
Passer le message en boucle et mixer plus tard

Dans le blog, j'essaie d'éviter d'afficher successivement deux articles de la même catégorie. Donc, si les deux derniers articles appartiennent à la catégorie 1, je veux sauter le second, prendre l’article 3 d’abord (s’il ne fait pas partie de la catégorie 21 non plus), puis mélanger l’article ignoré avant d’afficher le numéro 4.

Donc ce que j'ai est

while (have_posts()) : the_post();

    //get category of post
    $categories = get_the_category();
    $category_id = $categories[0]->cat_ID; 

    //set flag to know, when there was a post form category 1
    if ($flag == true && ($category_id == 1)) {

        //store post to use later


    if ($category_id == 1)
        $flag = true;
        $flag = false;


Quelqu'un a une idée?


Qu'en est-il d'une approche comme celle-ci:

$first_category_args = array(
    // category id
    'cat'                 => 123,
    // get all from cat
    'posts_per_page'       => -1,
    // don't prepend sticky
    'ignore_sticky_posts' => 1,
    // only return ids
    'fields'              => 'ids'
// array of ids
$first_category_query = new WP_Query(
$first_category_ids = $first_category_query->posts;

$second_category_args = array(
    // category id
    'cat'                 => 456,
    // get all from cat
    'posts_per_page'       => -1,
    // don't prepend sticky
    'ignore_sticky_posts' => 1,
    // only return ids
    'fields'              => 'ids'
// array of ids
$second_category_query = new WP_Query(
$second_category_ids = $second_category_query->posts;

// count    
$first_category_ids_count  = count( $first_category_ids );
$second_category_ids_count = count( $second_category_ids );

// set count to the greater one    
if ( $first_category_ids_count > $second_category_ids_count ) {
    $count = $first_category_ids_count;
} else {
    $count = $second_category_ids_count;

$combined_alternating_category_ids = array();

// create combined alternating array of ids
for ( $c = 0; $c < $count; $c++ ) {
    if ( isset( $first_category_ids[ $c ] ) ) {
        $combined_alternating_category_ids[] = $first_category_ids[ $c ];
    if ( isset( $second_category_ids[ $c ] ) ) {
        $combined_alternating_category_ids[] = $second_category_ids[ $c ];

// now do a query with the combined result
$combined_category_args = array(
    // get post by created alternating ids array
    'post__in' => $combined_alternating_category_ids,
    // we're ordering by the order the ids have in the array
    'orderby'  => 'post__in'
$combined_query = new WP_Query(

// proceed with a loop
if ( $combined_query->have_posts() ) {
    while ( $combined_query->have_posts() ) {
        // show post code
} else {
    // no post code


Juste comme une idée, n'ont pas testé cela, lui a donné un test rapide, fonctionne comme prévu.

Pour modifier la requête principale, vous pouvez faire:

function wpse163419_alternate_order_array() {
    $first_category_args = array(
        // category id
        'cat'                 => 1,
        // get all from cat
        'posts_per_page'       => -1,
        // only return ids
        'fields'              => 'ids'
    // array of ids
    $first_category_query = new WP_Query(
    $first_category_ids = $first_category_query->posts;

    $second_category_args = array(
        // category id
        'cat'                 => 3,
        // get all from cat
        'posts_per_page'       => -1,
        // only return ids
        'fields'              => 'ids'
    // array of ids
    $second_category_query = new WP_Query(
    $second_category_ids = $second_category_query->posts;

    // count    
    $first_category_ids_count  = count( $first_category_ids );
    $second_category_ids_count = count( $second_category_ids );

    // set count to the greater one    
    if ( $first_category_ids_count > $second_category_ids_count ) {
        $count = $first_category_ids_count;
    } else {
        $count = $second_category_ids_count;

    $combined_alternating_category_ids = array();

    // create combined alternating array of ids
    for ( $c = 0; $c < $count; $c++ ) {
        if ( isset( $first_category_ids[ $c ] ) ) {
            $combined_alternating_category_ids[] = $first_category_ids[ $c ];
        if ( isset( $second_category_ids[ $c ] ) ) {
            $combined_alternating_category_ids[] = $second_category_ids[ $c ];

    return $combined_alternating_category_ids;

add_action( 'pre_get_posts', 'wpse163419_cat_alternate_order' );
function wpse163419_cat_alternate_order( $query ) {
    // avoid infinite loop
    remove_action( 'pre_get_posts', __FUNCTION__ );
    // get ids
    $combined_alternating_category_ids = wpse163419_alternate_order_array();
    // set query parameter
    if ( ! is_admin() && $query->is_main_query() ) {
        $query->set( 'post__in', $combined_alternating_category_ids );
        $query->set( 'orderby', 'post__in' );
        $query->set( 'posts_per_page', '-1' );

Ceci stocke une variable pour vérifier si le dernier post affiché était dans la catégorie 1. Si le prochain post est également dans la catégorie 1, il l’ajoute à un tableau de posts stockés.

Cela vous permet de stocker plusieurs messages au cas où vous auriez plusieurs messages de catégorie 1 à la suite.

Enfin, il crache toutes les publications stockées si vous avez atteint le dernier élément de la boucle.

    $prev_cat1 = '';
    $count = 0;
    $stored_posts = array();

    while (have_posts()) : the_post();

        // Starting counting posts so we know if we reach the end of the loop

        // Check if post is in category 1
        $categories = wp_get_post_categories();
        if(in_array('1', $categories)){
            $cat1 = true;
            $cat1 = false;

        //check if previous post category is the same
        if ($cat1 && $prev_cat1) {

            // Store the post ID and category in an array for later use (must use array in case there are multiple posts in a row with same category)
            $stored_posts[] = get_the_ID();


            // YOUR POST CONTENT

            // Specify whether or not this post was in category 1
            if($cat1) $prev_cat1 = true;
            else $prev_cat1 = false;


        // Check if there is a stored post AND that the previous displayed post was not in category 1
        if(!empty($stored_posts) && !$prev_cat1){

             // YOUR POST CONTENT
             // make sure to specify the post ID since you're not using the current post in the loop, eg. echo get_the_title($postID);

            // Remove that post from the stored posts array

            // Specify that last printed post was in category 1
            $prev_cat1 = true;


        // If this was the last post in the loop, just output the remaining stored posts
        if($count == sizeof($posts)){
            foreach($stored_posts as $post){

                // YOUR POST CONTENT (same note as above about specifying the post ID)


En fin de compte, j'ai fait deux requêtes, la première pour obtenir les identifiants des publications et la seconde pour restituer les publications dans le type de tri souhaité:

$flag = false;

//arguments for first query
$args = array(
        'post_type' => 'post',
        'posts_per_page' => 500,

$query = new WP_Query($args);

//make first query only to get the ids
while ($query->have_posts()) : $query->the_post();

    //get category of post
    $categories = get_the_category();
    $category_id = $categories[0]->cat_ID;          

     if (($category_id == 1)) {

        //if it is second appearence of cat1 post
        $postToSave[] = $post->ID;
        $flag = true;

    } else if ($flag == true && ($category_id != 1)) {

        //if flag is true, mixin from array
        $defaultPost[] = $post->ID;

        if (!empty($postToSave)) {
            $idSavedPosts = array_shift($postToSave);
            $defaultPost[] = $idSavedPosts;
            $flag = true;

    } else if ($flag == false && ($category_id != 1)) {

        // flag is false, just add no normal array
        $defaultPost[] = $post->ID;
        $flag = false;

        if (!empty($postToSave)) {
            $idSavedPosts = array_shift($postToSave);
            $defaultPost[] = $idSavedPosts;


et le second avec ces arguments:

$args2 = array(
        'post_type' => 'post',
        'posts_per_page' => 12,
        'paged' => ( get_query_var('paged') ? get_query_var('paged') : 1),
        'post__in' => $defaultPost,
        'orderby' =>'post__in'

Merci de votre aide! M'a amené dans la bonne direction
