
Images à neuf patchs pour le développement Web

Je me demande s’il existe quelque chose comme 9-patch dans Android, mais pour le développement Web?

Divulgation: Je n'ai aucune idée du développement Web, mais j'étais curieux de savoir s'il existait. Et une simple recherche sur le Web avec le terme 9-patch n’a pas donné de résultats apparentés; j’ai donc pensé qu’il comportait un autre terme, ou bien qu’il n’existait pas ou n’était pas assez utilisé.

Quelqu'un sait?


Si vous êtes toujours intéressé, j'ai créé un fichier Javascript qui utilise canvas pour créer de véritables images de neuf correctifs pour le Web. Le projet open source peut être trouvé ici:


Chris L.

Eh bien, j'ai pris la peine de corriger les erreurs de déserts trouvées dans le lien ci-dessus.

Connaître NinePath Android est un outil utile permettant d’ajouter de la peinture dynamique et de reconnaître le rembourrage (ce qui faisait défaut lors du précédent achat). Je pourrais ajouter quelques scripts pour une fonctionnalité complète.

Remplacez le code suivant dans la bibliothèque path9.js!

function NinePatchGetStyle(element, style)
    if (window.getComputedStyle)
        var computedStyle = window.getComputedStyle(element, "");
        if (computedStyle === null)
            return "";
        return computedStyle.getPropertyValue(style);
    else if (element.currentStyle)
        return element.currentStyle[style];
        return "";

// Cross browser function to find valid property
function NinePatchGetSupportedProp(propArray)
    var root = document.documentElement; //reference root element of document
    for (var i = 0; i < propArray.length; i++)
        // loop through possible properties
        if (typeof root.style[propArray[i]] === "string")
            //if the property value is a string (versus undefined)
            return propArray[i]; // return that string
    return false;

 * 9patch constructer. Sets up cached data and runs initial draw.
 * @param {Dom Element} div El Elemento dom en donde se pinta el ninepath
 * @param {function} callback La funcion que se llamara cuando se termina 
 * la carga de la imagen y el pintado del elemento div.
 * @returns {NinePatch} Un objeto nine path
function NinePatch(div,callback)
    this.div = div;
    this.callback =callback;
    this.padding = {top:0,left:0,right:0,bottom:0};
    // Load 9patch from background-image
    this.bgImage = new Image();
    this.bgImage.src = NinePatchGetStyle(this.div, 'background-image').replace(/"/g, "").replace(/url\(|\)$/ig, "");
    var este = this;

    this.bgImage.onload = function()
        este.originalBgColor = NinePatchGetStyle(este.div, 'background-color');
        este.div.style.background = 'none';

        // Create a temporary canvas to get the 9Patch index data.
        var tempCtx, tempCanvas;
        tempCanvas = document.createElement('canvas');
        tempCanvas.width  = este.bgImage.width;
        tempCanvas.height = este.bgImage.height;
        tempCtx = tempCanvas.getContext('2d');
        tempCtx.drawImage(este.bgImage, 0, 0);

        // Obteniendo el padding lateral derecho
        var dataPad = tempCtx.getImageData(este.bgImage.width-1,0,1,este.bgImage.height).data;
        var padRight = este.getPadBorder(dataPad,este.bgImage.width,este.bgImage.height);
        este.padding.top = padRight.top;
        este.padding.bottom = padRight.bottom;
        dataPad = tempCtx.getImageData(0,este.bgImage.height-1,este.bgImage.width,1).data;
        var padBottom = este.getPadBorder(dataPad,este.bgImage.width,este.bgImage.height);

        este.padding.left = padBottom.top;
        este.padding.right = padBottom.bottom;

        // Loop over each  horizontal pixel and get piece
        var data = tempCtx.getImageData(0, 0, este.bgImage.width, 1).data;

        // Use the upper-left corner to get staticColor, use the upper-right corner
        // to get the repeatColor.
        var tempLength = data.length - 4;
        var staticColor = data[0] + ',' + data[1] + ',' + data[2] + ',' + data[3];
        var repeatColor = data[tempLength] + ',' + data[tempLength + 1] + ',' +
                data[tempLength + 2] + ',' + data[tempLength + 3];

        este.horizontalPieces = este.getPieces(data, staticColor, repeatColor);

        // Loop over each  horizontal pixel and get piece
        data = tempCtx.getImageData(0, 0, 1, este.bgImage.height).data;
        este.verticalPieces = este.getPieces(data, staticColor, repeatColor);

        // use this.horizontalPieces and this.verticalPieces to generate image
        este.div.onresize = function()
        if(callback !== undefined)
            if (typeof(callback) === "function")

// Stores the HTMLDivElement that's using the 9patch image
NinePatch.prototype.div = null;
// Padding
NinePatch.prototype.padding = null;
// Get padding
NinePatch.prototype.callback = null;
// Stores the original background css color to use later
NinePatch.prototype.originalBG = null;
// Stores the pieces used to generate the horizontal layout
NinePatch.prototype.horizontalPieces = null;
// Stores the pieces used to generate the vertical layout
NinePatch.prototype.verticalPieces = null;
// Stores the 9patch image
NinePatch.prototype.bgImage = null;

// Gets the horizontal|vertical pieces based on image data
NinePatch.prototype.getPieces = function(data, staticColor, repeatColor)
    var tempDS, tempPosition, tempWidth, tempColor, tempType;
    var tempArray = new Array();

    tempColor = data[4] + ',' + data[5] + ',' + data[6] + ',' + data[7];
    tempDS = (tempColor === staticColor ? 's' : (tempColor === repeatColor ? 'r' : 'd'));
    tempPosition = 1;

    for (var i = 4, n = data.length - 4; i < n; i += 4)
        tempColor = data[i] + ',' + data[i + 1] + ',' + data[i + 2] + ',' + data[i + 3];
        tempType = (tempColor === staticColor ? 's' : (tempColor === repeatColor ? 'r' : 'd'));
        if (tempDS !== tempType)
            // box changed colors
            tempWidth = (i / 4) - tempPosition;
            tempArray.Push(new Array(tempDS, tempPosition, tempWidth));

            tempDS = tempType;
            tempPosition = i / 4;
            tempWidth = 1;

    // Push end
    tempWidth = (i / 4) - tempPosition;
    tempArray.Push(new Array(tempDS, tempPosition, tempWidth));
    return tempArray;

NinePatch.prototype.getPadBorder = function(dataPad,width,height)
    var staticRight = dataPad[0] + ',' + dataPad[1] + ',' + dataPad[2] + ',' + dataPad[3];
    var pad={top:0,bottom:0};

    // Padding para la parte superior
    for (var i=0;i<dataPad.length;i+=4)
        var tempColor = dataPad[i] + ',' + dataPad[i + 1] + ',' + dataPad[i + 2] + ',' + dataPad[i + 3];
        if(tempColor !==staticRight)
    // padding inferior
    for (var i=dataPad.length-4;i>=0;i-=4)
        var tempColor = dataPad[i] + ',' + dataPad[i + 1] + ',' + dataPad[i + 2] + ',' + dataPad[i + 3];
        if(tempColor !==staticRight)
    return pad;

// Function to draw the background for the given element size.
NinePatch.prototype.draw = function()
    var dCtx, dCanvas, dWidth, dHeight;

    if(this.horizontalPieces === null)
    dWidth = this.div.offsetWidth;
    dHeight = this.div.offsetHeight;

    dCanvas = document.createElement('canvas');
    dCtx = dCanvas.getContext('2d');

    dCanvas.width = dWidth;
    dCanvas.height = dHeight;

    var fillWidth, fillHeight;

    // Determine the width for the static and dynamic pieces
    var tempStaticWidth = 0;
    var tempDynamicCount = 0;

    for (var i = 0, n = this.horizontalPieces.length; i < n; i++)
        if (this.horizontalPieces[i][0] === 's')
            tempStaticWidth += this.horizontalPieces[i][2];

    fillWidth = (dWidth - tempStaticWidth) / tempDynamicCount;

    // Determine the height for the static and dynamic pieces
    var tempStaticHeight = 0;
    tempDynamicCount = 0;
    for (var i = 0, n = this.verticalPieces.length; i < n; i++)
        if (this.verticalPieces[i][0] === 's')
            tempStaticHeight += this.verticalPieces[i][2];

    fillHeight = (dHeight - tempStaticHeight) / tempDynamicCount;

    // Loop through each of the vertical/horizontal pieces and draw on
    // the canvas
    for (var i = 0, m = this.verticalPieces.length; i < m; i++)
        for (var j = 0, n = this.horizontalPieces.length; j < n; j++)
            var tempFillWidth, tempFillHeight;

            tempFillWidth = (this.horizontalPieces[j][0] === 'd') ?
                    fillWidth : this.horizontalPieces[j][2];
            tempFillHeight = (this.verticalPieces[i][0] === 'd') ?
                    fillHeight : this.verticalPieces[i][2];

            // Stretching :
            if (this.verticalPieces[i][0] !== 'r') {
                // Stretching is the same function for the static squares
                // the only difference is the widths/heights are the same.
                        this.horizontalPieces[j][1], this.verticalPieces[i][1],
                        this.horizontalPieces[j][2], this.verticalPieces[i][2],
                        0, 0,
                        tempFillWidth, tempFillHeight);
            } else {
                var tempCanvas = document.createElement('canvas');
                tempCanvas.width = this.horizontalPieces[j][2];
                tempCanvas.height = this.verticalPieces[i][2];

                var tempCtx = tempCanvas.getContext('2d');
                        this.horizontalPieces[j][1], this.verticalPieces[i][1],
                        this.horizontalPieces[j][2], this.verticalPieces[i][2],
                        0, 0,
                        this.horizontalPieces[j][2], this.verticalPieces[i][2]);

                var tempPattern = dCtx.createPattern(tempCanvas, 'repeat');
                dCtx.fillStyle = tempPattern;
                        0, 0,
                        tempFillWidth, tempFillHeight);

            // Shift to next x position
            dCtx.translate(tempFillWidth, 0);

        // shift back to 0 x and down to the next line
        dCtx.translate(-dWidth, (this.verticalPieces[i][0] === 's' ? this.verticalPieces[i][2] : fillHeight));

    // store the canvas as the div's background
    var url = dCanvas.toDataURL("image/png");
    var tempIMG = new Image();

    var _this = this;
    tempIMG.onload = function(event)
        _this.div.style.background = _this.originalBgColor + " url(" + url + ") no-repeat";
    tempIMG.src = url;

The usage is the following:

    var elemDom = document.getElementById("idDiv");
    var background = "border.9.png";
    if (background.match(/\.9\.(png|gif)/i)) // Es nine path?
        elemDom.style.backgroundRepeat = "no-repeat";
        elemDom.style.backgroundPosition = "-1000px -1000px";
        elemDom.style.backgroundImage = "url('"+background+"')";
        var ninePatch = new NinePatch(elemDom,function()
            elemDom.style.paddingLeft = ninePatch.padding.left;
            elemDom.style.paddingTop = ninePatch.padding.top;
            elemDom.style.paddingRight = ninePatch.padding.right;
            elemDom.style.paddingBottom = ninePatch.padding.bottom;