
Comment implémenter la méthode swizzling Swift 3.0?

Comment implémenter la méthode swizzling dans Swift 3.0 ?

J'ai lu article de nshipster à ce sujet, mais dans le bloc de ce code

struct Static {
    static var token: dispatch_once_t = 0

le compilateur me donne une erreur

dispatch_once_t n'est pas disponible dans Swift: utilisez plutôt des globaux initialisés paresseux

Tikhonov Alexander

Tout d’abord, dispatch_once_t N’est pas disponible dans Swift 3.0. Vous pouvez choisir entre deux options:

  1. Variable globale

  2. Propriété statique de struct, enum ou class

Pour plus de détails, voir cela Whither dispatch_once in Swift

Pour des objectifs différents, vous devez utiliser différentes implémentations de swizzling

  • Classe Swizzling CocoaTouch, par exemple UIViewController;
  • Swizzling custom Swift classe;

Cours Swizzling CocoaTouch

exemple swizzling viewWillAppear(_:) de UIViewController à l'aide de la variable globale

private let swizzling: (UIViewController.Type) -> () = { viewController in

    let originalSelector = #selector(viewController.viewWillAppear(_:))
    let swizzledSelector = #selector(viewController.proj_viewWillAppear(animated:))

    let originalMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(viewController, originalSelector)
    let swizzledMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(viewController, swizzledSelector)

    method_exchangeImplementations(originalMethod, swizzledMethod) }

extension UIViewController {

    open override class func initialize() {
        // make sure this isn't a subclass
        guard self === UIViewController.self else { return }

    // MARK: - Method Swizzling

    func proj_viewWillAppear(animated: Bool) {
        self.proj_viewWillAppear(animated: animated)

        let viewControllerName = NSStringFromClass(type(of: self))
        print("viewWillAppear: \(viewControllerName)")

Swizzling personnalisé Swift class

Pour utiliser la méthode swizzling avec vos classes Swift, vous devez vous conformer à deux conditions ( pour plus de détails ):

  • La classe contenant les méthodes à utiliser doit être étendue NSObject
  • Les méthodes que vous voulez balayer doivent avoir l'attribut dynamic

Et exemple de méthode swizzling de personnalisation Swift classe de base Person

class Person: NSObject {
    var name = "Person"
    dynamic func foo(_ bar: Bool) {

class Programmer: Person {
    override func foo(_ bar: Bool) {

private let swizzling: (Person.Type) -> () = { person in

    let originalSelector = #selector(person.foo(_:))
    let swizzledSelector = #selector(person.proj_foo(_:))

    let originalMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(person, originalSelector)
    let swizzledMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(person, swizzledSelector)

    method_exchangeImplementations(originalMethod, swizzledMethod)

extension Person {

    open override class func initialize() {
        // make sure this isn't a subclass
        guard self === Person.self else { return }

    // MARK: - Method Swizzling

    func proj_foo(_ bar: Bool) {

        let className = NSStringFromClass(type(of: self))
        print("class: \(className)")
Tikhonov Alexander

@TikhonovAlexander: excellente réponse

J'ai modifié le swizzler pour prendre les deux sélecteurs et le rendre plus générique.


private let swizzling: (AnyClass, Selector, Selector) -> () = { forClass, originalSelector, swizzledSelector in
    let originalMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(forClass, originalSelector)
    let swizzledMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(forClass, swizzledSelector)
    method_exchangeImplementations(originalMethod, swizzledMethod)

// perform swizzling in initialize()

extension UIView {

    open override class func initialize() {
        // make sure this isn't a subclass
        guard self === UIView.self else { return }

        let originalSelector = #selector(layoutSubviews)
        let swizzledSelector = #selector(swizzled_layoutSubviews)
        swizzling(self, originalSelector, swizzledSelector)

    func swizzled_layoutSubviews() {


Swift 4

private let swizzling: (AnyClass, Selector, Selector) -> () = { forClass, originalSelector, swizzledSelector in
        let originalMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(forClass, originalSelector),
        let swizzledMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(forClass, swizzledSelector)
    else { return }
    method_exchangeImplementations(originalMethod, swizzledMethod)

extension UIView {

    static let classInit: Void = {            
        let originalSelector = #selector(layoutSubviews)
        let swizzledSelector = #selector(swizzled_layoutSubviews)
        swizzling(UIView.self, originalSelector, swizzledSelector)

    @objc func swizzled_layoutSubviews() {


// perform swizzling in AppDelegate.init()

class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {

    override init() {


balancer dans la cour de récréation
Swift 4.2

import Foundation
class TestSwizzling : NSObject {
    @objc dynamic func methodOne()->Int{
        return 1

extension TestSwizzling {

    //In Objective-C you'd perform the swizzling in load(),
    //but this method is not permitted in Swift
    func swizzle(){

        let i: () -> () = {

            let originalSelector = #selector(TestSwizzling.methodOne)
            let swizzledSelector = #selector(TestSwizzling.methodTwo)
            let originalMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(TestSwizzling.self, originalSelector);
            let swizzledMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(TestSwizzling.self, swizzledSelector)
            method_exchangeImplementations(originalMethod!, swizzledMethod!)


    @objc func methodTwo()->Int{
        // It will not be a recursive call anymore after the swizzling
        return 4

var c = TestSwizzling()

[1, 4]
a grillé
[4, 1]

Dharay Mistry