
wp_editor n'ajoute pas de paragraphes bien que wpautop ait la valeur true

J'utilise le code suivant pour produire une instance wp_editor:

<?php if (version_compare($wp_version, "3.3") >= 0) { ?>
    <p><?php wp_editor(  $answer->post_content, 'answer', array( 'media_buttons' => true, 'wpautop' => true ) ); ?></p>
<?php } else { ?>
    <p><textarea name="answer" class="wp32"><?php echo esc_textarea( $answer->post_content ); ?></textarea></p>
<?php } ?>

Pourtant, pour une raison quelconque, le réponse contenu ne s'affiche pas avec des paragraphes.

Le code HTML pour le question content est:

<div id="question-content"><p>I am somehow missing it.&nbsp;&nbsp; When I go to the “Knowledge Base” and click on “Tetras”</p>
<p>I get one page of tetra descriptions starting with the “A”s.</p>
<p>How do I get to the next page????</p>

Mais le contenu HTML pour le answer est:

<div class="answer-content">
                Hi Jim,

The Tetras that you're seeing there are currently the only Tetras marked as being in that group!

Matt is working fervently to update the species database to our new website format, so at the moment, not every species is marked as being in the correct Knowledge Base groups.

Please bear with us!            </div>

EDIT: Imprimer le contenu de la réponse

    foreach ( $answers->posts as $answer ) {
        setup_postdata( $answer );
    <div id="answer-<?php echo $answer->ID; ?>" class="answer">
        <?php the_answer_voting( $answer->ID ); ?>
        <div class="answer-body">
            <div class="answer-content">
                <?php echo get_the_content(); ?>

            <div class="answer-meta">
                <?php the_qa_action_links( $answer->ID ); ?>
                <?php the_qa_author_box( $answer->ID ); ?>

Des idées?

Merci d'avance,


Utilisez the_content() not echo get_the_content();.

Comme vous pouvez le voir dans wp-includes/default-filters.php, wpautop est ajouté pour le filtre 'the_content' appelé dans the_content().
