,
        "longitude": -73.9934318
      "price": "$",
      "type": "Coffee shop",
      "address": "4 Pennsylvania Plaza, New York, NY 10001",
      "phone": "(917) 886-3110",
      "website": "https://www.dunkindonuts.com/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=local&utm_campaign=localmaps&utm_content=355204",
      "description": "Chain known for donuts & coffee. Long-running chain serving signature donuts, breakfast sandwiches & a variety of coffee drinks.",
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        "longitude": -73.992693
      "rating": 4.5,
      "reviews": 102,
      "price": "$$",
      "type": "Coffee shop",
      "address": "23 W 19th St, New York, NY 10011",
      "phone": "(212) 255-2972",
      "website": "http://www.gothamroasters.com/",
      "editorial_reviews": {
        "summary": "Union Square: Top 10 Date Night Picks",
        "link": "https://idktonight.com/guide/idk-tonight-ten-picks-union-square"
      "thumbnail": "https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipOrxU6m4_QKaoASASy4o_OKHT7QSGO1UX8VzP_6=w360-h479-k-no"
  "local_results": [
      "position": 1,
      "title": "Birch Coffee",
      "data_id": "0x89c258ef40975c2b:0x4fa24ff965c3f3e",
      "gps_coordinates": {
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        "longitude": -73.9666075
      "rating": 4.5,
      "reviews": 477,
      "price": "$$",
      "type": "Coffee shop",
      "address": "134 1/2 E 62nd St, New York, NY 10065",
      "hours": "Open until 7:00 PM",
      "phone": "(212) 686-1444",
      "website": "http://www.birchcoffee.com/",
      "description": "Hip spot offering house-roasted brews. Local coffeehouse chain serving thoughtfully-sourced, house-roasted brews in a hip, bustling space.",
      "thumbnail": "https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipPy035-T0IVHuC3CffD8UEf0n70HkkZXvkb7gSJ=w122-h92-k-no"
      "position": 2,
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      "data_id": "0x89c259ca0a28731f:0xd3d13e0daf7fae6c",
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        "longitude": -74.0016667
      "rating": 3.9,
      "reviews": 467,
      "price": "$$",
      "type": "Coffee shop",
      "address": "500 W 30th St, New York, NY 10001",
      "website": "http://www.thinkcoffee.com/",
      "thumbnail": "https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipMIVRZJMr-bnGKw28VTrctmhVYQOnIKBRj0NmnN=w122-h92-k-no"
      "position": 3,
      "title": "Gimme! Coffee",
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      "gps_coordinates": {
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      "rating": 4.4,
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      "price": "$",
      "type": "Coffee shop",
      "address": "228 Mott St, New York, NY 10012",
      "hours": "Open until 6:00 PM",
      "phone": "(212) 226-4011",
      "website": "http://www.gimmecoffee.com/",
      "description": "Petite espresso bar. Espresso, drip brews & small-batch roasted coffee beans are the draws at this small cafe.",
      "thumbnail": "https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipPaaPzY65h2JWJXyy-pstIiaLdqXmep9ClPwRBM=w122-h92-k-no"
      "position": 4,
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      "rating": 4.6,
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      "price": "$$",
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      "hours": "Open until 6:00 PM",
      "phone": "(212) 686-1444",
      "website": "http://birchcoffee.com/",
      "description": "Hip spot offering house-roasted brews. Local coffeehouse chain serving thoughtfully-sourced, house-roasted brews in a hip, bustling space.",
      "thumbnail": "https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipOZuG2_zwCk3EVFUZLr6c9wBZ-1w4CN37zx6bgK=w80-h106-k-no"
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      "title": "Think Coffee",
      "data_id": "0x89c259851852abd5:0xd439f8da9b71229b",
      "gps_coordinates": {
        "latitude": 40.728338,
        "longitude": -73.995286
      "rating": 4.2,
      "reviews": 836,
      "price": "$",
      "type": "Coffee shop",
      "address": "248 Mercer St, New York, NY 10012",
      "website": "http://www.thinkcoffee.com/",
      "description": "Popular Fair Trade coffeehouse. Fair Trade organic coffee, sandwiches & baked goods served in a laid-back East Village setting.",
      "editorial_reviews": {
        "summary": "Where To Go On A Coffee Date In NYC",
        "link": "https://www.theinfatuation.com/new-york/guides/where-to-go-on-a-coffee-date"
      "thumbnail": "https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipMm0BebvGJsVEZOfAwrkYaEXKGppv7f5rqcVZns=w80-h100-k-no"
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      "title": "Birch Coffee @Flatiron",
      "data_id": "0x89c259a65b82f7f7:0xd74db93f308e43ab",
      "gps_coordinates": {
        "latitude": 40.7436315,
        "longitude": -73.98643799999999
      "rating": 4.4,
      "reviews": 940,
      "price": "$$",
      "type": "Coffee shop",
      "address": "21 E 27th St, New York, NY 10016",
      "hours": "Open until 8:00 PM",
      "phone": "(212) 686-1444",
      "website": "http://www.birchcoffee.com/",
      "description": "Hip spot offering house-roasted brews. Local coffeehouse chain serving thoughtfully-sourced, house-roasted brews in a hip, bustling space.",
      "editorial_reviews": {
        "summary": "The best coffee shops in NYC",
        "link": "https://www.timeout.com/newyork/restaurants/best-coffee-shops-in-new-york"
      "thumbnail": "https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipPmUJFcwFbslCIRwltcd1Icjwcbc4KGHesS31Tl=w122-h92-k-no"
      "position": 7,
      "title": "Think Coffee",
      "data_id": "0x89c259900d24e84b:0xd186a287933b4e4d",
      "gps_coordinates": {
        "latitude": 40.7395095,
        "longitude": -74.0030029
      "rating": 4.2,
      "reviews": 741,
      "price": "$",
      "type": "Coffee shop",
      "address": "73 8th Ave, New York, NY 10014",
      "website": "http://www.thinkcoffee.com/",
      "description": "Popular Fair Trade coffeehouse. Fair Trade organic coffee, sandwiches & baked goods served in a laid-back East Village setting.",
      "thumbnail": "https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipOXX9uTvG24F0Wmz8Fq5kegRxD50B4li-2xclVt=w80-h106-k-no"
      "position": 8,
      "title": "Birch Coffee",
      "data_id": "0x89c259085ff6dad7:0x5e9d363c75b8d4bb",
      "gps_coordinates": {
        "latitude": 40.7434012,
        "longitude": -73.9800788
      "rating": 4.4,
      "reviews": 217,
      "price": "$$",
      "type": "Coffee shop",
      "address": "432 3rd Ave, New York, NY 10016",
      "hours": "Open until 7:00 PM",
      "phone": "(212) 686-1444",
      "website": "http://birchcoffee.com/menu",
      "description": "Hip spot offering house-roasted brews. Local coffeehouse chain serving thoughtfully-sourced, house-roasted brews in a hip, bustling space.",
      "editorial_reviews": {
        "summary": "15 Classy & Instagrammable Coffee Shops in New York City",
        "link": "https://www.flyingcarpetgo.com/classy-coffee-shops-in-new-york-city/"
      "thumbnail": "https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipNipp75t68aXuym-8ALEHcZYFnSCqoKWyZzilbp=w91-h92-k-no"
      "position": 9,
      "title": "Think Coffee",
      "data_id": "0x89c259993bf96a5d:0x2fc85f3c1b03bace",
      "gps_coordinates": {
        "latitude": 40.733008999999996,
        "longitude": -73.989712
      "rating": 4.2,
      "reviews": 593,
      "price": "$$",
      "type": "Coffee shop",
      "address": "123 4th Ave, New York, NY 10003",
      "website": "http://www.thinkcoffee.com/",
      "description": "Popular fair-trade coffeehouse. Fair-trade organic coffee, sandwiches & baked goods served in a laid-back East Village setting.",
      "thumbnail": "https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipMqXrujO-XiB9ujAXmLFKXhj-9SvHZLmZI22UwC=w80-h119-k-no"
      "position": 10,
      "title": "Birch Coffee",
      "data_id": "0x89c259bde5571fdb:0x2aa3b26b649b00c6",
      "gps_coordinates": {
        "latitude": 40.7383928,
        "longitude": -74.0000558
      "rating": 4.4,
      "reviews": 275,
      "price": "$$",
      "type": "Coffee shop",
      "address": "56 7th Ave, New York, NY 10011",
      "hours": "Open until 8:00 PM",
      "phone": "(212) 686-1444",
      "website": "http://www.birchcoffee.com/",
      "description": "Hip spot offering house-roasted brews. Local coffeehouse chain serving thoughtfully-sourced, house-roasted brews in a hip, bustling space.",
      "thumbnail": "https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipN9ixCamZ9Pc5II9F5Cfs54x8Nbe0zVZ45JmeTZ=w122-h92-k-no"
      "position": 11,
      "title": "Blue Bottle Coffee",
      "data_id": "0x89c25999add201db:0x6c7a37c57f1cd482",
      "gps_coordinates": {
        "latitude": 40.7340106,
        "longitude": -73.992526
      "rating": 4.4,
      "reviews": 150,
      "price": "$$",
      "type": "Coffee shop",
      "address": "101 University Pl, New York, NY 10003",
      "hours": "Open until 7:00 PM",
      "phone": "(510) 653-3394",
      "website": "https://bluebottlecoffee.com/cafes/university-place",
      "description": "Hip cafe for gourmet coffee & pastries. Trendy cafe chain offering upscale coffee drinks & pastries, plus beans & brewing equipment.",
      "thumbnail": "https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipOQGwccVAmU7RC5GRLzPmbap9v87xPKEKJWbdDR=w80-h106-k-no"
      "position": 12,
      "title": "About Coffee",
      "data_id": "0x89c2598c8bd0a477:0x67a88948fbbe16c9",
      "gps_coordinates": {
        "latitude": 40.7244068,
        "longitude": -74.0037985
      "rating": 4.6,
      "reviews": 109,
      "type": "Coffee shop",
      "address": "71 Sullivan St, New York, NY 10012",
      "hours": "Open until 7:00 PM",
      "phone": "(212) 219-1408",
      "website": "http://www.aboutcoffee.nyc/",
      "description": "Snug spot for coffee drinks & pastries. Snug, relaxed cafe serving pastries & coffee drinks made with locally roasted beans.",
      "thumbnail": "https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipNGlia-_S0EdZJKnDGYm5TTc-fj4t_T_-bbcEPW=w92-h92-k-no"
      "position": 13,
      "title": "Think Coffee",
      "data_id": "0x89c25985202ef3e9:0x69c533933d889312",
      "gps_coordinates": {
        "latitude": 40.7254162,
        "longitude": -73.9924344
      "rating": 4.1,
      "reviews": 387,
      "price": "$",
      "type": "Coffee shop",
      "address": "1 Bleecker St, New York, NY 10003",
      "website": "http://www.thinkcoffee.com/",
      "description": "Coffeehouse known for fair-trade beans. Fair-trade organic coffee, sandwiches & baked goods served in a laid-back setting.",
      "thumbnail": "https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipPhMR-kPa4TkWkQupql2b4kTRSS34La4QDGBTO_=w122-h92-k-no"
      "position": 14,
      "title": "Partners Coffee",
      "data_id": "0x89c25994462de15d:0xed701c2f80d71d88",
      "gps_coordinates": {
        "latitude": 40.7349199,
        "longitude": -74.0022977
      "rating": 4.5,
      "reviews": 320,
      "price": "$$",
      "type": "Coffee shop",
      "address": "44 Charles St, New York, NY 10014",
      "phone": "(646) 590-1924",
      "website": "http://www.partnerscoffee.com/",
      "description": "Gourmet coffee shop & roasters. Gourmet coffee shop from Australia with pour-overs, espressos & snacks, plus roastings & classes.",
      "editorial_reviews": {
        "summary": "29 Outstanding Coffee Shops in NYC",
        "link": "https://ny.eater.com/maps/best-cafe-coffee-shop-new-york-city-brooklyn-queens"
      "thumbnail": "https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipOcY8QshkZY_SWRb0DnIt3DFmjCnN9jOg2kVwii=w92-h92-k-no"
      "position": 15,
      "title": "Stumptown Coffee Roasters",
      "data_id": "0x89c259a61c75684f:0x79d31adb123348d2",
      "gps_coordinates": {
        "latitude": 40.7457399,
        "longitude": -73.9882272
      "rating": 4.6,
      "reviews": 1251,
      "price": "$$",
      "type": "Coffee shop",
      "address": "18 W 29th St, New York, NY 10001",
      "hours": "Open until 8:00 PM",
      "phone": "(855) 711-3385",
      "website": "https://www.stumptowncoffee.com/locations/newyork/ace-nyc",
      "description": "Coffee bar serving direct-trade Java. Coffee bar chain offering house-roasted direct-trade coffee, along with brewing gear & whole beans",
      "editorial_reviews": {
        "summary": "Add These Coffee Stops to Your Next NYC Trip",
        "link": "https://blog.drinktrade.com/2019/02/28/coffee-city-new-york/"
      "thumbnail": "https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipPCPSYLktGESHtVoEyffOsnYxtzyMjR1WjTbHPV=w122-h92-k-no"
      "position": 16,
      "title": "La Colombe",
      "data_id": "0x89c259f2d7811435:0x70e6c5f3ddc06f61",
      "gps_coordinates": {
        "latitude": 40.7267631,
        "longitude": -74.0070001
      "rating": 4.5,
      "reviews": 403,
      "price": "$$",
      "type": "Coffee shop",
      "address": "75 Vandam St, New York, NY 10013",
      "hours": "Open until 6:30 PM",
      "phone": "(212) 929-9699",
      "website": "http://www.lacolombe.com/",
      "description": "Hip coffee bar. Snug, hip cafe outpost of Philly-based roaster serving espresso drinks & pastries.",
      "thumbnail": "https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipNfly0BQoDIiTjzXYG3c_6uARgGI1Zq_RqQGeX8=w98-h92-k-no"
      "position": 17,
      "title": "Merriweather Coffee + Kitchen",
      "data_id": "0x89c259ed32c9f3d5:0xfb651222b629b0f5",
      "gps_coordinates": {
        "latitude": 40.7305602,
        "longitude": -74.0065341
      "rating": 4.6,
      "reviews": 221,
      "price": "$$",
      "type": "Coffee shop",
      "address": "428 Hudson St, New York, NY 10014",
      "hours": "Open until 6:00 PM",
      "phone": "(646) 678-5678",
      "website": "http://merriweathernyc.com/",
      "description": "Australian cafe with light bites. Aussie-style cafe serving Counter Culture coffee, toasts & pastries plus sandwiches & salads.",
      "thumbnail": "https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipM1yd5gUbhIEH77H2PEbS_YNtqPNBB4bxwaZcv1=w80-h106-k-no"
      "position": 18,
      "title": "Variety Coffee Roasters",
      "data_id": "0x89c259a533a7d2e3:0x37d08e1c0464b202",
      "gps_coordinates": {
        "latitude": 40.745199,
        "longitude": -73.99456169999999
      "rating": 4.5,
      "reviews": 370,
      "type": "Coffee shop",
      "address": "261 7th Ave, New York, NY 10001",
      "hours": "Open until 9:00 PM",
      "phone": "(917) 409-0106",
      "website": "http://varietycoffeeroasters.com/",
      "thumbnail": "https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipNnOeOQ0hYASySR-sAHE72Z2_iQHM0I_cJOzkWs=w80-h99-k-no"
      "position": 19,
      "title": "Think Coffee Center",
      "data_id": "0x89c259be02461731:0x92b14dd3de4f22e4",
      "gps_coordinates": {
        "latitude": 40.7380411,
        "longitude": -74.0010832
      "rating": 4.6,
      "reviews": 39,
      "type": "Coffee shop",
      "address": "208 W 13th St, New York, NY 10011",
      "hours": "Open until 6:00 PM",
      "website": "http://www.thinkcoffee.com/",
      "thumbnail": "https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipPyZ8fd3HBtQDANzYXzKvlt5Db0h9wukVyxzFIP=w92-h92-k-no"
      "position": 20,
      "title": "Café Grumpy",
      "data_id": "0x89c259ab6335319b:0x394cadbea63ab640",
      "gps_coordinates": {
        "latitude": 40.7541667,
        "longitude": -73.98888889999999
      "rating": 4.4,
      "reviews": 549,
      "price": "$$",
      "type": "Coffee shop",
      "address": "200 W 39th St, New York, NY 10018",
      "hours": "Open until 8:00 PM",
      "phone": "(646) 449-8747",
      "website": "http://cafegrumpy.com/locations/fashion-district/",
      "description": "Hip spot for house-roasted coffee. Hip local coffeehouse chain serving a range of house-roasted brews in a relaxed setting.",
      "thumbnail": "https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipPH4F096E1uyGADWxODOH4K0cJD6yKUUp46mMA=w92-h92-k-no"


Local results
Title: Think Coffee
Address: 73 8th Ave, New York, NY 10014
Rating: 4.2
Reviews: 741

Title: Birch Coffee @Flatiron
Address: 21 E 27th St, New York, NY 10016
Rating: 4.4
Reviews: 940

Title: Irving Farm New York
Address: 135 E 50th St, New York, NY 10022
Rating: 4.3
Reviews: 248

Title: UT47 Manhattan
Address: 358 W 47th St, New York, NY 10036
Rating: 4.5
Reviews: 241

Title: Gimme! Coffee
Address: 228 Mott St, New York, NY 10012
Rating: 4.4
Reviews: 220

Title: Think Coffee
Address: 500 W 30th St, New York, NY 10001
Rating: 3.9
Reviews: 467

Title: Birch Coffee
Address: 432 3rd Ave, New York, NY 10016
Rating: 4.4
Reviews: 217

Title: Think Coffee
Address: 248 Mercer St, New York, NY 10012
Rating: 4.2
Reviews: 836

Title: Think Coffee
Address: 123 4th Ave, New York, NY 10003
Rating: 4.2
Reviews: 593

Title: Think Coffee
Address: 1 Bleecker St, New York, NY 10003
Rating: 4.1
Reviews: 387

Title: Birch Coffee
Address: 56 7th Ave, New York, NY 10011
Rating: 4.4
Reviews: 275

Title: Blue Bottle Coffee
Address: 101 University Pl, New York, NY 10003
Rating: 4.4
Reviews: 150

Title: Stumptown Coffee Roasters
Address: 18 W 29th St, New York, NY 10001
Rating: 4.6
Reviews: 1251

Title: Culture Espresso
Address: 247 W 36th St, New York, NY 10018
Rating: 4.5
Reviews: 355

Title: Partners Coffee
Address: 44 Charles St, New York, NY 10014
Rating: 4.5
Reviews: 320

Title: La Colombe
Address: 75 Vandam St, New York, NY 10013
Rating: 4.5
Reviews: 403

Title: Think Coffee
Address: 568 6th Ave, New York, NY 10011
Rating: 4.0
Reviews: 345

Title: Stumptown Coffee Roasters
Address: 30 W 8th St, New York, NY 10011
Rating: 4.5
Reviews: 1007

Title: Third Rail Coffee
Address: 240 Sullivan St, New York, NY 10012
Rating: 4.3
Reviews: 300

Title: Merriweather Coffee + Kitchen
Address: 428 Hudson St, New York, NY 10014
Rating: 4.6
Reviews: 221

Title: Gotham Coffee Roasters
Address: 23 W 19th St, New York, NY 10011

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Ilya Zub