
LaTeX, Comment adapter une grande table à une page

Le code LaTeX suivant génère un tableau mais il contient une petite taille de police et ne correspond pas à la page:

\usepackage{tabularx} % in the preamble


    \caption{My caption}
    Detection Methods & Supervised /Semi-supervised/ Unsupervised & Technique Used                                                                    & Applications                                            & Technology                                                           \\
    Statistical       &                                           & Gaussian-based detection                                                          & Online anomaly detection                                & Conventional   data centres                                          \\
    Statistical       &                                           & Gaussian-based detection                                                          & General                                                 & General                                                              \\
    Statistical       &                                           & Regression analysis                                                               & Globally-distributed commercial applications            & Distributed, Web-based, Application \& System metrics                \\
    Statistical       &                                           & Regression analysis                                                               & Web applications                                        & Enterprise web applications and conventional data centre             \\
    Statistical       &                                           & Correlation                                                                       & Complex enterprise online applications                  & Distributed System                                                   \\
    Statistical       &                                           & Correlation                                                                       & Orleans system and distributed cloud computing services & Virtualized, cloud computing and distributed system (Orleans system) \\
    Statistical       &                                           & Correlation                                                                       & Hadoop, Olio and RUBiS                                  & Virtualized cloud computing and distributed systems.                 \\
    ĘMachine learning & Supervised                                & Bayesian classification                                                           & Online application                                      & IBM system S-distributed stream processing cluster                   \\
    Machine learning  & Unsupervised                              & Neighbour-based technique (Local Outlier Factor algorithm)                        & General                                                 & Cloud Computing system                                               \\
    Machine learning  & Semi-supervised                           & Principle component analysis and  Semi-supervised Decision-tree\_                 & Institute-wide cloud computing environment              & Cloud Computing                                                      \\
    Statistical       &                                           & Regression curve fitting the service time-adapted cumulative distributed function & Online application service                              & Platform and configuration agnostic                                  \\
                      &                                           &                                                                                   &                                                         &                                                                     


Je voudrais adapter cette table LaTeX dans une page. J'apprécie ton aide

A Alnafessah

Comme suggéré par Martin Scharrer dans un commentaire à cette réponse sur TeX.SX , une meilleure alternative à la commande \resizebox est d'utiliser le package adjustbox . Compilez ce qui suit, puis comparez-le avec le même code où \begin{adjustbox}{width=\textwidth} et \end{adjustbox} sont commentés.

S'il vous plaît poster un commentaire si vous avez besoin d'explications supplémentaires!



  \caption{My caption}


Detection Methods & Supervised /Semi-supervised/ Unsupervised & Technique Used & Applications & Technology \\
Statistical & & Gaussian-based detection & Online anomaly detection & Conventional data centres \\
Statistical & & Gaussian-based detection & General & General \\
Statistical & & Regression analysis & Globally-distributed commercial applications & Distributed, Web-based, Application \& System metrics \\
Statistical & & Regression analysis & Web applications & Enterprise web applications and conventional data centre \\
Statistical & & Correlation & Complex enterprise online applications & Distributed System \\
Statistical & & Correlation & Orleans system and distributed cloud computing services & Virtualized, cloud computing and distributed system (Orleans system) \\
Statistical & & Correlation & Hadoop, Olio and RUBiS & Virtualized cloud computing and distributed systems. \\
ĘMachine learning & Supervised & Bayesian classification & Online application & IBM system S-distributed stream processing cluster \\
Machine learning & Unsupervised & Neighbour-based technique (Local Outlier Factor algorithm) & General & Cloud Computing system \\
Machine learning & Semi-supervised & Principle component analysis and Semi-supervised Decision-tree\_ & Institute-wide cloud computing environment & Cloud Computing \\
Statistical & & Regression curve fitting the service time-adapted cumulative distributed function & Online application service & Platform and configuration agnostic \\
& & & & 




Une approche différente si la taille de police (trop petite) dans le tableau est l’essentiel; vous souhaiterez peut-être réorganiser le texte dans une seule cellule sur plusieurs lignes dans la cellule:



  \caption{My caption}
{\small %
Detection\par Methods & Supervised/\par Semi-supervised/\par Unsupervised & Technique Used & Applications & Technology \\
Statistical & & Gaussian-based detection & Online anomaly detection & Conventional data centres \\
Statistical & & Gaussian-based detection & General & General \\
Statistical & & Regression\par analysis & Globally-distributed commercial applications & Distributed, Web-based, Application \&\par System metrics \\
Statistical & & Regression\par analysis & Web applications & Enterprise web applications and conventional data centre \\
Statistical & & Correlation & Complex\par enterprise online applications & Distributed\par System \\
Statistical & & Correlation & Orleans system and distributed cloud computing services & Virtualized, cloud computing and distributed system (Orleans system) \\
Statistical & & Correlation & Hadoop,\par Olio and RUBiS & Virtualized cloud computing and distributed systems. \\
ĘMachine\par learning & Supervised & Bayesian\par classification & Online\par application & IBM system S-distributed stream\par processing\par cluster \\
Machine\par learning & Unsupervised & Neighbour-based technique (Local Outlier Factor algorithm) & General & Cloud\par Computing\par system \\
Machine\par learning & Semi-supervised & Principle component analysis and Semi-supervised Decision-tree\_ & Institute-wide cloud computing environment & Cloud\par Computing \\
Statistical & & Regression curve fitting the service time-adapted cumulative distributed function & Online\par application service & Platform and configuration agnostic \\
& & & & 


Ici j'ai utilisé {\small ... } et \par, quelque part, pour éviter localement le déchirement de Word. Vous devez d'abord définir la taille de la police, comme vous le préférez, puis la largeur des cinq colonnes, puis ajuster localement si nécessaire.
