
Pylint me donne "Dernière nouvelle ligne manquante"

Pylint se plaint à la dernière ligne où j'appelle la fonction "deletdcmfiles ()". Msgstr "Dernière ligne manquante". Je suis nouveau sur python et je ne sais pas ce qui déclenche cela?

Voici le code du programme:

This program will go through all Work subdirectorys in "D:\\Archvies" folder
and delete all DCM files older then three months.
import os.path
import glob
import time

#Create a list of Work directorys in Archive folder
WORKDIR = glob.glob("D:\\Archives\\ASP*\\Work*")
#Variable holds three months of time in seconds
THREEMONTHSOLD = (time.time()) - (90 * 86400)

def deletdcmfiles():
    This function will go through all Work subdirectorys in "D:\\Archvies" folder
    and delete all DCM files older then three months.
    #Variable to keep counter of deleted files
    deleted_files = 0
    #Loop through each Work subdirectory and delete all .DCM files older then 3 months
    for mydir in enumerate(WORKDIR):
        #Store all directory files in a list
        dcmfiles = glob.glob(mydir[1] + "\\" + "*.dcm")
        #Compare Modified Date of each DCM file and delete if older then 3 Months
        for file in enumerate(dcmfiles):
            if os.path.getmtime(file[1]) < THREEMONTHSOLD:
                print("Deleted " + file[1] + " " + time.ctime(os.path.getmtime(file[1])))
                deleted_files += 1
    print("Total Files Deleted :" + str(deleted_files))

#Run program
Nermin Kekic

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