
Comment lier un TextBlock à une ressource contenant du texte formaté?

J'ai un TextBlock dans ma fenêtre WPF.

     Some <Bold>formatted</Bold> text.

Quand il est rendu ça ressemble à ça,

Certains formatés texte.

Ma question est la suivante: puis-je lier ce "contenu" en ligne à une ressource dans mon application?

Je suis aussi loin que:

Faire une chaîne de ressource d'application,

myText="Some <Bold>formatted</Bold> text."

et le xaml suivant (Certains codes ont été omis pour des raisons de brièveté)

 <Window xmlns:props="clr-namespace:MyApp.Properties">
         <props:Resources x:Key="Resources"/>
      <TextBlock x:Name="Try1" 
          Text="{Binding Source={StaticResource Resources} Path=myText}"/>
     <TextBlock x:Name="Try2">
          <Binding Source="{StaticResource Resources}" Path="myText" />

Try1 s'affiche avec les balises en place sans effectuer de mise en forme.

Certains textes <gras> formatés <gras>.

Try2 ne compilera pas ni ne rendra pas car la ressource "myText" n'est pas de type Inline mais une chaîne.

Cette tâche apparemment simple est-elle possible et si oui, comment?


Voici mon code modifié pour le formatage récursif du texte. Il gère les caractères Gras, Italique, Souligné et LineBreak, mais peut être facilement étendu pour en supporter davantage (modifiez l'instruction switch .).

public static class MyBehavior
    public static string GetFormattedText(DependencyObject obj)
        return (string)obj.GetValue(FormattedTextProperty);

    public static void SetFormattedText(DependencyObject obj, string value)
        obj.SetValue(FormattedTextProperty, value);

    public static readonly DependencyProperty FormattedTextProperty =
        new UIPropertyMetadata("", FormattedTextChanged));

    static Inline Traverse(string value)
        // Get the sections/inlines
        string[] sections = SplitIntoSections(value);

        // Check for grouping
        if (sections.Length.Equals(1))
            string section = sections[0];
            string token; // E.g <Bold>
            int tokenStart, tokenEnd; // Where the token/section starts and ends.

            // Check for token
            if (GetTokenInfo(section, out token, out tokenStart, out tokenEnd))
                // Get the content to further examination
                string content = token.Length.Equals(tokenEnd - tokenStart) ?
                    null :
                    section.Substring(token.Length, section.Length - 1 - token.Length * 2);

                switch (token)
                    case "<Bold>":
                        return new Bold(Traverse(content));
                    case "<Italic>":
                        return new Italic(Traverse(content));
                    case "<Underline>":
                        return new Underline(Traverse(content));
                    case "<LineBreak/>":
                        return new LineBreak();
                        return new Run(section);
            else return new Run(section);
        else // Group together
            Span span = new Span();

            foreach (string section in sections)

            return span;

    /// <summary>
    /// Examines the passed string and find the first token, where it begins and where it ends.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="value">The string to examine.</param>
    /// <param name="token">The found token.</param>
    /// <param name="startIndex">Where the token begins.</param>
    /// <param name="endIndex">Where the end-token ends.</param>
    /// <returns>True if a token was found.</returns>
    static bool GetTokenInfo(string value, out string token, out int startIndex, out int endIndex)
        token = null;
        endIndex = -1;

        startIndex = value.IndexOf("<");
        int startTokenEndIndex = value.IndexOf(">");

        // No token here
        if (startIndex < 0)
            return false;

        // No token here
        if (startTokenEndIndex < 0)
            return false;

        token = value.Substring(startIndex, startTokenEndIndex - startIndex + 1);

        // Check for closed token. E.g. <LineBreak/>
        if (token.EndsWith("/>"))
            endIndex = startIndex + token.Length;
            return true;

        string endToken = token.Insert(1, "/");

        // Detect nesting;
        int nesting = 0;
        int temp_startTokenIndex = -1;
        int temp_endTokenIndex = -1;
        int pos = 0;
            temp_startTokenIndex = value.IndexOf(token, pos);
            temp_endTokenIndex = value.IndexOf(endToken, pos);

            if (temp_startTokenIndex >= 0 && temp_startTokenIndex < temp_endTokenIndex)
                pos = temp_startTokenIndex + token.Length;
            else if (temp_endTokenIndex >= 0 && nesting > 0)
                pos = temp_endTokenIndex + endToken.Length;
            else // Invalid tokenized string
                return false;

        } while (nesting > 0);

        endIndex = pos;

        return true;

    /// <summary>
    /// Splits the string into sections of tokens and regular text.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="value">The string to split.</param>
    /// <returns>An array with the sections.</returns>
    static string[] SplitIntoSections(string value)
        List<string> sections = new List<string>();

        while (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
            string token;
            int tokenStartIndex, tokenEndIndex;

            // Check if this is a token section
            if (GetTokenInfo(value, out token, out tokenStartIndex, out tokenEndIndex))
                // Add pretext if the token isn't from the start
                if (tokenStartIndex > 0)
                    sections.Add(value.Substring(0, tokenStartIndex));

                sections.Add(value.Substring(tokenStartIndex, tokenEndIndex - tokenStartIndex));
                value = value.Substring(tokenEndIndex); // Trim away
            { // No tokens, just add the text
                value = null;

        return sections.ToArray();

    private static void FormattedTextChanged(DependencyObject sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
        string value = e.NewValue as string;

        TextBlock textBlock = sender as TextBlock;

        if (textBlock != null)

Modifier: (proposé par Spook)

Une version plus courte, mais nécessite que le texte soit valide pour XML:

using System.Xml;

// (...)

public static class TextBlockHelper
    #region FormattedText Attached dependency property

    public static string GetFormattedText(DependencyObject obj)
        return (string)obj.GetValue(FormattedTextProperty);

    public static void SetFormattedText(DependencyObject obj, string value)
        obj.SetValue(FormattedTextProperty, value);

    public static readonly DependencyProperty FormattedTextProperty =
        new UIPropertyMetadata("", FormattedTextChanged));

    private static void FormattedTextChanged(DependencyObject sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
        string value = e.NewValue as string;

        TextBlock textBlock = sender as TextBlock;

        if (textBlock != null)


    static Inline Process(string value)
        XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

        Span span = new Span();
        InternalProcess(span, doc.ChildNodes[0]);

        return span;

    private static void InternalProcess(Span span, XmlNode xmlNode)
        foreach (XmlNode child in xmlNode)
            if (child is XmlText)
                span.Inlines.Add(new Run(child.InnerText));
            else if (child is XmlElement)
                switch (child.Name.ToUpper())
                    case "B":
                    case "BOLD":
                            Span boldSpan = new Span();
                            InternalProcess(boldSpan, child);
                            Bold bold = new Bold(boldSpan);
                    case "I":
                    case "ITALIC":
                            Span italicSpan = new Span();
                            InternalProcess(italicSpan, child);
                            Italic italic = new Italic(italicSpan);
                    case "U":
                    case "UNDERLINE":
                            Span underlineSpan = new Span();
                            InternalProcess(underlineSpan, child);
                            Underline underline = new Underline(underlineSpan);

Et un exemple d'utilisation:

<RootItem xmlns:u="clr-namespace:MyApp.Helpers">
    <TextBlock u:TextBlockHelper.FormattedText="{Binding SomeProperty}" />

Que diriez-vous d'utiliser un comportement attaché? Le code ci-dessous ne gère que les balises en gras. Chaque mot qui doit être en gras doit être entouré de balises en gras. Vous voudrez probablement que la classe accepte également d'autres formats. De plus, les espaces doivent être mieux gérés, la classe supprime les espaces consécutifs et ajoute un espace supplémentaire à la fin. Par conséquent, considérez la classe ci-dessous comme un code de démonstration uniquement, ce qui nécessitera un travail supplémentaire pour être utile, mais cela devrait vous aider à démarrer. 


<Window x:Class="FormatTest.Window1"
    Title="Window1" Height="300" Width="300">

    <TextBlock FormatTest:FormattedTextBehavior.FormattedText="{Binding Path=Text}" />


Code derrière:

using System;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Documents;

namespace FormatTest
    public partial class Window1 : Window
        public Window1()

            DataContext = this;

        public string Text { get { return "Some <Bold>formatted</Bold> text."; } }

    public static class FormattedTextBehavior
        public static string GetFormattedText(DependencyObject obj)
            return (string)obj.GetValue(FormattedTextProperty);

        public static void SetFormattedText(DependencyObject obj, string value)
            obj.SetValue(FormattedTextProperty, value);

        public static readonly DependencyProperty FormattedTextProperty =
                                                new UIPropertyMetadata("", FormattedTextChanged));

        private static void FormattedTextChanged(DependencyObject sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            TextBlock textBlock = sender as TextBlock;
            string value = e.NewValue as string;
            string[] tokens = value.Split(' ');
            foreach (string token in tokens)
                if (token.StartsWith("<Bold>") && token.EndsWith("</Bold>"))
                    textBlock.Inlines.Add(new Bold(new Run(token.Replace("<Bold>", "").Replace("</Bold>", "") + " ")));
                    textBlock.Inlines.Add(new Run(token + " "));


Cette ligne,

<props:Resources x:Key="Resources"/>

est une mauvaise approche pour accéder à l'espace de noms Project.Properties.Resources. Cela provoque des problèmes délicats lors de la recompilation.

Mieux vaut utiliser x:Static pour faire quelque chose comme ça,

Text="{x:Static props:Resources.SomeText}"

dans votre reliure. Merci à Ben

Ok, c'est comme ça que je l'ai fait. Ce n'est pas parfait mais ça marche.

N'oubliez pas qu'il existe une ressource de projet appelée FormattedText.


// TextBlock with a bindable InlineCollection property.

// Type is List(Inline) not InlineCollection becuase
// InlineCollection makes the IDE xaml parser complain
// presumably this is caused by an inherited attribute.

public class BindableTextBlock : TextBlock
    public static readonly DependencyProperty InlineCollectionProperty =
            new UIPropertyMetadata(OnInlineCollectionChanged));

    private static void OnInlineCollectionChanged(DependencyObject sender,
        DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
        BinableTextBlock instance = sender as BindableTextBlock;

        if (instance != null)
            List<Inline> newText = e.NewValue as List<Inline>;
            if (newText != null)
                // Clear the underlying Inlines property
                // Add the passed List<Inline> to the real Inlines

    public List<Inline> InlineCollection
            return (List<Inline>)GetValue(InlineCollectionProperty);
            SetValue(InlineCollectionProperty, value);

// Convertor between a string of xaml with implied run elements
// and a generic list of inlines

[ValueConversion(typeof(string), typeof(List<Inline>))]
public class StringInlineCollectionConvertor : IValueConverter
    public object Convert(object value, 
        Type targetType, 
        object parameter, 
        System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
        string text = value as String;

        // a surrogate TextBlock to Host an InlineCollection
        TextBlock results = new TextBlock();

        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
            //Arbritary literal acting as a replace token, 
            //must not exist in the empty xaml definition.
            const string Replace = "xxx";

            // add a dummy run element and replace it with the text
            results.Inlines.Add(new Run(Replace));
            string resultsXaml = XamlWriter.Save(results);
            string resultsXamlWithText = resultsXaml.Replace(Replace, text);

            // deserialise the xaml back into our TextBlock
            results = XamlReader.Parse(resultsXamlWithText) as TextBlock;
        return results.Inlines.ToList<Inline>();

    // Not clear when this will be called but included for completeness

    public object ConvertBack(
        object value, 
        Type targetType, 
        object parameter, 
        System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
        String results = String.Empty;

        InlineCollection inlines = value as InlineCollection;
        if (inlines != null)
            //read the xaml as xml and return the "content"
            var reader = 
            results = reader.ReadInnerXml();
        return results;


        <props:Resources x:Key="Resources"/>
        <local:StringInlineCollectionConvertor x:Key="InlineConvert"/>
    <local:BindableTextBlock InlineCollection="
        {Binding Source={StaticResource Resources}, 
        Converter={StaticResource InlineConvert}}"/>

J'ai fait 2 cours. Un TextBlock sous-classé avec un InlineCollection "bindable" et un IValueConverter pour convertir la collection de et vers une chaîne.

L'utilisation d'InlineCollection directement en tant que type de propriété a provoqué une plainte de VS2010, même si le code fonctionnait toujours correctement. J'ai changé pour une liste générique d'Inlines. Je suppose qu’il existe un attribut hérité indiquant à VS que InlineCollection n’a pas de constructeur.

J'ai essayé de faire de la propriété InlineCollection le ContentProperty de BindableTextBlock, mais j'ai rencontré des problèmes et pris du temps. S'il vous plaît, n'hésitez pas à passer à l'étape suivante et à m'en parler.

Je m'excuse pour toute erreur, mais ce code a dû être transcrit et assaini.

S'il y a une meilleure façon de le faire, il y en a sûrement une, merci de me le dire aussi. Ne serait-ce pas agréable si cette fonctionnalité était intégrée ou est-ce que j'ai oublié quelque chose?


J'ai fini par avoir besoin de faire cela dans mon application et je devais prendre en charge la plupart des balises possibles normalement dans les lignes TextBlock, alors j'ai pris la réponse de Wallstreet Programmer ci-dessus (ce qui fonctionne à merveille et est beaucoup moins compliqué que la plupart des réponses que j'ai trouvées sur ce sujet) et étendu sur elle. Je pense que quelqu'un d'autre pourrait trouver cela utile.

Je n'ai pas encore testé cela à fond avec TOUTES les balises, mais chacune de celles que j'ai testées a fonctionné à merveille. Je soupçonne également que ce n'est pas le code le plus rapide au monde, mais mes propres tests avec plusieurs milliers de messages formatés dans un ListView semblaient étonnamment zippés. YMMV. Le code est ci-dessous:


<Window x:Class="FormatTest.Window1"
    Title="Window1" Height="300" Width="300">

    <TextBlock FormatTest:FormattedTextBehavior.FormattedText="{Binding Path=Text}" />


C #

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Documents;
using System.Windows.Media;

namespace FormatTest

public static class FormattedTextBehavior
    public class TextPart
        public String mType = String.Empty;
        public Inline mInline = null;
        public InlineCollection mChildren = null;

        public TextPart() {}
        public TextPart(String t, Inline inline, InlineCollection col)
            mType = t;
            mInline = inline;
            mChildren = col;

    private static Regex mRegex = new Regex(@"<(?<Span>/?[^>]*)>", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
    private static Regex mSpanRegex = new Regex("(?<Key>[^\\s=]+)=\"(?<Val>[^\\s\"]*)\"", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

    public static string GetFormattedText(DependencyObject obj)
        return (string)obj.GetValue(FormattedTextProperty);

    public static void SetFormattedText(DependencyObject obj, string value)
        obj.SetValue(FormattedTextProperty, value);

    public static readonly DependencyProperty FormattedTextProperty =
                                            new UIPropertyMetadata("", FormattedTextChanged));

    private static void FormattedTextChanged(DependencyObject sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
        TextBlock textBlock = sender as TextBlock;
        FormatText(e.NewValue as string, new TextPart("TextBlock", null, textBlock.Inlines));

    public static void FormatText(String s, TextPart root)
        int len = s.Length;
        int lastIdx = 0;
        List<TextPart> parts = new List<TextPart>();
        Match m = mRegex.Match(s);
        while (m.Success)
            String tag = m.Result("${Span}");
            if (tag.StartsWith("/"))
                String prevStr = s.Substring(lastIdx, m.Index - lastIdx);
                TextPart part = parts.Last();
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(prevStr))
                    if (part.mChildren != null)
                        part.mChildren.Add(new Run(prevStr));
                    else if (part.mInline is Run)
                        (part.mInline as Run).Text = prevStr;
                if (!tag.Substring(1).Equals(part.mType, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    Logger.LogD("Mismatched End Tag '" + tag.Substring(1) + "' (expected </" + part.mType + ">) at position " + m.Index.ToString() + " in String '" + s + "'");
                if (parts.Count > 1)
                    parts.RemoveAt(parts.Count - 1);
                    TextPart parentPart = parts.Last();
                    if (parentPart.mChildren != null)
                TextPart prevPart = parts.Last();
                String prevStr = s.Substring(lastIdx, m.Index - lastIdx);
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(prevStr))
                    if (prevPart.mChildren != null)
                        prevPart.mChildren.Add(new Run(prevStr));
                    else if (prevPart.mInline is Run)
                        (prevPart.mInline as Run).Text = prevStr;

                bool hasAttributes = false;
                TextPart part = new TextPart();
                if (tag.StartsWith("bold", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    part.mType = "BOLD";
                    part.mInline = new Bold();
                    part.mChildren = (part.mInline as Bold).Inlines;
                else if (tag.StartsWith("underline", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    part.mType = "UNDERLINE";
                    part.mInline = new Underline();
                    part.mChildren = (part.mInline as Underline).Inlines;
                else if (tag.StartsWith("italic", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    part.mType = "ITALIC";
                    part.mInline = new Italic();
                    part.mChildren = (part.mInline as Italic).Inlines;
                else if (tag.StartsWith("linebreak", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    part.mType = "LINEBREAK";
                    part.mInline = new LineBreak();
                else if (tag.StartsWith("span", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    hasAttributes = true;
                    part.mType = "SPAN";
                    part.mInline = new Span();
                    part.mChildren = (part.mInline as Span).Inlines;
                else if (tag.StartsWith("run", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    hasAttributes = true;
                    part.mType = "RUN";
                    part.mInline = new Run();
                else if (tag.StartsWith("hyperlink", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    hasAttributes = true;
                    part.mType = "HYPERLINK";
                    part.mInline = new Hyperlink();
                    part.mChildren = (part.mInline as Hyperlink).Inlines;

                if (hasAttributes && part.mInline != null)
                    Match m2 = mSpanRegex.Match(tag);
                    while (m2.Success)
                        String key = m2.Result("${Key}");
                        String val = m2.Result("${Val}");
                        if (key.Equals("FontWeight", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                            FontWeight fw = FontWeights.Normal;
                                fw = (FontWeight)new FontWeightConverter().ConvertFromString(val);
                            catch (Exception)
                                fw = FontWeights.Normal;
                            part.mInline.FontWeight = fw;
                        else if (key.Equals("FontSize", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                            double fs = part.mInline.FontSize;
                            if (Double.TryParse(val, out fs))
                                part.mInline.FontSize = fs;
                        else if (key.Equals("FontStretch", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                            FontStretch fs = FontStretches.Normal;
                                fs = (FontStretch)new FontStretchConverter().ConvertFromString(val);
                            catch (Exception)
                                fs = FontStretches.Normal;
                            part.mInline.FontStretch = fs;
                        else if (key.Equals("FontStyle", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                            FontStyle fs = FontStyles.Normal;
                                fs = (FontStyle)new FontStyleConverter().ConvertFromString(val);
                            catch (Exception)
                                fs = FontStyles.Normal;
                            part.mInline.FontStyle = fs;
                        else if (key.Equals("FontFamily", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(val))
                                FontFamily ff = new FontFamily(val);
                                if (Fonts.SystemFontFamilies.Contains(ff))
                                    part.mInline.FontFamily = ff;
                        else if (key.Equals("Background", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                            Brush b = part.mInline.Background;
                                b = (Brush)new BrushConverter().ConvertFromString(val);
                            catch (Exception)
                                b = part.mInline.Background;
                            part.mInline.Background = b;
                        else if (key.Equals("Foreground", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                            Brush b = part.mInline.Foreground;
                                b = (Brush)new BrushConverter().ConvertFromString(val);
                            catch (Exception)
                                b = part.mInline.Foreground;
                            part.mInline.Foreground = b;
                        else if (key.Equals("ToolTip", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                            part.mInline.ToolTip = val;
                        else if (key.Equals("Text", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) && part.mInline is Run)
                            (part.mInline as Run).Text = val;
                        else if (key.Equals("NavigateUri", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) && part.mInline is Hyperlink)
                            (part.mInline as Hyperlink).NavigateUri = new Uri(val);
                        m2 = m2.NextMatch();

                if (part.mInline != null)
                    if (tag.TrimEnd().EndsWith("/"))
                        if (prevPart.mChildren != null)
            lastIdx = m.Index + m.Length;
            m = m.NextMatch();
        if (lastIdx < (len - 1))
            root.mChildren.Add(new Run(s.Substring(lastIdx)));


Le même que j'ai mis en œuvre en utilisant Behavior. Code donné ci-dessous:

public class FormatTextBlock : Behavior<System.Windows.Controls.TextBlock>
    public static readonly DependencyProperty FormattedTextProperty = 
            new PropertyMetadata(string.Empty, OnFormattedTextChanged));

    public string FormattedText
        get { return (string)AssociatedObject.GetValue(FormattedTextProperty); }
        set { AssociatedObject.SetValue(FormattedTextProperty, value); }

    private static void OnFormattedTextChanged(DependencyObject textBlock, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs eventArgs)
        System.Windows.Controls.TextBlock currentTxtBlock = (textBlock as FormatTextBlock).AssociatedObject;

        string text = eventArgs.NewValue as string;

        if (currentTxtBlock != null)

            string[] strs = text.Split(new string[] { "<Bold>", "</Bold>" }, StringSplitOptions.None);

            for (int i = 0; i < strs.Length; i++)
                currentTxtBlock.Inlines.Add(new Run { Text = strs[i], FontWeight = i % 2 == 1 ? FontWeights.Bold : FontWeights.Normal });

XAML - importer un espace de noms

<UserControl x:Class="MyClass"

Ensuite, pour utiliser le comportement comme:

    <TextBlock TextWrapping="Wrap">
            <behav:FormatTextBlock FormattedText="{Binding Path=UIMessage}" />
Malu MN

Ce travail pour moi:


<phone:PhoneApplicationPage x:Class="MyAPP.Views.Class"

et votre TextBlock XAML:

<TextBlock utils:TextBlockHelper.FormattedText="{Binding Text}" />


public static class TextBlockHelper
    public static string GetFormattedText(DependencyObject textBlock)
        return (string)textBlock.GetValue(FormattedTextProperty); 

    public static void SetFormattedText(DependencyObject textBlock, string value)
        textBlock.SetValue(FormattedTextProperty, value); 

    public static readonly DependencyProperty FormattedTextProperty =
        DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("FormattedText", typeof(string), typeof(TextBlock),
        new PropertyMetadata(string.Empty, (sender, e) =>
            string text = e.NewValue as string;
            var textB1 = sender as TextBlock;
            if (textB1 != null)
                var str = text.Split(new string[] { "<b>", "</b>" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
                for (int i = 0; i < str.Length; i++)
                    textB1.Inlines.Add(new Run { Text = str[i], FontWeight = i % 2 == 1 ? FontWeights.Bold : FontWeights.Normal });


USE dans votre liaison de chaîne:

String Text = Text <b>Bold</b>;

J'ai ajouté un lien hypertexte et un support d'image à Vincents solution:

public static class FormattedTextBlock
    public static string GetFormattedText(DependencyObject obj)
        return (string)obj.GetValue(FormattedTextProperty);

    public static void SetFormattedText(DependencyObject obj, string value)
        obj.SetValue(FormattedTextProperty, value);

    public static readonly DependencyProperty FormattedTextProperty =
        new UIPropertyMetadata("", FormattedTextChanged));

    static Inline Traverse(string value)
        // Get the sections/inlines
        string[] sections = SplitIntoSections(value);

        // Check for grouping
            string section = sections[0];
            string token; // E.g <Bold>
            int tokenStart, tokenEnd; // Where the token/section starts and ends.

            // Check for token
            if(GetTokenInfo(section, out token, out tokenStart, out tokenEnd))
                // Get the content to further examination
                string content = token.Length.Equals(tokenEnd - tokenStart) ?
                    null :
                    section.Substring(token.Length, section.Length - 1 - token.Length * 2);

                    case "<B>":
                    case "<BOLD>":
                        /* <b>Bold text</b> */
                        return new Bold(Traverse(content));
                    case "<I>":
                    case "<ITALIC>":
                        /* <i>Italic text</i> */
                        return new Italic(Traverse(content));
                    case "<U>":
                    case "<UNDERLINE>":
                        /* <u>Underlined text</u> */
                        return new Underline(Traverse(content));
                    case "<BR>":
                    case "<BR/>":
                    case "<LINEBREAK/>":
                        /* Line 1<br/>line 2 */
                        return new LineBreak();
                    case "<A>":
                    case "<LINK>":
                        /* <a>{http://www.google.de}Google</a> */
                        var start = content.IndexOf("{");
                        var end = content.IndexOf("}");
                        var url = content.Substring(start + 1, end - 1);
                        var text = content.Substring(end + 1);
                        var link = new Hyperlink();
                        link.NavigateUri = new System.Uri(url);
                        link.RequestNavigate += Hyperlink_RequestNavigate;
                        return link;
                    case "<IMG>":
                    case "<IMAGE>":
                        /* <image>pack://application:,,,/ProjectName;component/directory1/directory2/image.png</image> */
                        var image = new Image();
                        var bitmap = new BitmapImage(new Uri(content));
                        image.Source = bitmap;
                        image.Width = bitmap.Width;
                        image.Height = bitmap.Height;
                        var container = new InlineUIContainer();
                        container.Child = image;
                        return container;
                        return new Run(section);
            else return new Run(section);
        else // Group together
            Span span = new Span();

            foreach(string section in sections)

            return span;

    static void Hyperlink_RequestNavigate(object sender, RequestNavigateEventArgs e)

    /// <summary>
    /// Examines the passed string and find the first token, where it begins and where it ends.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="value">The string to examine.</param>
    /// <param name="token">The found token.</param>
    /// <param name="startIndex">Where the token begins.</param>
    /// <param name="endIndex">Where the end-token ends.</param>
    /// <returns>True if a token was found.</returns>
    static bool GetTokenInfo(string value, out string token, out int startIndex, out int endIndex)
        token = null;
        endIndex = -1;

        startIndex = value.IndexOf("<");
        int startTokenEndIndex = value.IndexOf(">");

        // No token here
        if(startIndex < 0)
            return false;

        // No token here
        if(startTokenEndIndex < 0)
            return false;

        token = value.Substring(startIndex, startTokenEndIndex - startIndex + 1);

        // Check for closed token. E.g. <LineBreak/>
            endIndex = startIndex + token.Length;
            return true;

        string endToken = token.Insert(1, "/");

        // Detect nesting;
        int nesting = 0;
        int temp_startTokenIndex = -1;
        int temp_endTokenIndex = -1;
        int pos = 0;
            temp_startTokenIndex = value.IndexOf(token, pos);
            temp_endTokenIndex = value.IndexOf(endToken, pos);

            if(temp_startTokenIndex >= 0 && temp_startTokenIndex < temp_endTokenIndex)
                pos = temp_startTokenIndex + token.Length;
            else if(temp_endTokenIndex >= 0 && nesting > 0)
                pos = temp_endTokenIndex + endToken.Length;
            else // Invalid tokenized string
                return false;

        } while(nesting > 0);

        endIndex = pos;

        return true;

    /// <summary>
    /// Splits the string into sections of tokens and regular text.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="value">The string to split.</param>
    /// <returns>An array with the sections.</returns>
    static string[] SplitIntoSections(string value)
        List<string> sections = new List<string>();

            string token;
            int tokenStartIndex, tokenEndIndex;

            // Check if this is a token section
            if(GetTokenInfo(value, out token, out tokenStartIndex, out tokenEndIndex))
                // Add pretext if the token isn't from the start
                if(tokenStartIndex > 0)
                    sections.Add(value.Substring(0, tokenStartIndex));

                sections.Add(value.Substring(tokenStartIndex, tokenEndIndex - tokenStartIndex));
                value = value.Substring(tokenEndIndex); // Trim away
            { // No tokens, just add the text
                value = null;

        return sections.ToArray();

    private static void FormattedTextChanged(DependencyObject sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
        string value = e.NewValue as string;

        TextBlock textBlock = sender as TextBlock;

        if(textBlock != null)

Merci Vincent pour le super modèle, ça marche à merveille!
